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  • in reply to: MINE MINE MINE! #6 BABY!!! #565636

    yayyy ! congratulations Whippet. Glad you got one of these 😀

    Work in progress removing the gold paint, here’s a photo showing comparison of before and after. What I ended up doing, was scraping it off with a carbide scraper -Those in the model horse hobby, here’s something else that Carol William’s scrapers are good for. I know “eeek!” but since she’ll need paint touchup anyway…

    and just in case anyone is interested, here is a comparison of my wierd Emperor with the Mother 😉

    in reply to: Windstone Bonanza! #564876

    Congratulations on the finds. One of these days maybe I’ll actually see one of the Wizard’s Retreat sculpts in person. Photos just don’t quite show enough.

    in reply to: Red Gold #565251

    Beautiful, Kyrin. You certainly gave him a new life.

    Nambroth wrote:

    What you paid for the momma seems very fair- just think, you saved at least $10 in shipping! 😉

    yup, saved shipping cost and risk of more damage. Also, if the new ones are in the $120 range, and this lady was retired years ago — I thought it was a good price.

    Kyrin — thanks for suggestion. I thought about polish remover, but figured that would definitely remove the original too. Maybe rubbing alcohol ?

    whippetluv wrote:

    looks like someone took a gold marker and covered all of her spine scales! Horrible job too!

    yeah, that’s kind of what I thought 😥 Any suggestions on what would remove the “gold marker” but not harm the original paint?

    I hope I can restore her, matching the paint will be my problem. Hope there aren’t too many more rubs hiding under all that old dust…

    I actually found a few Windstones in an antique mall today – welllll, actually I’d seen them before in a dark locked case way in a back corner, and I could see the very high price on one of them… Today they were out on top of a case in a brightly lit area 😉

    Brown Father Dragon, looked to be in very good condition, but priced at $215 😯 That’s way high, isn’t it ?

    Small black wizard, few small paint chips, but didn’t look too thoroughly, $115. I haven’t seen one of these for sale, is that about normal ?

    And the one I bought, please excuse the dust on both dragon and table 😳 She is a bit damaged, got an extra 10% off for that, so with tax $92.50. I know some of you have gotten better deals off eBay, but I didn’t have to worry about having her shipped 😉

    More pics, showing damage http://members.cox.net/maaukh/windstones/brnmother.html

    in reply to: Anyone else SICK of winter?? #561425

    actually, I’m getting sick of summer… at least, it almost feels like it. We’ve already had temps in the mid 90s — 80s in February! , and hardly any rain since last year, we’re at least an inch and a half below normal.

    Strangely enough, we did get a couple of inches of snow back in January 8) I think it made the national news.

    in reply to: Anyone want to play a game? #556838

    well, someone else already found some, but


    in reply to: Need picture of Autumn Leaf SK. Soon. #556921

    ooooh myyyy 😯

    what a beauty.

    *whimpers a little*

    in reply to: serial Number ?? #546595

    Melody wrote:

    So, no matter what, he would be worth more than fifty bucks! Good deal.

    oh, he’s definitely worth more to me 😀 I just wonder in case, god forbid, something happens and I need to raise cash… Not to mention I sometimes wonder if I should consider insurance on some of the collectibles. I just started mentally adding up how much one little case of Artist Resin horses I have is worth… 😯

    in reply to: serial Number ?? #546593

    WolfenMachine wrote:

    Also, your PYO is beautiful too! I LOVE him with those gold eyes and the gold body….would you ever consider repeating his coloring in the future? If you would, I’d comission you to paint me another one this summer when I actually have some Windsone funds 😀

    thank you Wolfen 🙂 Actually, the eyes are orange..silly cameras and computers never show the true colors. Her real coloring is somewhere between the group shot and the solo. As far as repeating the coloring, I doubt I could exactly match it, but something similar would be possible. Commission ? um, this is the only one I’ve finished. Ya sure you’d want to chance it ? LOL I think I’d be more comfortable painting one, then offering it for sale with you having first dibs if you were interested. I’ve never created something for someone else before, I’ve only done work for me. Well, not including the TOP but that’s another hobby … 8)

    I haven’t seen one of the Windstone gold dragons in person yet, I don’t think she’s too close to production color. She really is more coppery than gold.

    in reply to: serial Number ?? #546592

    Melody wrote:

    BUT the pad looks real; is there a Windstone stamp on it? (you can’t fake those too easily)

    The pad does have the Windstone Editions logo and North Hollywood California. It does NOT look like it was removed from another one, it’s a little dusty but otherwise clean.


    Something else that seems unusual is the sort-of blobby bumps on the very close up pic of the tail/ hip area.

    Not sure what bumps you mean ? Unless it’s the tiny ones on the dorsal scales right above the wing tip, etc. They really don’t show up if you just look or touch, it’s the close-up and the flash that brought them out. If you mean the ones that are following the line of scales two or three rows above the wing-tip, those are the scales right where it changes from upper body scales to leg scales or under-tail scales. It’s the same on both sides.


    Is the dragon as heavy as other Windstones?

    um, what’s a real Emperor weigh ? My only other production pieces are the Young dragons, coiled, and curled. (deep nervous breath…) He weighs about 10 pounds.

    Unfotunately, I can’t contact any previous owners, because I bought him at an antique mall in 2005.

    My best guess is that he was an original brown, and someone went back and repainted him by dry-brushing the flat gold color over his sides and tail. He really is not shiny, that’s all from the flash. The belly and legs are just the normal orangey-brown with darker brown antiquing. Would someone at the factory have done that, or is it an after-market addition ? 😆 Of course, if that is the case,to someone else he’s only “worth” what a body Emperor would cost, I suppose.

    btw, the stones are blue-green (turquoise, teal ?) if that matters…

    thanks again, Melody 🙂

    in reply to: windstone as real tattoo #557028

    thank you Melody, I will let her know. She just saw one of the fledglings this weekend, and was totally blown away by your design and detail. She and another friend loved the dragon and may have been corrupted…I mean… encouraged to become collectors. 8)

    The one who wants the tat is an artist, and I would really love to see what she would do with a PYO griffin. Maybe I should try to commission one ? hmmm

    in reply to: windstone as real tattoo #557024

    I thought this was asked before, but I’ve been searching and can’t find anything – forgive me if it’s there and I’m just slow. I did see the temp tattoo thread.

    What is Windstone’s stance on a tattoo design based on one of the Windstone dragons ? A friend of mine has been wanting a dragon tat forever but never found the right one. She just recently discovered Windstones, she says they’re perfect. I know the company doesn’t encourage fanart, does this include a design she draws for her own personal use, on her own body only ?


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