Forum Replies Created
sunhawk wrote:Melody wrote:
A Jade Empress?!? I didn’t know there was a Jade Empress!! Where did you find her??
What a wonderful and rare collection you have!
These Jade guys are a total mystery to us. We don’t know how many there are, how many different designs there are or even how they got painted…I am accumulating info from you folks about them!
I suspect that several of of our dragon designs got painted this color, but we just have no idea! It is kinda fun to discover this sort of thing.How DOES that kind of thing happen? LOL Who is allowed to paint your dragons besides you and your people? Or is this the first time it’s happened? Well, it happened with these and the orange eyed emeralds. Nobody knows how it happened! Apparantly we weren’t very clear on the paint scheme for the Emeralds! Or, we intentionally did these in jade… but we don’t remember doing it. We certainly would of called them “Jade” on the price list if it was intentional! …really weird.
I wasn’t at the factory very often during the child bearing years. I worked at home. Stuff like this could happen, but for nobody to notice they were Jade?… and then not remember it? Weird. Fun, but weird.Arlla wrote:LOL wow, that seems like a pretty big deviation from the set color scheme to do without the boss being around to aprove it!
hehe…silver back dragon…John must of approved it, I didn’t. That is the problem with two bosses.
dragonessjade wrote:I was wondering what happened to him and if he was going to make another castle. How did the castle idea spring to the surface?
I’ll see if I can find him, and get him to read this thread!
Keplilly wrote:I was just wondering. We have seen a few jade scratchers and I just got a jade hatching empress and father coiled in jade. How likely is it that other sculpts were painted in jade?
A Jade Empress?!? I didn’t know there was a Jade Empress!! Where did you find her??
What a wonderful and rare collection you have!
These Jade guys are a total mystery to us. We don’t know how many there are, how many different designs there are or even how they got painted…I am accumulating info from you folks about them!
I suspect that several of of our dragon designs got painted this color, but we just have no idea! It is kinda fun to discover this sort of thing.drag0nfeathers wrote:So has anyone else been depressed lately from the lack of Windstone auctions on ebay this week. Right now it’s down to 28, not includeing those crazy priced BuY It Now ones.
I’ve ben spoiled with like 3 pages of them for the last month or so and now we have like half of one page. *sigh* Not that I should be buying any, but I still like to peruse. =) Last year, I noticed some incredible deals on Ebay Windstones over the holiday weekend.. that is probably why sellers avoid listing things that will close then! But now is a good time for collectors to pay attention!You may get a screaming deal.
We are waiting ’till after Christmas for listing our new stuff. We figure folks are too distracted to deal with it, and anyway, you are supposed to be buying presents for OTHER people!skigod377 wrote:Oooooohh…. A ruby large wizard…*Drools*
Just, please, not a pink one…
SilverArrow wrote:Melody!!!!! *waves hands in air* ANOTHER WIZARD QUESTION!!!! 😀
You probably hate me asking these “tidbit” questions – if so, just say so, and I’ll cease and desist. But until then……
Is there a particular reason why the Large Wizards have a faceted glass crystal instead of a smooth one like nearly every other wizard/creature that has them???
I was wondering if it was for practical reasons or just a design preference.
The original wizards had faceted crystals because they were in fasion at the time, and easy to get! We didn’t yet have a source for the nice round ones. I would rather of used round ones.CherylKaufman wrote:Yes Nirvana,
I’ve been begging, just BEGGING for that griffin for months. For you it would just be another piece to add to your massive collection- for me it is something so utterly wonderful and special, kind of like a holy grail, and would be the pride of my collection. Beyond words I would REALLY like to get him! Do I have to point out that Nambroth gets better with each griffin she paints? (I was tempted to keep that one, actually)
ruffian wrote:Weren’t there any red shirts?? I remember some in the later episodes. We had a very bad color tv..Was hard to tell.
WolfenMachine wrote:Melody wrote:littleironhorse wrote:With the retirement of the Peacock color, comes the side effect that the Spectral Dragon (sitting) is no longer available at all… With that in mind, is there any chance that he will be offered in another color any time soon?
Oh, right… Hmmm, I guess we will have to paint him in something. I’m glad we have you guys watching out for us.
With that said, I thought I would compile a list of all the sculpts that are now no longer in current production:
Hatching Empress
Rising Spectral
Hatching Emperor
Male coiled dragon
Mother coiled dragon with egg
and of course, the Old WarriorJust as a friendly helpful reminder 😆
I also think all of these would be breathtaking in gold! Especially the rising spectral and hatching emperor/empress Thanks! No kidding , I don’t keep track.
December 21, 2006 at 6:08 am in reply to: What days are the factory closed for the holidays? #517676skigod377 wrote:The bribes are rolling in!
Arlla wrote:This is a completely unimportant question, but I was just wondering…
The emperors painted in the old colors had different color schemes than the rest of the family painted in the same color – for instance, the old brown emperor had what looks like an irridecent red sheen on his scales that the male, mother and young dragons in brown lacked. The green emp had irridecent teal and purple that the other dragons didn’t have. I always thought that was cool, and really set the emperor dragon up as being the boss, the alpha, the head honcho that’s got the most girls and treasure because he’s the biggest and the prettiest. A lot of dominant animals in nature do develop brighter colors like that.
But I’ve noticed that none of the other color schemes seem to give the emperor that distinction of being the most magnificent.…How come? (just curious)
You mean like a silverback alpha-male gorilla?
The truth is … I have no idea why the brown and green Emperors got painted with irridescent coloring on them. I guess somebody decided to do then that way.I think we were in Oregon at the time. They look good, I think, but if I had been here I would of not of thought to do that.skigod377 wrote:Melody wrote:We would love to sell to art and craft stores, but these pyos aren’t yet packaged in a way that they would sell well in stores … They need a fancy clear plastic covered box to keep them clean, and some instruction type thing about how to paint them. Then, do we include paint? That gets complicated fast. But if we had the kind of store that catered to folks that knew how to deal with the paint themselves, like craft and model shops, that would be swell.
I would like to take a few of mine, both painted and not painted, to our shop in Heidelberg and show them. I think, if they buy some, they can set examples of each sculpt on the shelf and then keep the rest boxed in the back. They have paint and brushes there, so I would think the paper you have in there should be sufficient. It guides you to the tutorial. Its just an idea, but I wouldnt want to tell them about the PYOs and have it end up that they cant get them from you. Let me run this idea past John first, before you suggest this to the store. Depending on shipping and other charges, it may be too expensive to get them there. You notice we don’t have many dealers in Germany.
skigod377 wrote:Miss Melody, your home page says the PYOs are available direct from the factory. What if we can find arts and craft stores that would want to carry them? Would you do that?
We would love to sell to art and craft stores, but these pyos aren’t yet packaged in a way that they would sell well in stores … They need a fancy clear plastic covered box to keep them clean, and some instruction type thing about how to paint them. Then, do we include paint? That gets complicated fast. But if we had the kind of store that catered to folks that knew how to deal with the paint themselves, like craft and model shops, that would be swell.
Nambroth wrote:John mentioned to me running a few of my PYO auctions possibly over the holidays also, but of course nothing is set in stone.
…Set in Gypsum