Forum Replies Created
Unless Im hallucinating (entirely possible), the PYOs have both fore arms curled up and the Youngs have their right arm down while holding up their left.
Dracomancer wrote:ok am i the only one that finds the fact that they have butt cracks to be amusing?
Nope! I laugh each time I see a booty angle shot. They are too cute. The one she posted here is perfect for that!
Melody wrote:Do ferrets sit on their hind legs up like weasels do? I’ve never seen one do that.
Ive seen a few do that several times. My friend’s ferret, Sydney, he sits up all the time. And, when I was a vet tech, we had a handful of owners that would bring theirs in for annual check ups, etc (1 Im thinking of in particular was staying overnight for a surgery). Doing rounds, they would almost prop themselves up like Meerkats. The one in for surgery I remember well because as he was sitting on the table and I was fixing the lamp over head, he sat up on his hinds and held that position as if sunning himself. When my hand came down, he remained sitting up. I went to give him a treat and he clamped down on that fleshy area between your thumb and index finger :0 ! Dog bites hurt less! But he was a sweetie otherwise and this was an isolated incident.
But to answer you question, I dont know if it’s a rule of the species but yes, Ive seen them “sit pretty” or sit up on their haunches both down on their butts and fully raised & extended.
Well, I just learned I stink at blending! Took forever to get the muzzle even close to something decent. And the socks- meh- I painted them over to solid because the blending was impossible for me to get to look of whatsoever.
So, any body’s blending tricks are welcome if youd like to share!
Straw please!
OK, so even if some of you followed my request in the fine print, at least I dont feel alone or crazy; well, no more than usual! I cant escape my work deadlines at the moment and then I have other things I need to get together too but I need to find down time to do what Ive been chomping at the bit to do (PYO). I had taken the first step and went to the craft store and bought just what I needed. Always had the brushes. And today I even cleaned up an entire table for where I’ll be working. So, Im inching there but my personality usually likes to gallop there! And Im so pathetic since it’s 99% a solid color! Urgh! Im such a dork!
Thats it dagnabit! Im a night owl so it’s night right now. Im going to put the camera down & forego the photo shoots tonight and do something- no matter how small, with that little PYO. I dont want to get it into my head that they be my nemesis. I have ideas (big ideas WAY much harder than this solid colored baby) for others so I better conquer this fear before it grabs any more of a foot hold. Thanks for sharing and the support you lent by doing so (even the big bad professional Windstone painter had reservations! Ive seen your gallery and gulp at the fact someone like YOU could ever be nervous)! 😉
Is it just me, or has anyone else ever experienced initial apprehension towards her first PYO? I have the sweetie sitting here and I know exactly what I want to do with her. And, whats even more sad or embarassing (havent decided!), she’s going to be predominately one color with very, very little blending. Yet Im still such a chicken about it!
Anyone else ever just sit on go during their first PYO? No one likes to feel alone so Im hoping some of you admit it! Lie to me if you have too!
Welcome home! I hope your trip was a fruitful one. Im sure there are other responses regarding your travel specifics in other threads so I’ll seek them out soon enough. Just welcoming you back!
WindstoneCollector wrote:I already peeled the old paint off my old mother.
As the page opened, this was the first thing I read which was out of context for the moment. I had to laugh and realize where I was because if you read that on any other board, 😯 Gave me a good laugh I needed 😆 Yea, Im sarcastic- thats just me 😉
emerald212 wrote:To send an invoice, just go to PayPal and login. At the top there are a number of tabs. One is labeled “Request Money.” Click this. It will give you a page with spaces to fill in. Do this. Then click “Submit” (I think) at the bottom of the page. You have to verify on the next page and okay it again, but it will send the recipient an invoice that they can pay you through. This is what I use for invoices. It works great.
Let me know if you still want a Grand Unicorn.
Thank you for that info!!! Two forum members took the plunge with me today without the invoices but through our communications, I think we have established trust. Technically, Id be on the danger end because they would get their items and it would be me that cant get money through PP! But it all seems to be working fine. For the future however, I’ll have to remember your directions for the invoice. That helps a lot.
One question though: to “request money” from someone, I would need their email addy that is tied to PayPal in order to even send the invoice, right? Or at least an email alone is necessary… obviously (der on my part 🙄 )
As for the Grand Unicorn- yes I still want it but cant do it right now.
Good grief?!?! 😯 is that a Grand Unicorn I spy in the background of that last photo? 😯
::Salivates with envy::
Edit- no longer applicable
According to PayPal, my account is now back to working. I wasnt able to offer it as payment option before because I was waiting on my bank statement which had a code in it that, for security purposes and my protection, I needed to plug into my PayPal account to re-activate it after their server swallowed it. But Im assured all is working well now.
Ive never received money with PayPal; Ive only ever paid with it. So it will be new for me the first time through, when someone decides to use the PayPal option. Bear with me and give me as much advice as you can so I can give you as good a service as possible (I sound like a store; Im not)!
I know one of my buyers here had a query about “invoice.” Since Ive never received I dont know what that entails but am 150% will to do whatever I need to in order for your transaction to go off without a hitch. Anyone with any knowledge or advice, please post here regarding that, or PM or email me.
Thanks and dont forget, unless otherwise stated, these babies are still up for SALE! This same post will be made in my other sale thread as well. For those of you that showed interest in the pieces, I KNOW I PMed you back but have never heard back from you guys since (tho youre around). Please dont worry about sending me another PM if you feel I missed your PM (perhaps you missed my response to you but who knows. I guess Im not PMing again because I dont want to appear pushy).
That said… my peacock MALE DRAGON is still up for offers! (as is the OWL Candlelamp which someone was interested in but I didnt hear back from ya; and same thing with the CAT WIZARD Electric Lamp– didnt hear back from you either). Just a reminder.
Chessapeaka wrote:ruffian wrote:so Chessie when is your moms birthday?
The 26th of March, six days after my brother’s birthday. My dad’s is June 10th, three days after mine. We have weird birthdays.
And my mom and I are both year of the horse. YAY!
I think you have Chessapeaka under March 26 in the Master List. I think she was saying that is mom’s birthday. If I understand the rest of the post (someone double check me), Chessie must be June 7… right?Blackdesertwind wrote:I just added you, please verify.
And I aggree, it is addictive! 🙄Okay, I AM going to have to read through the whole thread because I dont know what to “verify.” Or where. I thought this was just a list of forum members birthdays… is this a game I just walked into?
I need to do research before hit SEND but I guess I was just too excited 🙄 😕
EDIT: yea, yea… I verified and it’s right. Im a bit slow these days 😛