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Ya…can’t go wrong with chocolate…..
Umm hmmm
A good minestroni or thick beef stew….
Rack of lamb with a mild salt/chili/coffee rub NO rosemarry
Home made salsa and guac
Lightly buttered salted pasta, no sauce
Creamy lobster bisque
Del Taco
NutellaI know….it’s a rather weird and diverse list….but…ya…
We usualy just put up some of the fake cotton spider webbing so the kids know to come to the door for candy =P
When we get our own place though, Louis has a fog machine a coffin and a few other things to decorate with.
Jasmine wrote:Very cute!! Both of you. 😀 I’d say all three, but I’m not sure your hubby wants to be called cute…
Aww, go ahead and call him cute! He looks like he’s secure in his manhood! =P
You guys look great! I’m glad you had a lot of fun, Holloween should be a blast too!
Love you Susie! Hope mine has lots of patina and pock marks on him! =P
dragonmedley wrote:Jennifer wrote:Yes, we with the POWEERRRRR can indeed see that on hidden members.
May the Force be with you all.
I KNEW this place was held together by duct tape….
Wow…just wow…If it’s you’re JOB to sign a marriage liscence then by FEDERAL LAW you can’t deny them. If he does it as a service and doesn’t get paid to do it by the government, the it’s his choice, but really?? Seriously??
lamortefille wrote:So, twind, when exactly is it “safe” (non snowy) to come visit you?? lol
Mid May – August? 😆
I love California….
It sprinkles and the streets look a little wet….
~**STORM WATCH 2009!**~
Lokie wrote:I’m so sorry. My sympathies to you and reiny. I wish I could reach through this computer screen and give you both big hugs. But this virtual one comes from the same place in my heart. *hugs*
Well said. I ditto this all the way.
I’m so sorry sweetie. I cry for you and the emptiness that you must feel. Sending you big hugs and warm fuzzies and love and support.
LadyFirebird wrote:Glad Jazz is okay–bet you checked that dryer out now before you run it! She probably won’t be doing that any time soon, but as time passes, they forget. So continue to check the dryer and any other appliance she can get in to before running it! Refrigerators and deep freezers especially–all that food! 😀
My cat Max, long since passed, had a bad habit of getting into and sleeping in the microwave if my mom left it open after taking food out…..luckily he never got in when there was food in there and you’d find him the next time you wanted to make something….
LadyFirebird wrote:Of course, I have to pass this little tidbit along–someone told me way back then when I was this 18 year old renting her first place–first thing to buy–toilet paper! 😆 Darn, I thought that was what the shower curtains were for! 😈 XD
I thought that was what the decorative silk plants sprucing up the bathroom were for…..Nice thing about an outhouse? If there’s a bush next to it you just reach out for some leaves, just hope it’s not poison ivy/oak/sumac. 👿
I will say this, if you have a descent relationship with your parents, there is nothing to help financialy than living at home mooching off your parents. HOWEVER….There is NOTHING like having your own place that you can keep clean or messy as you see fit, leave and come back to whenever you want, run around in nothing but your birthday suit, have the space to stretch out and not live in two small rooms, not be embarased to have people over and having them be worried about coming out of the room in the morning to see your parents in their underwear…..
While I’ve not really been out on my lonesome (I don’t think I’d ever choose to be totaly alone in my house, I like having at least a signifigant other with me for company, if I was alone I WOULD be that crazy cat lady….) but I’ve been out of my parents house for a number of years, biggest instacne being the military. Though you can’t really say you’re “alone” in the military…it’s like living in a dorm, but worse, much worse…..more fun though, the pranks were better….Anyway, I also have had my own appartment with a previous boyfriend and helped him buy a house.
There are several routes you could take, the first is purchasing your own property, which yes will put you in a crap load of debt, but it is a VERY satisfying feeling. If it’s too lonely for you, you could always rent out rooms, which is a nice way to help pay the mortgage, one of my Sergeants did that when he got out, bought a place with only his name on it for like 800,000, 2,000 sq ft. and rented out several rooms to people from our shop. The rent money payed his mortgage AND utilities and so he had all his money left for himself.
Another option is to be the renter, which actualy isn’t so bad except that you then have no equity and can be kicked out, but if you get a good relationship with your landlord, I know people that have rented a house for most of their lives and never had a problem, you can be set. Or you could rent an appartment, which while a cheaper route (sort of) has it’s hastles too. Like having those neighbors that get into a fight every night and slam doors, or constantly hearing the squaking of the bedsprings from the place above you…even if you rent in a relatively “good” area, there are still LOTS more problems than if you owned a home in the same area.
Knowing what I know of you, I’d say take the plunge and buy a house. Doesn’t have to be big, but buy your own place, preferably something that has yard on all 4 sides and that you’re willing to invest a lot of love, time and money into. And if you get lonely, and have the room, rent out some space, have a contract. Other than that, you are a VERY capable woman and while it may seem scary (mortgages are insanely intimidating) it’s really not that bad, and once all the initial paperwork is done and you get settled into a routine of the bills, you’ll be fine! Big hugs and good luck!
A good aproximation of the dances from WoW, thought the female blood elf’s dance is based off of Britney Spears though they don’t show it. There’s a more complete version, but it’s too long and boring without music. The male Troll is awesome, is dancing jujitsu!
PARENTAL DISCRESSION ADVISED FOR THIS NEXT ONE! It’s a WoW take off on an Avenue Q favorite:
And the Original by Avenue Q: -