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  • in reply to: Ladybrooklyn? Where did you go? #633275

    I’ll let her know that people over here are asking if she’s ok 🙂

    in reply to: Ladybrooklyn? Where did you go? #633272

    I think she’s been a bit busy lately, she had a model-horse related get-together on Saturday the 27th so probably had to prepare for that. (for anyone in the hobby, read that as a show 😆 ) Haven’t actually heard from her since the 26th, I couldn’t make it there, but I’m pretty sure all is well.

    Hey Brooklyn, who won the Halloween horse ?

    in reply to: Help with Model Horse Touch Ups #629135

    I was afraid it was a Stone. Not that I’ve had the experience of it, but people I know have sent items for repair, and they were returned in worse shape. Of course, there have been a few times when someone got something better 😮 but I wouldn’t take the risk.

    If the eartip is charcoal, maybe burnt umber with just a little something to give it a grey cast. Straight burnt umber might be too brown.

    For shell hooves, I’d suggest starting with a Soft White – not Titanium or any other bright white – then adding a tiny amount of Raw Sienna. In other brands, something that is flesh or peach colored. Of course, if you’ve done more painting, you probably know better than me LOL

    good luck, hope you can touch him up

    in reply to: No new ponies for me yet:( #628787

    Barrdwing wrote:

    Amen! If bloody arsonists like fire so much, let ’em die of smoke inhalation and heat exposure, and see if they’re still so crazy about it. Except I hope they still end up in a very warm place afterward. 👿 Or reincarnate as a bag of campfire marshmallows . . . forever. 🙁

    It is unbelievable just how twisted, sick, or just incredibly stupid people can be. The worst fire ever in my state was actually started by… a seasonal fire-fighter who wanted to get hired on as part of a quick-response fire team. That fire joined another started by a lost motorist ( after the first one was already going, she was trying to signal a news helicopter…) and eventually burned 467,066 acres (1,890.15 km²) burning from June 18 til July 7 2002.

    Hope your ponies and all the other animals are safe, and praying for so many others in California also.

    in reply to: Help with Model Horse Touch Ups #629133

    travistie wrote:

    I just got this Arabian model… and he wasn’t very cheap. He is so beautiful, except for an eartip and hoof rub. … The company that made him offered to fix him up if I send him back. I’m just having a hard time getting myself to send it in… and waiting another month before I can get him back. I admit… I have very little patience when it comes to stuff like this. 🙄

    It’s not a Stone, is it ? I definitely wouldn’t send it back. no, it’d be longer than a month

    Most of the painters I know use regular acrylic paints, usually Liquitex I think. Like purplecat asked, is it dark or light-hooved ?

    in reply to: Lady Brooklyn is off to NAN in TX!!! #591392

    Dragon Master wrote:

    sorry but what is NAN???

    NAN is North American Nationals. One part of the model horse hobby is Live Shows. Yes, horse shows, based on real shows with judges. There are breed classes, where the horses are judged on breed standards or finishwork if it’s workmanship classes. There is also performance, where a horse is judged on ability to perform, set-up, etc. If the show is NAN-qualified, that means that the first and second place horses from each class are qualified to show at the national competetion, where they can win Champion, Reserve, or Top Ten.

    I know “showing” kind of seems like a wierd concept to some, but it’s the same as the Model Railroaders, or other Miniaturists having competitions. It’s just another way to participate in the hobby, and get together with people with similar tastes and interests and share their lovely horses. 🙂

    in reply to: Desired HYBRID: may have been discussed? #587354

    Yup, I’m with Quill and rockerbot, the alicorn was the horn of the unicorn, dating back to medieval times.
    I think the usage of alicorn for the animal has only been common since fantasy writers like Anthony and Lackey started using it that way.

    I’ve never seen unisus, it’s either a pegacorn or a unipeg. Unipeg just sounds off to me, I prefer pegacorn.

    in reply to: Wizards in new colors? #581145

    ddvm wrote:

    A black gold mouse wizard!

    oooh yeaaahhh I’ve been wanting one of these little guys, and I think he’d look awesome in black gold

    :squeak: 😆 :squeak: 😆 :squeak:

    in reply to: Show your Windstone collection – Part three! #573406

    keschete wrote:

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Nice collection, keschete! I’m drooling over the white coiled mama too…

    Is it that hard to find? I just started collecting after many years on hiatus, The last Windstone I purchased prior to this year was 1997. It is incredible to me that a Flion, Black Griffin, Peacock Scratcher all are going for so much on ebay.

    Hmm, harder to find, and certainly not inexpensive 😉 I am jealous of all of you and your wonderful collections. I got my Peacock Young back in… 96 I think, and my Emerald Young in 98, then rarely even saw Windstones until I found my Emperor in 04. Now I’m seeing all the beautiful dragons and other creatures that I missed out on at issue prices… sigh.

    in reply to: wolf in progress, PYO#2 #581793

    thanks for the encouraging words, everyone.

    So far, the wings have maybe 10-20 minutes of work on them, I just needed to get some basic color. It’s like starting painting on a pure white canvas or writing on a new sheet of paper – ack, where do you start ?

    You guys are right about needing to get some dark color in the wings. I was thinking of making the leading edge of the wing darker, and the longest feathers (primaries ? I don’t know much about bird anatomy ) Do some shadow striping, banding, whatever it’s called… Just paint some and see what happens. Yup, some antiquing on the wings, too. Need that little bit of darkness to bring back the texture.

    Also, maybe blend the transition a bit more where it goes from fur to feathers on the shoulders, it’s a little abrupt right now.

    As for selling, I haven’t really thought about it, this is only my second one. 😳

    in reply to: Then there were three! (labradorite griffins…) #578258

    They are incredible, Nam. At least I can look at pics of them, I know I would never be able to own one.


    in reply to: wolf in progress, PYO#2 #581785

    Finally getting a little more painting done. I think I prefer the dragons, there’s just too much detail on fur and feathers 😆 Colors are just a little yellower than true due to indoor light, blue cast on left is outdoor light.

    Painted darker base coats, then drybrush with lighter colors up to the highlights. The body is mostly done, he needs his nails done, a couple spots fixed, and some detailing on the face. I’ve just started blocking in the color for the wings. If I remember correctly, he’s got straw eyes.

    any suggestions ?

    in reply to: Dragon #4- it's been a while! #574030

    mipa wrote:

    My favorite color is green so I just couldn’t resist doing on in green and black.

    wow, evidence of how far off some monitors display. I’m looking at the picture wondering where the green is, especially. On my laptop it looks like super-dark almost-black purple and gold. I had to open the pics in Gimp and play with the hues to see green.

    Sort of explains why some other things haven’t looked the same in real life as in pics 😕

    cool dragon, Mipa.

    in reply to: It's summer! #573848

    must be nice to be able to enjoy summer… LOL

    Last night at 10 pm it was 85 (27 C ) today it’s supposed to be about 100 (38 C ) 10 am and it’s already over 90. Our average highs will be around 100 until, hmm, mid September ? Ick.

    in reply to: VERY BAD NEWS!! #569269

    I’m so sorry to read this, DM. I wish you could have had more time with her, but it’s never enough no matter what.

    Do take comfort from knowing that she’s at peace now, with no more suffering.


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