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Adaneth wrote:
If you do happen to spot a pearl crouching griffin chick for sale, I am interested in that.
Thanks so much for your very kind offer! 😀
There was one on eBay last month and I remember someone here wanted it but must have found it else where. So, it is possible to find those. Im keeping track and if I have any luck, you guys will know in PMs.Yeah, my Diabetes is what makes me so sweet 😈 over production of insulin, etc! Seriously, if you knew me IRL, this is just how I am. Being bed ridden a lot of the time gives me more time to surf and do research than it does for others. Luckily I can do part of my work from bed too. The other half I just have to grin and bear it even if Im dead on my feet and keeling over (which I do).
It’s no trouble and my pleasure. Youve all been so nice to me, so…
pegasi1978 wrote:or was extremely limited in production (Black Grand Unicorn).
Forget the squeek… I SQUAWK for that! 😆 ::scampers away from Melody’ wielding a sculpt!::
pegasi1978 wrote:The only other piece I’ll be looking to get sometime in the near future is a White Father/Male Unicorn which I can get from my local dealer.
As soon as I get my black male unicorn from someone (it’s coming), my White Male Unicorn will be up for sale. 98% positive of that. But yea, you can get it at most stores and certainly on eBay.
I search out Windstones a lot, mostly just to look to see who has what even though for the most part, I cant afford to buy. But now and then I come across sites or stores that have pieces that Ive seen mentioned here as wanted. But I cant always remember who wants what.
What Id like you guys to do is come in here and list what pieces you are most looking for- specifically retired pieces but you can add in pieces still in production but hard to find. If you’re so inclined, add a price at which you’d be able to pay for your retired wish list pieces (but thats not totally necessary).
I will come back to this thread and check it often (printing it out after a week, or each week if there are new posts). If I come across coveted pieces (which has already happened as some of you know), I’ll PM you telling you where your desired piece is. Could be a store, an online store, eBay or a hidden eBay auction, a friend thats selling, a yard sale or estate sale. There is NO catch. Im just trying to help. Hopefully I can be useful and make some matches for you guys.
Arlla wrote:WOW!! 0_0
Do you know what color the flap cats were??
Both flap cats are gone (blk griffins too- as if we didnt already know this). They were both Siamese.skigod377 wrote:He got here safe and sound and I love him!!! Thank you!
Wow! That was fast considering the stops he had to make! Glad the Panther Gargoyle (there ya go Dragonessjade :wink:) got there safely! Enjoy him in excellent health sweetie and thank for helping out!
PTRomeodanny wrote:Keep an eye out, I find that the baby is the easiest, and cheapest to find. 🙂
I welcome you also! And I have to second what Romeo has said here. Some things stick in my head such as when I hear someone is looking for something and when I see it anywhere, I contact that member. You can expect that if I run across a baby Ki-rin anywhere (watch and search eBay auctions and stores, btw), I’ll contact you! Good luck in your search!
That was an idea I had a while ago (I called mine the “Zebracorn”). Now when I do mine, it will look like Im copying you!
I think it’s gorgeous and will be hard to part with. However, I also think that it will get a nice price if you do sell it, here or anywhere. Good luck!
Precious! Good background to shoot him on. Natural. Havent seen anyone post theirs on eBay yet so for collectors that arent here, it might get a lot of attention because it hasnt saturated the market yet. I think he’s adorable.
Barrdwing wrote:I started painting my first PYO this last weekend. It’s the Muse. She is turning into one crazy little mixed-up patchwork beastie, but I’m really grateful for her: I would never have had the courage to start painting otherwise! All those different patches of fur, feathers, scales, etc. pretty much mean that it’s OK if she turns out looking like a Discworld Igor. Which is a good thing, because there were a lot of techniques I wanted to try, and she’s getting hit with most of them. I should order another Muse for the leftovers. 😛
Now for the funny. Want to guess how long I’ve had PYOs sitting around? Since they were first issued! I bought some griffins back then and have been afraid to try anything with them ever since! 😆 Maybe I can start now that the Muse has tested the waters for me. 😛
When I ordered my first PYO (only one so far), the muse hadnt come out yet. Just barely missed it! But I agree with you and Dragonessjade about the Muse being the best piece for nervous PYOers to start off with. For me it’s almost like a “cant go wrong” piece because it’s so quirky to begin with. Anything will look right on it, IMO.
I tried the blending by the hooves but wound up painting the fetlocks over solid because the blend wasnt right. But, I dont know what color to do the hooves (they are dark brown right now). Im also waiting on an order from dickblick for some interference paints and some metallic paint pens for the beading.
But at least I can see that others had some reservations about trying theirs for different reasons. I can definitely see how it can become addicting to paint them, just like it is to buy anything Windstone! There should certainly be a Windstones Anonymous support group somewhere!
My sister in law wants to get a few so I think the next ones we’ll do will be the Muse (to try out different painting styles… poor thing will be so abused but in that good way!), and a Griffin. Next would be the Ki-Rin and then once we have a handle on painting, the Wolf.
Lokie wrote:One more screen shot. I’ll let Pegasi post the rest. This is the last room in the game. I couldn’t sleep so I thought I might as well beat it:
I also saw the end of one of those room makeover shows on HGTV a couple days ago. The finished room had beautiful cabinetry and shelves installed to provide display space for the owner’s Windstone collection! I remember her having a Ruby Old Warrior and a white mother dragon among other things.
Yup. I think this is the game that I played (played several “find them” games on mom’s PC… Melody- I couldnt post a screen capture b/c I cant load game on my MAC but others stepped in here of course)! I recognize the first room in your first post.
But another mystery game also holds the same Windstones… especially the Guardian Dragon Gargoyle. The other screen capture that was posted, I would never have mistaken those for Windstones 🙂
Lovely! The fur parts remind me of rosewood teakwood style statues. What a cutie. Hope it sells well!
Keep a close eye on eBay and you could get lucky. Theyll never go for cheaper though, unless someone doesnt realize what they have. Good luck!
Keep a watch on this Flea Market too… you never know. Members are always suprising each other.
Very impossible to find 🙄 I just sold one here. But, advertising is advertising so I suppose embellishing your description to make it seem more enticing isnt wrong. But I saw the same auction too and laughed since I had one myself- and just sold one- and seen them for sale elsewhere. So, the “impossible to find” part gave me a belly laugh. Rare and difficult to find, OK… but nothing is impossible! well, maybe my finding a black grand unicorn is truly impossible!
I have a MAC and cant get the games from to load here for a link but I was at my mom’s recently and fiddling around on her PC. I went to that site so I could play their free online games. One of the games was a “mystery” type game. They give you a list of items on one side of the screen and you must find them in the “room scene” om the other side of your screen. The room is overly cluttered with stuff so the object is to look carefully at your word list for things to find.
Though I wasnt asked by my list, when I was looking around the room for the things I must find to advance to the next room, there was no mistaking that there are Windstone statues amongst the clutter in the room! One of them is a Dragon Gargoyle (candlelamp I think). I cant remember the others but I remember sayingn to myself, “hey! Those are Windstones!” There is no mistaking them for any other statue. I thought it was cool that they were embedded in a game like that.
If you want to figure out which game it is, you go to to their free online games section. They divide the games into sub topics such as “word games, Puzzle games, action games, etc”. Choose the PUZZLE games. Scroll through the name of games in search of a Seek and Find mystery type of game. Theres only a couple of those. It’s in one of them.
Youd have to scroll through this list to find it. It looks different on my computer than it does on mom’s. But the games are fun and addicting if youre bored.
I was wondering about certain auction shipping costs too. There was (maybe still is at the moment), someone who is selling 3 peacock dragon pieces- a mama, a male and that teeeny tiny little hatchling. Each of them had $18.50 for their shipping wihtin the US. I didnt understand why they would charge that same shipping for that tiny hatchling as they were asking for the larger peacocks. None of them sold the first time they went up.
Ive shipped a mama dragon and it is $18.30 (was for me) to send. But seriously… that tiny hatchling?! Ive sent individually, a Young Dragon, a Panther Gargoyle and a Hatching Emperor for less!