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Ewwww…..That does look pretty bad 😥 Poor baby! How was it packaged? Looks like it at least had the original bag? Hope he was insured and you get your money back for him!
Ima laugh SOOO hard when she actualy paints these up, puts them on eBay and expects you all to buy them LMAO
Dragons4Life wrote:NicoleH wrote:Is anyone bidding on any of the unicorns or pegasus’ that are ending on ebay today that only show the store picture? I remeber a while back there was mention of a seller who never sent the pieces they supposively had and this seemed sort of like the same situation to me since the person doesn’t have any feedback or any real pictures of the pieces. Did anyone else find this weird/similar? Or is it just me?
The general rule of thumb is…when in doubt…don’t bid on it.
Or contact the person and try and get a feel for them, usualy the simple question of asking them how they plan on packing them, depending on their answer will give you a LOT of info. Like if they don’t respond at all, or they say I’ll pack them safe, or if they give you a detailed description. etc.
I FINALY figgured out what this guy reminds me of!!
Parc Guall in Barcellona, Spain. Some absolutely BEAUTIFUL 3D mosaic work, my dad and step-mom brought back hundreds of pictures of this place (and I mean *hundreds* that woman took 42 rolls of 36 exposure film with her and came back with 117 rolls of film….all 36 pictures each….)
Anyway, your dragon kinda looks like the gecko that’s there, though much more lovely imho! So very very cool! He’s totaly beautiful Kuj! <3
I REALLY LOVE the wings on that wolf! AOOUUOOOOOO! But the “spots” of interference on his fur are kind of bugging me…like he’s got chicken pox or something :shrug: not that it looks bad, just messes with me a little.
Xtharsa wrote:Lol most of the comics my siblings read have some sort of gore and/or nudity. All they read are graphic novels. Some of these are Chobits, raman 1/2, Dragonball and other such novels popular with kids to young adult. It seems graphic novels are accessible to all ages regardless of content. My sisters can buy those books all day long and they are not 18.
I don’t know if I’d consider manga a true graphic novel per-se, though I know most can be graphic in nature 😀 , I think they qualify as their own seperate genre “manga”……..ok, kind of redundant, I know, I’m finaly coming down off a 14 hour migraine… 🙄
From Wikipedia-Manga:
“After a series has run for a while, publishers often collect the stories together and print them in dedicated book-sized volumes, called tankōbon. These are the equivalent of U.S. trade paperbacks or graphic novels. These volumes use higher-quality paper, and are useful to those who want to “catch up” with a series so they can follow it in the magazines or if they find the cost of the weeklies or monthlies to be prohibitive. Recently, “deluxe” versions have also been printed as readers have got older and the need for something special grew. Old manga have also been reprinted using somewhat lesser quality paper and sold for 100 yen (about $1 U.S. dollar) each to compete with the used book market.”
See also ~ Wikipedia-Graphic Novel:
“The evolving term graphic novel is not strictly defined, and is sometimes used, controversially, to imply subjective distinctions in artistic quality between graphic novels and other kinds of comics. It suggests a complete story that has a beginning, middle and end, as opposed to an ongoing series. It can also imply a story that is outside the genres commonly associated with comic books, or that deals with more mature themes. It is sometimes applied to works that fit this description even though they are serialized in traditional comic book format. The term is sometimes used to disassociate works from the juvenile or humorous connotations of the terms comics and comic book, implying that the work is more serious, mature, or literary than traditional comics.”
I love the internet!
jackid55 wrote:I added a silver lap to the list. I found one but it arrived in a hundred pieces. 😥
Awww sweetie! I’m sorry to hear =( Maybe see where Kyrin is on her repairs?
Frozen, I’m gonna start spam sending e-mails with nothing in them but random links, K? <3
I still say you should let me come kick his @**…..It would at least make my migraine feel better…. 😆 🙄 🙄
pegasi1978 wrote:Æon Flux
Witchblade (comic, [url=]anime[/url], manga)
[url=]Heavy Metal[/url]/Heavy Metal 2000
[url=]Spawn[/url]Ooohhh good ones!! Æon Flux happens to be one of my favorite wierd/psychotic comics! Have that deluxe full series set of the animated series, love watching that again and again!
Melody wrote:Nirvanacat13 wrote:So now that you’re running out of stuff to paint because of the gypsum issues, have you given any more thought to finishing your comic? I would love to read about the adventures of all the Poad™™s running about!
AHHHHHH! I want to! I am putting in ten or twelve hours painting special Windstone stuff so we have SOME income form ebay and the store.
I work on Reptangle™ every spare moment, but I am a total amateur at this, so I don’t know what I am doing.
Anyway, bitching and moaning aside, we were working on a website thing for it, but can’t put it online till our computer web guy gets done with all the other more important things he is working on, like the Windstone website and store.
Poad™s are only minor characters. Maybe I should re-write the whole thing. It also has the problem of being an “adult ” comic- not “dirty” ( that is easy to take out), but about adult subjects. I don’t know what to do.
What do you all think? Is having an childish but grown-up comic connected with Windstone a problem? I was trying to straddle the almost empty area in graphic novel story themes: one that isn’t a dark creepy evil story, but also is for grownups. Grown ups who are still kids. You know the type.
The small story bit I am working on right now is the part that is about the Poad™. It is ok for children, I think, though maybe a bit of nudity (nothing worse than the “Sea Jewel”) I could even take that out if you don’t like nudes with your Poad™s. How strict are you folks with what you let your kids look at? I need some guidance here. About all I’m gonna say on that one….You don’t HAVE to make it for kids…I’ve read a LOT of comic books and graphic novels in my time and there are just as many “adult” ones dealing with adult situations, Elf Quest just happens to be one of the more prominent series. You could also count SinCity, the Watchmen, quite a few of the Batman and Superman graphic novels as well. Even if you look in comic strips, while some are geared towards kids, the majority of them are grown up material; i.e. Dunesbury, Dilbert, Rex Morgan M.D., and even Zits to a degree, as it deals with teenagers from the parents point of view, deal with “grown up” issues and may not always be understood by kids. Sooooo I think it’s what you make it to be and you know you’ll always have a fan base with us! I’ll make all my geeky friends read them! =P
Also on a side note, I was browsing random profiles on ElfWood, and came across a guy in Portugal that did a “grown-up” graphic novel….I’ll see if I can find him again, that place is a mess if you don’t bookmark a page or know who you’re looking for 🙄 .
Oh, and then there was the Illustrated Graphic novel of Robert Asprin’s MythAdventures illustrated by Phil and Kaja Foglio (were VERY prominent artists for Magic: The Gathering which is how I found it originaly) and we all know Robert Asprin wasn’t the easiest read for a 10 year old….
Hope that all helps a little bit! Anyone feel free to chime in with some other examples!
So now that you’re running out of stuff to paint because of the gypsum issues, have you given any more thought to finishing your comic? I would love to read about the adventures of all the Poads running about!
Melody wrote:Nirvanacat13 wrote:Melody wrote:Bengal polar bears.
Oh really? Dew tell?Just kidding!
😮 You tease! :spank:
Melody wrote:Bengal polar bears.
Oh really? Dew tell?