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That helps a bit and was very intersting despite the names being wack and that he gets to break his own rules by hoarding as many eggs or hatchers as he wants whereas we only get to have 4 eggs on one computer at a time.
Im just wondering that if I grabbed an egg with a certain description already and seen how it grew up and into what kind of dragon, then would the next time I see that same description when first taking an egg, does that mean it will be the same dragon.
For example~ my latest adult which I retired from my signature was a blue egg that had a description that it was sitting on a small puddle. I found it was a blue egg and it grew into my adult blue dragon.
Does that mean ANY description that says “this egg is sitting on a small puddle” will be that same version of dragon?
I have a question for those very familiar with Dragon Cave.
When you first go in to steal and egg and get the little description below the dark gray egg with question mark on it, based on the description such as “this egg has an orange aura radiating from it,”- does that mean if Ive grabbed an orange with that description before, that it will grow into the same orange dragon?
Does that make sense? Does anyone know how many colors or descriptions or dragons breeds there really are on this site? Has anyone collected them all yet?
My question are based in that I dont want to double up on dragons I already have. I want different ones. Hence the reason Im not big into breeding because if the egg has a 50-50 of being one of the parents, well, I already have that dragon, yanno?
Thank you Godfather for adding my new adult water dragon! He is a male and his name is Loch (as in Loch Ness). But I also named him Loch cause I like John Locke on LOST (TV)… but mainly cause of the Loch in Scotland which Im sure many will read as LoCH (with the CH like CHain).
Im going to retire him from my signature and only keep eggs and hatchers that need clicks. I do that as soon as I see that the Godfather has added them to an immortal page such as this. 😀
See and Im really ticked cause I was told there wouldnt be anymore Curls till AFTER they were settled with the move. Had I known different, Id seriously have canceled my medical treatments yesterday, bit the bullet and monitored the store. Im very saddened that the Lavenders even lingered into Saturday and no one had my back. Many werent around but I know some were so Im very sad cause Ive never missed 2 batches and have always been able to get others extras.
NM- taken care of!!! 😛
Ive never missed 2 batches of curls. I was in treatment all day yesterday and should have known thats when theyd reappear even though I was told there wouldnt be anymore till after the factory was settled.
Did anyone happen to get any extras this time around? I appreciate those that tried to contact me while they were still in store, but again, I was in treatment. Would have much rather have been here to grab a couple for me and you guys.
Im really frustrated (for more than just this) and my weekend is now shot knowing I missed these curls again. Dramatic- whatever but Im just not telling you guys everything in life. I look forward to the Windstones I want coming out cause they truly do cheer me up. Im just infuriated that I missed these curls yet again.
Im ALWAYS excited to see anything purple because it’s my favorite color. I WISH Windstone would do more variations on purple like they do with some of their greens and reds. Consider Emerald, EmPea, Intense EmPea, Old Green, actual dark Jade and accidental jades; Ruby, Red Flame, Russet and dare I add VF to that because for me it has way more Flame than Violet- I can hardly tell it from my Russet.
Id love for them to really crank out some attainable (non-ebay) purple scheme pieces- and I’ll go further to say… not just on dragons!
^^^ I agree with you. Im not a fan of pink either however, I think a very limited amount of sculpts would look good in it. Ive always said the Coiled Mamas would look stunning. Id accept but not buy a Fledge (not after that sculpt). And I say (because Im a child of the 80s when I was a teen and light grey and pinks were a color combo trend then), that a Pink Lap would be a nice companion for the Silver OW.
I know others want larger sculpts in pink but for some reason, I just cant wrap my mind around that color dragon, that large. Just a preference thing. But then I dont have to buy them so, whatever is convevnient for Windstone to do…
I actually use to have a lot more; they got sold for a specific reason and then I came here and got re-addicted. I had kept certain pieces (or my family did) but since Ive been here, my collection total has risen to over 80. Before the end of this year, Im sure I’ll break 100… bad choice of words… Im sure I’ll exceed 100… better 😮 😆