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  • in reply to: quick note of caution #803175

    I don’t know if this is the same one that got me a while back, but just in case and to make sure people know

    If this comes up as a pop-up window, DO NOT click on anything in the window. I repeat, DO NOT click on the window itself. Close your browser (with Task Manager if you have XP, don’t know other systems) If you click on the pop-up, that tells the program to download and execute.

    That was the one and only virus I’ve ever gotten, and it was expensive and frustrating to get rid of.

    back to occasionally lurking

    in reply to: movies that scared the crap out of you when you were a kid? #782932

    Night of the Lepus

    Late at night, very young – I don’t even remember the movie, just that it scared me. But it scared my oldest brother, too 😀

    in reply to: mikki's snaps #746517

    Well, after being sick and then the computer and the internet not talking, I’m back online.

    I put a few pics online for a friend, the first two are from Hoover Dam, then three already posted here, then down at the bottom a link to something a little more local.


    in reply to: mikki's snaps #746514

    BDW – thanks for the compliments on the photos (still trying, the laptop and email are both being bad tonight)

    Jasmine – The photos with the river were taken as the sun was setting. I think the pictures I took then are probably my faves from the trip.

    twindragonsmum – Thanks. I only had a day and a half in the area, so mostly just saw the main canyon of Zion and Bryce. I was hoping to go to Cedar Breaks, but found out the road doesn’t open til late May sometime as it’s closed for the winter. Coyote Butte is extremely limited to visitors, only 20 per day and 10 of those are from a permit reservation lottery, and it’s also approx. 6 hr hike RT. Maybe someday.

    GB – thanks if you are talking about my pictures. If you’re talking about twins’ … then yes, they are beautiful. The Southwest US does have some incredible scenery and lots of wide open country. Sometimes I’m glad I live around here – just not in summer time when it’s 110* F :negative:

    in reply to: mikki's snaps #746506

    Which one/s are you interested in ? I have much larger images, I cropped and then also had to make those small enough to post on the forum.

    I think the first two from Zion are 750 x 525 or so, full size is like 32xx X 24xx.

    in reply to: mikki's snaps #746504

    Made the side-trip here on the way home

    BTW, just in case anyone plans to visit the National Parks, I’d like to recommend getting the Interagency Pass. It’s good for one year from purchase, gives admission to National Parks, National Monuments, and assorted other national forest and BLM lands, for $80. Yes, a bit of money, but… entry fee into Zion and Grand Canyon are now $25 per car. I didn’t notice how much Bryce is. If you live near a Nat’l Park that you visit often, or go on vacation to a few of the parks, it quickly pays for itself.

    in reply to: mikki's snaps #746503

    I also went to Bryce Nat’l Park.

    Just in case it isn’t clear, the dark jagged spots are tall pine trees. That’s how enormous this place is.

    An arch, though they call it Natural Bridge 😛

    An just because I know some of y’all like these… Got dive-bombed by this one, then he landed on a nearby fence to watch me to see if I had food…

    in reply to: mikki's snaps #746502

    I went for a few days vacation in Utah, got a few pictures to share.

    I stayed at a hotel just 1.5 miles from the entrance, convenient but not a lot of places for food.

    This is from Zion Nat’l Park, just before sunrise.

    Not sure which of these I two like better


    well. color-wise I would say it’s yellow dun. Note the body-color hairs at the top of the tail and it looks like in the mane, also. There is also primitive barring on the legs. Pinto pattern, tobiano. You don’t have a pic of the other side, I’m guessing. All the little spots on the legs are often called “cat tracks” and it’s a good indication of tobiano

    hah! I actually found the horse ! 😀

    http://www.spottedfawnpaints.com/MaresAPHA.asp Look for Tons of Freckles

    in reply to: New Game! Lyrics #750846

    Yes, you’re right. I thought it was appropriate for this forum…

    the problem with waiting for me, I’m not here very often. I just happened to “pass by” yesterday and made that post 8) I came back today to see if anyone got it

    in reply to: New Game! Lyrics #750844

    well, since we are allowed to google 😛

    The Piano has been drinking – Tom Waits

    “Still the dragons reign supreme
    Breathing fire till we scream
    They leave us nothing but our dreams”

    in reply to: editing avi files #748330

    thanks Necron99, sounds a bit more complicated than what I’d need. I guess I’ll probably have to look at some software at the store, though. I hate to pay for a lot of extra that I don’t need, but who knows, once I get into it I might decide to do more…

    first I need to stop shaking the camera around LOL

    in reply to: Rab wont eat. Updated P 9. Its Over:( Pics on P 11 #745608

    I’m sorry to read this, Ski. *hugs*

    in reply to: editing avi files #748328

    I have no idea where to put this, but figure this sub-forum gets a lot of traffic ..

    Can anyone recommend any good freeware (shareware…) for doing avi editing ? Something super easy to use that produces something you could actually watch without getting an instant headache ? Something that doesn’t require the latest greatest version of a computer, my laptop is a few years old (XP, 1.something GHz, no idea on RAM, etc….)

    My camera can take videos, but so far I’ve just made a few little experiments. I’d like to be able to save just parts of them – for example, I got a few seconds of video on those pronghorns I saw, complete with background music from the CD that was playing (Pure Moods – X-File theme XD ) Most of it was garbage, but there was a little part I’d like to clip out and save.

    thanks if anyone can help out.

    in reply to: Happy Holidays to all! #747476

    Merry Christmas !

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