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  • in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596292

    Yea, when I first started this thread, I had meant the Wish List to be what RETIRED OR LIMITED EDITION pieces ppl wanted (or the hard to find pieces of the time such as the Grand Unicorn, for example). If they are still in production, I dont need to keep my eye out for them because you would know where to get them. Astral Castle to say the least, and most stores online if not in person. Plus, the several members like Emerald that are store owners.

    Im tending to keep my eyes out for the retired pieces that ppl listed.

    Let me restate again, that since Ive been PMing many of you and tons of times, chances are I know you know the links Im giving you however, it seems to be my luck lately that the one time I dont do something or look at something or advise someome, etc., is the very time that they could have used it. So, Id rather be anal retentive and tell you even the obvious links such as eBay. Im not suggesting any of you are lax or foolish not to have scoured eBay but it couldnt hurt for me to advise you. You just have to hit delete if you know about it. At least I look at it that way from my point of view… Id rather someone over advise me about a piece I want then take a chance assuming I know about it.

    in reply to: Peacock and White Dragons + Jade Oriental For Sale #598048

    dragonessjade wrote:

    Welcome. I would think that most of them would sell. I am not sure about the peacocks tho.

    I know several ppl are very interested in the coil with gold egg. But if they dont sell, save em and wait for the holidays (start relisting in October) or do what you think is best.

    Good luck KAA (I laugh at that nym because it brings me back to High School. Those were the initials of our athletic association) 😆

    in reply to: Peacock and White Dragons + Jade Oriental For Sale #598047

    KAA wrote:

    Thanks PhoenixTears since I don’t have 5 posts I couldn’t include a link.

    Not a problem! Always glad to help.

    Oh, and a belated welcome to the board!

    Blackdesertwind wrote:

    Still looking 😥

    Might be able to help you (emerald coiled mother with gold egg in box, mint)

    I will try to talk my family member into giving mine back to me. She might! If she does, I’ll let you know!

    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596287

    eBay HEADS UP!

    Some of you are looking for what another member has posted so I thought Id give her more exposure here too.

    The Jade Oriental Dragon and the Peacock Coiled with Golden Egg

    in reply to: Peacock and White Dragons + Jade Oriental For Sale #598041
    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596281

    innerstillness wrote:

    Young Dragon (Emerald, orange eyed)
    Male Dragon (Emerald, orange eyed)
    Mother Pegasus

    I will have a Mother Pegasus (mint) for sale soon (see my threads).

    My main question is, did Windstone ever make Emerald dragons with orange eyes or are you wanting the old Green dragons which do in fact have, orange eyes?

    in reply to: Bump SALE: final chance before eBay #591357

    Edit- no longer applicable

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585962

    Male Dragon is now sold!

    I should be offering for sale my WHITE Mother Pegasus, WHITE Male Unicorn and WHITE Male Pegasus soon, so keep checking the thread. Or maybe at that time I’ll make a new one. Those 3 pieces are in mint condition. But I wanted to let you know they will be coming up for sale soon (not yet but very soon). Have to get them photographed! Forgot about that as I hadnt intended to sell but since the black versions are taking their place, I’ll part with the whites.

    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596280

    I am right in the middle of something and need to get offline, but with regards to the last few ppl that posted, some of your wish items are definitely in eBay stores so do search them thoroughly. I cant grab the links right now but will PM you later when I can. I do realize that most of you go to eBay as a first resource as thats easiest. So if I PM you about them, sorry for the redundancy but Id rather err on the side of caution and thrift than negligence if that makes sense.

    I have have HAVE to get offline so I can format the Windstone photos and then your list and put the photos in my list for my reference guide so it can come with me each time I leave the house. Keep posting your wishes here as I will be checking them daily, just might not be responding right away!

    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596275

    You guys are kind for calling me sweet but if you knew me, this is so my personality. I like giving and helping. And like I said, most everyone here has been so nice and understanding when it comes to me, it’s the least I can do to keep a watch out.

    But as a reminder, I dont have any inside source or anything. Im just saying that when Ive looked around Ive happened to see pieces and remembered that someone (who i would then have to hunt down) mentioned she wanted a piece I saw (eBay usually).

    You guys dont have to put up any links or photos from Astral Castle. I just spent the whole night downloading all their images (for reference only; not to use as to infringe on copyright) and plan to format them so I can stick them next to the list of each of your names and wish items. It will just help me jog my memory when Im out looking; like a quick reference guide as my memory has suffered terribly (which makes me mad because I always had a photographic memory for everything; even trivial things).

    It was just the unusual pieces like a Silver OW that I couldnt find a pic of and knew if someone wanted it as a couple do, they would have a pic of it. But if it is in Astral Castle, I have the photos so dont trouble yourselves with linking to them. I even found a mistake while going through there and emailed them so they could correctly link the right dragon to the right color.

    Chances are when I see some of your items on eBay, I’ll PM you anyway in the teeny tiny event that you arent watching. Id rather err on the side of redundancy that assume that you knew it was listed. I know there are Oriental Jade dragons and a Mother Ki-Rin in ebay stores but they go for a lot- but again, just so you know.

    And to be totally fair, since some of you have overlapping desires, if I find something anywhere that you can purchase from, I’ll let all of you know at the same time and then it’s up to you as to how fast you move or battle it out. I dont want to foster a bidding war atmosphere like eBay. Technically Id love for everyone to get everything they wish for!

    The trickier part is if I see a piece on my list that someone wants in a store or market or estate sale, etc. It is at that point I dont know whether to get it or not. Some of you gave me what you price limits are and theyve been noted. But if I come across some other pieces, though unlikely, but if I do, and I buy them and then the person says, “thats too much or I dont want it anymore,” I just shot myself in the foot for I certainly cant afford anything or else Id not be selling my own collection! I suppose most marketeers are reasonable and will put the item aside for me as it would nbe obvious by my body language and what Id have to say, that Id be a serious collector and get back to them within a day or so (during that time Id be contacting you with the price and hopefully get a response from you as to buy or not).

    But Im getting way ahead of myself. Like I said, I dont have an IN anywhere, Im just trying to make searching for your pieces easier since the coincidence of hearing that someone is looking for something and my coming across it not long after has been happening. I will do my very best. But right now my eyes are quite literally crossing which means Ive stressed them outtoo much and it’s time to let them rest with a nice herbal mask. Keep coming in and spread the word and I will be keeping a list of each new persons request or add on to a previous poster’s list. Only time pix have to come into play is if they are NOT on Astral Castle. Someone hook me up with come Curlie links and such that much be around here… or any other out there kind of piece. I have ALL of Astrals’ pix as a database to draw from and will get to formatting and printing them out when I put your lists into a type format instead of just printing out the forum pages in this thread. Yup, Im a bit anal retentive! 😆

    Good morning to most of you but it’s nighty night for me… at 840am 🙄 🙂

    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596270

    Arlla wrote:

    Silver Old Warrior (it’s a prototype that they only made, like 4 of – so you’ll never see one in a shop or anything…)

    Thats OK… at least if I see it online I wont think of it as a repaint immediately. I’ll know that this color OW really exists even if in such a small quantity. I dont know the folks who bought either the OWs or the Astrals, but something tells me they might not come up for sale in my life time (which weve established is severely limited)! But it might in yours! Wish and hope to be here to see one or 2 of your wishes come true.

    OK, it’s back to compiling work for me… see, I can put insomnia to good use!
    Though I’ll be flat on my face come 10am or something!

    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596269

    Thank you Arlla! I dont need a photo of the Hatching White Emperor because Im very familiar with that piece in other colors (I had a peacock). I got the Kinglet and the Hatching Empress from Astral but thanks for adding them anyway.

    That REALLY helps to see the Silver Grey OW, as well as the gorgeous Astral Griffins. If thats true and they are OOAK and only 2 ppl have them, Im sure when they sell that everyone will know about it. But I’ll try to get a bead in it as fast as I can and alert you if they come into play. Especially now that I know what Im looking for.

    The Ruby looks like the way Astral has their photos set up so it’s either there and I missed it or havent gotten to it yet… or it’s not there. Ive seen the pure peacock oriental… like a periwinkle. It’s at an eBay store and also was up for sale not too long ago on eBay too. But Im not sure Ive seen the one youre looking for- ever! So that helps too, to know that your wish has some green on it and I dont confuse it with the peacock one.

    Thanks for helping me!

    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596267

    KoishiiKitty wrote:

    I am going to start small:
    I’m looking for a white moma dragon for my male dragon.
    maybe a hatching to match.
    and I want to collect the peacocks…specifically the darker ones that seem to almost look black.

    Aw… you just missed out as I had a wht mama for sale but she went to a wonderful home here. However, I still have my Male Dragon in peacock looking for a home. If you or anyone can do me a favor, please post a photo of the two different shades of Peacock that Koishi is speaking of here. I dont know if mine would be considered darker or lighter.

    Either way, someone please post a photo of the darker version Koishi is interested in so that I can be sure of what Im seeing should I come across one (and stores seem to still have them in stock). I have a couple interested in my Male but need to wait on payment which is fine. Whom ever offers closest to what I paid for him will get him. They are all over eBay right now which is also why Id hold him back (and the rest of my Windstones that arent selling here), until the market isnt as saturated. The Windstones in my sale threads that dont sell here and are sadly bound for an eBay fate, will go last- meaning the rest of what I own I am selling first. That way I can enjoy my Windstones up until the very end and perhaps by the time they need to go to eBay from here, others will have some money to spend on them. They probably wont go to eBay until the holidays (or until someone buys them here). I dont mind putting a piece aside for anyone, as long as their offer is firm. Im going on faith with no money down to hold the item because of the trust I feel with members here. Hence, if youre offer meets what I have in mind, I can hold anything for as long as you need as long as we have a verbal agreement that you will eventually buy the item. Make sense? Bit off topic but I thought Id explain it. Oh, and my PayPal is working so I dont only need Money Orders anymore (though I will accept them as well as personal checks too, if you want).

    Anyway… someone show me a photo of a darker peacock male dragon

    Also, can anyone also post pix of all the CURLIES or “curled” dragons. I know theyre in Safyre’s sig but would prefer a different angle

    ENCHANTMENTS: forgive me but what is an LP Old Warrior or prototype… can someone post pic of what she would like so I may get it right and know what Im looking for or know it should I see it?

    ARLLA: can you direct me to with a link or someone post a photos of:
    PEACOCK BABY ORIENTAL – (either version?)

    DRAGONESSJADE: you too. If you come up with a pic of the Silver OW that would help.
    Please direct me to a link for any color SK so I can get their body down and nt confuse him with another

    SPARK: direct me to a photo of a RUSSET CURLIE, please

    Sorry about that but those appear to be elusive pieces. Im making a very comprehensive list of what everyone wants AND Im putting photos (from Astral Castle) as thumbnails next to each request so that I can have a handy pocket guide whenever Im out and about. Im sure link to what Im asking are to be found on this site but between what I have to do for myself and this undertaking, it’s a lot of trial and error to find the links in the Gallery which is where I suspect most of these would be. Ive been working on compiling this list since I posted the topic. Any help you could give me by way of photos would be helpful for those pieces I mentioned.

    Also, when Im looking, I’ll tend to be concentrating on the retired pieces or limited editions not in production anymore. Those in the list that are still in production should be easy enough to find at stores and certainly Astral Castle. I will however take down the cost of the pieces still in production from Astral Castle and write them onto the list next to your wishes. If I find one that is significantly less in price than what Ive seen around, I’ll let you know!


    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596265

    OK, Im printing out the list thus far and will continue to do so as more ppl add their wish list. I know I have seen several of your pieces in various places though mostly eBay stores. Once Im printed out, I can figure out better where everything is and who to PM.

    Some of you guys (*cough* Dragoness! *cough* 😉 ) should look into some of the sale threads in this forum. I HAD a mint small winged spirit wolf but as I was dusting him with Q-Tips, I disturbed some of his finish by his left foot. In my thread, there are photos. And, he can certainly be touched up since this isnt cracks or chips were talking about- and only a very small area.

    I have The Critic too in mint condition which I had put aside for someone. I paid only a hair more (few bucks) than what he retails for but if you can swing that, thetn I can send him. But to be honest, even tho it shoots me in my own foot, if you want a Critic, buy it from Astral as they sell them for $58 I believe. I paid more for him but at this point, since he is still in production, I know I wont get what I paid. But if a charitable heart wants to go for $65, then they could have him (I would pay for the insurance).

    I also had the Grimalkin (mint) but thats been taken off the table because, of all ppl, my mom wants him because he is my all time favourite piece of Windstone (despite me always talking about the black horses)! She wants something more than the black horses going around my urn… something that she knows I truly loved with all my heart, once I die (sorry to be so candid- try to look at it as being well adjusted and not morbid or crass).

    What do I want? Hmmm!

    The pieces I MOST covet at a decent price now that you know my story (some of you may not), are:

    BLACK GRIFFIN (I can wait till the Sunset Griffins come out. Mom wants to put that with the black horses around my urn because she said ever since I was young, I wanted to fly and was fascinated by birds of prey. Still do and still am! Being the sap she is (in a good way), she symbolically wants that black griffin (retired or Sunset if they come out before I go, and are affordable) next to my urn so that my “spirit may soar.”


    FLION– DONE- but it was a disappointing get from eBay. See General Windstone forum for updates, info and photos.

    AND THE IMPOSSIBLE: CALICO FLAP CAT (preferably the lighter, whiter ones that Melody is about finished putting up on eBay). I can NEVER afford those but want one as a memorial to my own calico that died last year.

    LOVE Wolves and Kirins and if I could afford to commission artists here for a PYO of each, I would

    I must mention however, that MIPA is my hero (or, heroine). She took a broken down bird wing black flapper, and with pictures from me, painted a stunningly realistic version of my cat and sent it to me. Her talent astounds me- that coming from a sad owner missing her feline sweetheart. It would be so easy to say, “nah, it doesnt look enough like her; it’ll never be the same, etc” But MIPA really did such a wonderful job. The darling now sits next to my cat’s urn.

    Long enough post? 🙄 😆 Im off to print this out and do a little hunting trying to remember where I saw some of these items, if theyre still around. As a side note and something for you to keep in mind, Ive been given permission to make one big thread (coming soon) of a HUGE one time yard sale of NON-windstones. Im selling everything I own to pay for medical. And based on what I read in the Community forum about what some of you collect, I have some things you might like. It’s VERY kind of Windstone to let me do this sort of thread before I take whatever doesnt sell to eBay. But I thought of you guys first because as I was reading that “What Do You Collect Other Than Windstones” thread, I found myself repeating, “oh, I have that!” Instead of going door to door PMing which would be invasive, Windstone has granted me the permission to make a one time big thread with everything I have to offer. I have a little of everything – youll see. I just have to finish photo’in, DLing to computer, formating, and then uploading their links to Photobucket and then collect their details (sizes, dimensions, etc) before I make the thread. But keep your eyes open… it should be up before the end of the month assuming I dont collapse or lose my sight (both common place for me).

    Bah! Thanks for reading! Enjoy YOUR thread. Im glad I could help you guys out, or at least try to. A great point was brought up that ppl other than me can see what their forum friends are looking for in case they too, come across it. Time ot hit “print”… see you later!

    One last question… we have several Flea Markets around here (or near mom – Im always there b/c my docs are there). They are HUGE and I know several booths sell Windstones. I wont know what they have until I go (which isnt often and rarely in the hot summer months since I cant handle FL heat here). But if I find something that someone here is “Wishing” for, give me some advice… should I stop and buy it for you? I guess thats why I was asking for prices for you guys. I would never buy a piece I know you want and then sell it here for an arm and a leg. Id just ask what I paid for it like I did with my own collection. I would even send you the receipt from the flea market so you knew I was telling you the truthful price. Anyway, if ppl show enough interest, perhaps the next time I go up that way, mom and I will take a jaunt to the Fleas and see what Windstones are lurking. I will take this list with me of course!

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