Forum Replies Created
bayoudragon wrote:
Thanks for the comments, all! I don’t know why, but I really like the muse. So many different areas to paint in so many different ways. The creativity it offers is endless. With it being October, I want to do a Halloween one next. 😀 Although, I REALLY need to finish my keeper first…
LOL! Nirvanacat!! I can only imagine! Heaven help you if it was Bourbon Street! We stick to the more family-friendly areas. 😆
*hugs Dfeathers back* I am really glad you like her so much.
Would Marines go to Mardi Gras and NOT go to Bourbon Street?? I’m so glad I got paid $200 a person to play designated driver that trip, fortunately I didn’t pay for the rental or the gas…..I SHOULD have charged $500 per for all the trouble that was worth 🙄 …. *mutters* never keeping track of six 21/22 year old Marines in a party city like that again….ever….again….ever….
LadyFirebird wrote:Nirvanacat13 wrote:siberakh1 wrote:That’s adorable! He looks all contented, kind of like he just let out a little toot. 😀
I understand that they do communicate with soft popping sounds not made by their mouths! snerkel, snerkel, snerkel! XD
Oh sweetie! I’m so so sorry to hear about Zeke!! Sending you lots of big hugs and warm fuzzies in this time of sorrow for you. I hope that the third never comes to pass, and if it does, that it is not so hard on you as these two. All the love in the world to you and his family and Kitty’s family as well!
ZOMG! That’s totaly awesome! I hope you have a wonderful and safe time!
……..Sadly… first thought without reading any of your text BD was “OH DEAR GOD NO! NOT MARDI GRAS!!!! 😮 :shout: 😮 :shout: ” Then I read your description and felt rather bad…..but let’s just say having to babysit Marines on a 96 (4 day weekend) in New Orleans during Mardi Gras, well you can imagine……baaaaaaaaaaaadddd juju…VERY VERY BAD JuJu……(let me know if you want me to elaborate in the Community forum)
Nice Muse though! It definitely made me think of the right thing! LoL just not in the right context. I think you did a wonderful job and I’m sure you’ll get lots of orders for Mambo’s! LoL
siberakh1 wrote:That’s adorable! He looks all contented, kind of like he just let out a little toot. 😀
Ok, calmed down quite a bit since I first read this…..My first instict was to be like “Drag0n, I love you, but I know where you live and his balls are going to be hanging by a fish hook from a metal rod on your roof like a windsock as soon as I can drive my butt across the country” But….I realized this was a little over dramatic and took some time to think about how I would handle the situation once I’d destroyed something….Like a tree, or a large rock with a stick of dynamite….
Anyway…putting it in terms of my relationship with Louis, if it was something that he’d obviously had from before we were dating and I found it on any of the computers, I’d be a bit irked at first, but we’d have a nice calm sit down chat and I’d give him the chance to explain himself. If it was obvious that the pictures were from the timeframe that we’d been together, there would be some holy hell raining down. I mean I’d still give him the chance to explain, but I wouldn’t be nearly as nice about it and I certaintly wouldn’t be as understanding (more of the attitude “You’ve got ONE shot to explain this really well or we’re gonna have painful problems…”)
The fact that it was on your laptop, while worrysome isn’t as profound as it could seem…From the point of computer forensics (One of our best friends does this for a living), he could have very well, when his computer was down, used your laptop to get rid of some old pictures and deleted them onto your computer. If the recovery software is as good as you say, it could have very well dug them up out of some archived trash file. You may want to look into this further, but I’m just saying that from a technical standpoint his story is feasable. Do you have any way to tell how long they’ve been there? I’m sure you’ve deleted them, but if you can give me a file path I can do some research.
Now to the moral/emotional side of things, I think that he was wrong to just brush you off like that when you requested/demanded an explanation. IMHO you were in every right to confront him about it, especialy if cheating was previously stated as grounds for break-up. While it is a trust issue, I think that this instance is more of a respect issue….both of self respect and of respect for you. Ok, he’s got the right to be “care-free” and lazy about money and bills, but NOT when it hurts you and/or your relationship, and that spills over into him brushing it off….if he doesn’t respect you enough to give you a straight answer about something that is and has been apparently important to you, then he has no respect for you at all, and any support he has given you in the past has been purely coincidental to getting something out of you. While this may be mutualy benificial at times, it’s not healthy, and certaintly does not denote a working relationship. Once again IMHO.
None of us, your friends or your family can force you to leave Shaun, and it really has to do with what you can tollerate in the relationship, but from the sounds of it despite the good things you have to say, there is that “tone” in how you write about the problems that says one of these days enough is going to be enough. What are you going to do then? I know I for one will be here for you no matter what you decide, but I think that you should sit down and evaluate whether you can continue to live with what he’s doing, because he certaintly doesn’t seem like he wants to change any time soon. And to be honest this whole thing of the pictures seems to be just the tip of the iceburg so to speak, so while it in itself presents an issue, how does it relate to the rest of the relationship.
Ok, off my soapbox. We love you dear and send you big hugs that everything turns out all right for you!
And now that I’m late and you’ve already had your talk…./sigh….I hope this may help in retrospect!
bodine6127 wrote:Greater Basilisk wrote:Rub it in, Bodine, rub it in. :spank: :shout:
It’s getting chillier and chillier here, and tonight the rain is supposed to set in.😆
Yea,but,You don’t know how much I would love to wake up to a fresh new snowfall on an early crisp Christmas morning.Just once in my life…
We put Christmas lights in palm trees around here 😀
Rain?Now that I know about. :shout:Kind of like the Corona commercial? 😆 😆
October 5, 2009 at 6:58 pm in reply to: Bug Thread has returned! The spot for cool critter pics! #785334Just for Dragons4life!
Ok, I know these aren’t bumblebees, but they came up in the search and I thought they were cool! =P
Bumblebee bat
And bumblebee arrow frog
October 5, 2009 at 6:39 pm in reply to: Bug Thread has returned! The spot for cool critter pics! #785333dragonmedley wrote:Nirvanacat13 wrote:Hey, this one’s wearing fancy leg warmers!
I know right? Straight out of the 80’s! LMAO
frozendragon wrote:I have a white grand unicorn
start at SoldI dunno why, but that little blurb just makes me giggle =P Good luck with your sale Frozen!
October 5, 2009 at 4:57 am in reply to: Windstones and other things for Sale (UPDATED) smaller pics #779011Have some more random stuff up on evilBay, including some World of Warcraft stuff and Pirates of the Caribbean collectible stuff as well.
Serenity wrote:Nirvanacat13 wrote:Serenity wrote:There’s nothing to do here, the people here suck…
Well you two obviously don’t suck….. =P
lol ok….about 90% of AMARILLO’S Population sucks….
Isn’t 90% of Amarillo’s population armadillos?
Serenity wrote:There’s nothing to do here, the people here suck…
Well you two obviously don’t suck….. =P
Laurie wrote:It is a great offer Cat, just not what I’m looking for. :yes: 😉
No worries! Thought I’d give it a try! =P