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  • in reply to: Welcome Mirrako #614507

      We got married exactly 3 years from the first day we started dating, and did a tiny service on top of Mt Evans in Renaissance clothing (just the 5 of us in the party). It was a blast, and we were surrounded by a few family members, mountain goats, marmots, and all the hikers who were up there that day.

      Will have to try to get a photobucket account set up soon…

      in reply to: Retiring? #615303

        Are all the Rubies retired, or just Emperors, Spectrals, and OW’s? Those are the only ones I was told about, but hey, I’m really new at this!

        in reply to: pink dragons #612329

          My 12 year-old wants a pink curlie for Christmas! Any chance there will be more before then? πŸ˜‰

          I was too busy chasing peacocks and rubies, and missed them… 😳

          in reply to: Welcome Mirrako #614499

            Helloooooo, everyone! I’ve been waiting for a long time to join in the discussions! Many of you seem like family to me even though you have no idea who I am YET… πŸ˜€

            Sorry it took so long to reply, but I’m still learning my way around (lived in the galleries all last year) and just got to this page tonight. 😳

            Newlywed (July 17th!) and we are exchanging Windstones as wedding gifts to each other. πŸ˜€

            I chose Peacock dragons, and my husband chose Ruby. We’re Ebaying and driving all the local dealers nuts trying to get them all.

            Question: how do you clean grease off an Emperor without hurting the finish? He’s from Ebay, and looks brown in some places… πŸ™

            Thanks for the incredible welcome! I’ll be getting to know you more as often as I can log in. And, I have to figure out how to set up pictures and all that, too…

            More info soon!

          Viewing 4 posts - 151 through 154 (of 154 total)