Forum Replies Created
Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom
She is so cute! I love to hear baby laughing.
I’ve got a blog on myspace where I pretty much posted the same stuff that I posted on here. I know that everyone who surfs the net can read my posts but I didn’t post anything that I don’t mind just anyone reading. I also posted about my husbands transplant on the mustang board I visit (I know some of the people there in rl) and I posted on my everquest quild forum. I used to post every day on the mustang forum but since I no longer have the extra money to modify my car I find it kind of depressing to go there so I just wanted to update some of the guys there what was going on with my and why I wasn’t around anymore. As for the everquest guild I’ve been playing with them for over two years so we are all kind of buddy buddy and they know Danny (Kraven) so I figured they should know what was going on with him and why he was never on. We were both officers of the guild and it was pretty active so I didn’t want them to think we just dropped off the face of the planet. I wouldn’t post anything on here that I didn’t want joe public reading. If a non forum member came on here, read my story and got inspiration/knowledge from it then that makes me happy. Also the only reason I posted the pictures was because Danny told me to (well he told me to post them on the cf boards but I figured he wouldn’t mind if I did it here too). I was just so proud of him for what he went through and wanted to share. The whole thing was just amazing to see and I figured if I found fascinating maybe someone else would too. Also like frozen I don’t always post on everyone elses threads because 1) I am no good with words and even in rl when someone has a problem I don’t know what to say and 2) usually someone else has said what I’m thinking so I don’t want to post the same thing twice.
I know I’ve posted alot of my personal stuff on here not thinking that someone could take it as whining. I had alot of stuff going on last year with my husbands illness and being pregnant (and the mom drama). I have zero friends in rl and I talk to you guys on here more then anyone else (except hubby). When he was waiting for his transplant I was an emotional disaster. I really needed someone to talk to because I just couldn’t handle what was going on. If it wasn’t for you guys I honestly don’t think I could have gotten through it all. I hope that no one took my posts as a plea for attention, I posted them because I needed some emotional support and you guys are so great for that. I’m trying to think of how to put my thoughts to words but its late and my brain isn’t working lol. When I post on here I post as if I’m talking to a friend so I kind of tell you guys everything. If you ever think I’m posting too much stuff or think I’m getting whiney someone please tell me because it is not my intention at all. I was floored when you guys sent me the black gold curlie after my husbands transplant and then the baby clothes and bear for Alyssa. I just don’t want anyone to think I post about my life events with the hopes of getting something in return (well besides friendship and support). I don’t think this is coming out right and blah I can’t think so I’m just gonna stop typing till I can put my words to keyboard better 😕
Didn’t Melody say she had a myspace once? Everyone on here should get a myspace account, I need more friends lol.
I don’t know I guess I just never understood the whole “I need a boy thing” that some men seem to go through. My sister in laws husband wouldn’t speak to her when they found out they were having a girl. He even went home and had a temper tantrum and trashed the house over it. I just don’t understand 😕 I’ll have to check out the pics on myspace. For some reason its being a tool and not let me see anyones pictures.
I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty. Its sooo not easy knowing that you have to put them down. I had an iguana that had renal failure because his first owners gave him dog food instead of the veggies he needed. I didn’t want to do it but he lapsed into a coma and would just lay there. I had hoped he would pass on his own but after three days of him just laying there I finally called the vet and had him put to sleep. If you know they are suffering its just not right to let it continue. Know that you are doing the right thing even though its so very hard to do.
I was at work yesterday working my first day in (7am to 5pm). We had a last minute call at 4pm for a lady who fell three weeks ago and her leg is still swollen. The closest hospital to where we were was on yellow alert which means they er is overcrowded and they ask us not to bring anyone unless its serious. Seeing how this lady was not serious (and needs to follow up with her primary care doctor and not an ambulance :cough: :cough:) we took her to the next hospital that was clear of alert.
We got to the hospital sometime between 4:30 and 5pm. Now I hate this hospital we went to. Its in the city, everyone is rude and its a nasty nasty mess. Anytime I take someone there on a backboard (since they are a trauma center) I never EVER get my backboards back since they just pile them up in a corner all bloody and full of every body fluid known to man (state law says they have to clean them off before they give them back but they never do). Anyway when we arrive there are three city medics infront of us. The charger nurse who is a royal b just looks at us and says “your going to be here awhile”. So I’m like great and give the paramedic I’m working with the evil eye (my normal partner is still off with his infected arm) since its all her fault we went to this dive of a hospital.
After sitting for an hour and not hearing anything from the charger nurse we ask her when we are going to get a bed for our patient who is now starting to get pissed. She tells us in half an hour. Soooo we wait half and hour, no bed, ask her again and get the same reply. We waited so long I called the captain from the next shift (my shift was long gone for the day) and begged him to send our relief in the brush truck because it looked like we would be stuck in the hospital all night and I wanted to go home. So I didn’t get off of work until 7:30pm and the medic was STILL at the hospital when I finally did get off. The only reason the charge nurse made us wait was because the city medic units put the er on bypass so no one could go there. She gave all the other medic units a bed but left us sit in the hallway because she knew as soon as we cleared we would take them off of reroute and that would mean more patients coming through the door. It was just so stupid! I hope to the gods that one day she will have to be taken by medic to a hospital and they make her sit in the hall because they want to stay on reroute. /end rant
I never understood why guys always want little boys. I guess I’m lucky Danny didn’t care so long as they were healthy. I love little girls though, congrats 😀
How about a spirit dragon? I think that could be a neat color scheme to paint too.
I was gonna say they would have been a little black and white foot ball sailing through the air if it was me.
One of these myspace threads needs to be sticked. I have alot of you as friends on my myspace and I can’t tie your myspace name to your windstone name 🙁 If this is sticked at the top then at least I can look back and go “oh yeah so thats who that is”
You should have laid into that woman! What if they attack some little kid who is just walking through the area? I can’t stand it when people can’t control their animals and think its ok to just let them do whatever they want.
My husband has MRSA but its in his sinus and its colonized so its different then what my partner has. His started out as a red pimple looking thing on his arm. Overnight his whole arm swelled and looked like celulitis so I was convinced it was a bug bite that inflamed the tissue in his arm. They still are not sure if its MRSA or not but from what he said it was very painful. I know our last night in every time I would hit a bump in the road driving the medic he would wince or say something. I told him to stop being such a sissy.
I just talked to my partner today, he’s still in the hospital (I knew he would be). I’m going to visit him tomorrow and bring him my psp to use. He is bored and wants to leave already. They might keep him till they find out what kind of infection he has in his arm which will take a few days. He says he doesn’t see any improvement in his arm which I think has him a little down in the dumps. I told him he needs to give the antibiotics time to work since its only been one day.