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  • in reply to: oriental dragons #787705

      bodine6127 wrote:

      Beauty trully does lie in the eyes of the beholder…. 🙂

      ….Beauty is in the eyes of the Beer holder….

      in reply to: favorite comfort foods!! #787264

        No I’m not pregnant, but eating a box of Entenmann’s chocolate doughnuts followed by a quart of milk followed by half a can of Mozzarella Stick and Marinara flavored Pringles just hit the spot.

        in reply to: Happy Halloween! #787176

          I’m not reading this thread anymore >.<

          in reply to: I got my swap!!! #782274

            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            LadyFirebird wrote:

            Ahem–it’s not over until we see the last picture! 😀

            Hmmmm….Where’d she go? 😮 :shrug:

            She’s buying a house remember??

            in reply to: Windstones' new eBay auctions thread Sept 18 p 3 #783532

              Oh….I was under the impression that she moved up there with him…my bad…. 😀

              in reply to: Windstones' new eBay auctions thread Sept 18 p 3 #783529

                Jennifer wrote:

                Re: Emerald Peacock… those have a large mixture of colors and I wouldn’t classify them as green by a long shot. The ones I have are more purple than they are green!

                Sechan wrote:

                Psst. Melody. Olimpia. Do a RISING Spectral in Summer Green. You know you want me to max my credit cards…. >.>

                Olimpia, at least for now, is no longer painting for Windstone.

                O.o Is everything all right with her?

                in reply to: Happy Halloween! #787172

                  lamortefille wrote:

                  Really? 😮 That probably wouldn’t do much for interplanetary relations. *takes sharp knife away from you* 😉 Once a Marine, always a Marine, eh? 😀

                  Nooooo MY knife…and barring that I’ll use a tea cup….>.< screw "interplanetary relations" LMAO

                  in reply to: Happy Halloween! #787170

                    lamortefille wrote:

                    Yip Yips!!! Yay! Refrigerator…nope nope nope nope nope! 😀

                    GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *runs and hides under the bed* Those things scared the living crap out of me when I first saw them at like age 5, now I think I’d shank one in the street if I ever saw it…

                    in reply to: Fear of Death #787369

                      This is really scary that you posted this thread last night Eaglefeather…..I hadn’t been on since you guys posted, but I was woken up rudely this morning after having a dream that my mom had died, and in my dream I was waking up from sleeping in her bed with the cats, crying miserably. Kind of weird since we were house sitting for the night so it wasn’t our bed and I woke up full expecting that I would be in my mom’s bed with the cats and she would be gone. It’s 2 hours later and I’m still sick to my stomach. Worst part is I know she’s out on house calls and I can’t really get ahold of her untill she checks her cell phone and calls me back (which may not be untill much later this afternoon).

                      So ya, fear of death and wether it’s painful is a normal thing. I too have dreams where I vividly see myself in a car accident and can re-create every detail of it. Like I can go to the intersection and draw out the scenario to Louis because I dream of places that exist and are local when I dream about car accidents. I also have a lot of dreams where I die from esanguination, wether from being shot or an accident that cuts me (car or machine accident), but I know where this stems from and have the scar to show for it… it’s founded.

                      While those are dreams I’ve played out plenty of scenarios while I’m awake about dying this way or that. It’s usualy when I’m driving and I see some one acting stupid on the road, my mind always thinks of the worst possible thing that could happen because of them, usualy ending in death, and so is a defense mechanism for safe driving on my part.

                      in reply to: favorite comfort foods!! #787259

                        Ladycat_Rainleaf wrote:

                        Chocolate Milkshake and Fries (I think it’s the sweet/salty combo)

                        Go to Wendy’s. Order a Medium Frosty and some Large fries. Procede to eat frosty with fries as spoon. See if you can eat the whole thing before A. running out of fries. and B. (follows that A doesn’t occur) without a spoon.

                        in reply to: How do I love thee Windstones, let me count the ways… #787331

                          I have a $50,000 renters policy for just our storage unit……

                          in reply to: Windstones' new eBay auctions thread Sept 18 p 3 #783521

                            Lokie wrote:

                            pegasi1978 wrote:

                            NicoleH wrote:

                            I think windstone shuold take that as a sign we need another line of green dragons

                            :negative: There’ve already been three colors based in green for the dragons: Green, Emerald (including the Jade mistakes) and Emerald Green. Need to get some other colors out there. :yes:

                            What other colors are there that haven’t been used multiple times in either production, LP, or artist editions? Yellow? Orange? I’m not sure how I’d feel about a yellow dragon…..

                            Gold constitutes as yellow for all intensive dragon purposes in my book….But some of the orangy yellow dragons Olympia have done are insanely eye gaga candy….The Sunset Laps come to mind.

                            in reply to: How do I love thee Windstones, let me count the ways… #787323

                              Dragon87 wrote:

                              Shouldn’t that be…

                              One thousand dollars
                              Two thousand dollars
                              Three thousand dollars
                              Four thousand dollars?

                              Well this I think is a little more accurate for a lot of us…

                              Though there are some of us that qualify for:

                              Ten thousand dollars
                              Twenty thousand dollars
                              Thirty thousand dollars

                              in reply to: Just a thought #785139

                                Jennifer wrote:

                                twindragonsmum wrote:

                                Jennifer wrote:

                                I know that John has the folks from the gypsum supplier at the factory right now and they are trying to troubleshoot. Hopefully we will see things being produced soon..!!

                                *Holds breath and keeps fingers crossed…*

                                twindragonsmum 😀

                                Alas… they still don’t know what’s wrong. 🙁

                                It’s the Oregon weather…they need to come back to SoCali. The sun here is good for Windstone gypsum =P

                                in reply to: Windstones' new eBay auctions thread Sept 18 p 3 #783518

                                  Jennifer wrote:

                                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                                  NicoleH wrote:

                                  I think windstone shuold take that as a sign we need another line of green dragons

                                  :negative: There’ve already been three colors based in green for the dragons: Green, Emerald (including the Jade mistakes) and Emerald Green. Need to get some other colors out there. :yes:

                                  ??? What is emerald green? There have been only two production colors that have a green focus. Green and Emerald. Jade, but that was only officially on the orientals.

                                  I think she meant the EmPeas, Emerald Peacock, they do have a lot of green in them, but lots of blues too.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 391 through 405 (of 3,168 total)