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  • in reply to: Poad Candle #788121

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Barrdwing wrote:

      Bean-bag Poad™™ with woogly eyes . . . . 😉

      I’d buy one, if it’s the huge type that you can sit on!

      Super Duper Bean Foam Bean Bag Poad!!!! ZOMG I’d buy like 3, make them huge like the lovesacs!

      in reply to: What do you want for Christmas? #785446

        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

        Oh, and a dragon pony 😳

        Ooh, specify this a bit! Color, size, gender, name? 😛

        She’d be a spirited little mare, dapple grey, with big green dragon wings, probably like 11-12 hands high, and her name would be Spike 😀

        in reply to: Pic Competition Beginning 1ST post updated. #788244

          Last time they did it, there was a deadline to send your pictures to the organizer so they could post them annonymously, and then a poll was put up with every picture represented and people got to vote that way for their favorite picture. Then the winner was announced. Was actualy pretty neat! There were a LOT of cool pics.

          in reply to: question about this unicorn on eBay? #788562

            No prob!

            in reply to: Was I wrong? UPDATE- BUYER GOT PACKAGE #788494

              Dragons4Life wrote:

              Anyway, originally it was listed as Priority Mail using flat rate large box. So I only charged the $15. But when I found out that the box was not the right size I went out of my way to purchase a large box and packing materials so I could get it sent out, but I used parcel post because it was just around the $15. In total I spent about $25 to get this shipped so I was out $10 bucks regardless. I used Parcel Post so I wouldn’t end up getting charged $35 for priority. I still made sure to include delivery conf. though because I insist on having some proof of the package being left at the P.O and then of course when it was delivered.

              Ah well….what can I do? At this point I can only hope the buyer gets it Monday. I even left this guy a positive feedback already, I’ll be really annoyed if he leaves me a negative due to shipping issues I have no control over! 😕

              Bah, did he pay before you sent an invoice? And did you let him know that the Priority option was going to cost him an additional $20? That’s gonna be a tricky one if you didn’t give him the option to “upgrade” the shipping. Not like there’s much you can do now, but now you know better in the future to make sure your sellers paid for the correct shipping. It’s OK to ask them for more money for shipping as long as it’s the actual shipping cost, ESPECIALY if they pay before you send an invoice!! It’s within your right to charge the actual shipping cost, and if it turns out to me more than originaly posted for whatever reason you can ask the actual shipping on your invoice. But seriously if he has the delivery confirmation number he can go to and watch it himself, he doesn’t need to be harassing you, your not going to get it to him any faster at this point.

              in reply to: question about this unicorn on eBay? #788560

                Errr….. Repainting Windstones is not a generaly acceptable practice…..It has been done in the past and there are special things that had to be done to the repainted piece. Windstone can’t *stop* anyone from repainting a Windstone, but to sell it on eBay like this one is posted I would think violates some rule or copyright law…..I’d run it by John (john at windstoneeditions dot com) and see what he says about it.

                Having been presented on eBay like that it just doesn’t seem kosher but that’s my gut feeling. Are you the one who put it up? Or was it something you found and were wondering about? Either way asking John is the best way to go.

                in reply to: Sick kitty sale #781645

                  CherokeeDR wrote:

                  Never heard of it?

                  It’s where they put you under, but they don’t….you’re awake, but you feel like you’re purpetualy in that dream state between being concious and asleep, more towards the dreamy side. Totaly weird. oh, and you don’t feel much…supposedly…Unless I’m thinking of something compeltely different WC?

                  in reply to: Was I wrong? UPDATE- BUYER GOT PACKAGE #788489

                    As a seller, you should only charge actual shipping cost. So if he paid you $15 and Parcel Post cost $15, then you did exactly what you should have done. If you gave several shipping options and that’s the one he chose, then that’s the one he got. Period. If it has a tracking number/delivery confirmation number, and you gave it to him, he can check it himself with USPS. Screw him if he’s impatient. Just politely respond saying “I’m sorry that USPS can’t get you your package sooner. I shipped your item XX/XX/XXXX date again here is the delivery confirmation number, please contact USPS to find out where you package is. Also please note that Parcel Post (which is what you paid for) can take up to two weeks to arrive.” If he takes negative action against you keep all your correspondence including the shipping reciept. If you have any other problems, let me know, I’ve delt extensively with eBay over stupid sellers and buyers. Good luck and don’t think you did anything wrong, because you didn’t. He got what he paid for, bottom line.

                    in reply to: Sick kitty sale #781641

                      Serenity wrote:

                      They told me that as long as you can squish it between your fingers you can eat it… my husband was trying soooo hard to squish a steak between his fingers… lol

                      BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! LMAO

                      in reply to: koishii and grayfire combo Copper Oxide Leaf Keeper pg#5 #788383

                        ooooohhh!! PURDY! You guys should do more!

                        in reply to: Does anyone remember… #788342

                          Dragon Master wrote:

                          Serenity wrote:

                          Wasn’t the SK a rainbow one in that photo? 😛

                          yes it was because the “Rainbow’s” by Windstone pailed in compaarison to a mother nature REAL Rainbow

                          I beg to differ…the Windstone Rainbows are prettier and better because I can hug them! I haven’t been able to hug a real rainbow….

                          in reply to: Sick kitty sale #781637

                            CherokeeDR wrote:

                            Lol! I do know my mom gets very sick from being put under so I’m hoping that’s not hereditary. As for your husband, what about after that stuff wore off? That’s what I’m worried about. I mean those are *big* teeth those are some gaping holes 🙄 :shout: 🙂 😮

                            nah, after care is easy, you just can’t eat anything that will get caught in the holes, like stuff with seeds, popcorn, you’ll be eating a lot of soups. And you have to GENTLY flush out the holes with a syringe (sp) and water. No biggie once you get the hang of it, doesn’t really hurt even, unless you bite down on something hard with your gum, but do that once and you won’t do it again! LoL

                            in reply to: Thank you Snap! #788313

                              kitsunelady wrote:

                              pegasi1978 wrote:

                              If I remember correctly it’s probably because he fixed her computer when the hard drive was 100% fragmented.

                              I lol’d. 😆 @ 100% fragmented

                              EWWW???!?!?!?! Dragon87, it’s called defrag gui. use it >.< LMAO

                              P.S. Snap if you read this and happen to know an answer off the top of your head….Why is Window’s Vista’s defrag ui such a pain in the ***?? Can you fix that plxkthxbai! <3

                              in reply to: Sick kitty sale #781634

                                Serenity wrote:

                                Awww the removal of wisdom teeth isn’t that bad… if you op to be knocked out for it, they will give you the GOOD STUFF… but you’ll need someone to drive you home and get you into your house. My husband had his done this year and they gave him the GOOD STUFF! He was a walking zombie and out of it for hours after the “surgery”. He doesn’t remember a whole lot. lol But he is no longer in pain because his ended up being impacked and that hurts!

                                Having anything removed surgicly is scary! So I know what you mean… money wise and body wise, it sucks!

                                But from my personal expereance, it wasn’t that bad. 😉

                                I have to say this first, I HATE waking up from going under, I freak the hell out. (I would not be a candidate for most drugs because of this LoL) Anyway, I remember waking up early out of having my wisdom teeth pulled thrashing and hitting whatever was in range (later found out I punched my oral surgeon in the jewels 😀 ) I was so disoriented, but the surgeon’s voice resounded in my head “If you do NOT calm down I’m going to stick a needle in you!” (more anesthetic) Well I was and still am freaked out by getting shots, I froze and lay stalk still. 😆 😆 Needless to say he didn’t even want to see me for a check up….Told my mom “Your a veterinarian right? Good…You make sure it doesn’t get infected!” LMAO my mom was so embarased to take me anywhere I had to get shots or have someone work on my mouth. I mean I DID have metal crap in my mouth from age 6 to 16…I think I bit my orthedontist at least once a visit, made one of the assistants bleed….Ya LoL I’m sure they charged my mom extra for that!

                                in reply to: Thank you Snap! #788309

                                  Thank you Snap for the successfull migration and minimum down time of the forum! You do work magic and we appreciate all you’ve done for Windstone, the forum and us over the years!


                                Viewing 15 posts - 331 through 345 (of 3,168 total)