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  • in reply to: Jades #552044

      emerald212 wrote:

      I’m more interested in the color as opposed to the rarity of them. However, the sculpts that appear in Jade currently wouldn’t have to be reissued, so they could stay rare… but could imagine a Jade Emperor, or Rising Spectral? A Jade Male, Mother, Young, Hatching, Fledgling? Those would be so pretty! A Jade Lap! OMG! I’m going to drool, and I try so hard not to. 🙂

      I have thought about this, but we have no idea which designs were issued in Jade! They are a mystery to us! I am pretty sure the Spectrals, Emperors and Warriors weren’t, but the Father, Mother,Young, Laps, Scratching and coiled ones have shown up in Jade.

      in reply to: Red and Red/Gold Emperors… #552114

        Zelda wrote:

        Hello! Over the years I’ve saved a lot of pictures of Windstone pieces from ebay and such places. Roaming through my folders, I came across a few emperor dragons painted in mostly orange and red, with sky blue eyes and jewels. I also have a picture of a darker version of this paint scheme with golden belly, shoulder, and arm scales. I was curious about this coloration as it’s very striking.

        When were these big fellas made, and were there ever plans for the rest of the dragon family in this color? Thanks! The bottom two are Old Browns. They all had violet interference paint on them, don’t ask me why. It photos weird. I don’t know what the top pic is of. It isn’t a color I recognise.
        Does anyone know when the Old Browns were retired? I think the Astral Castle website has the retire dates. I don’t remember.

        in reply to: Autumn Leaf SK #552002

          John took a pic but I don’t know where he filed it. I was looking for it yesterday. I’ll post it when I do find it.
          I was planning to paint ten Autumn Leaf SK’s ( if I have that many castings…I didn’t count them…) to auction on ebay. That would be like the first ten we auction of a new production color. Hopefully these ALSK’s can be made in production someday.This should keep the auction prices under control.
          We really aren’t trying to fleece you folks, we just haven’t many of these to sell!
          We are painting more of the white SK’s too.

          in reply to: One more question about my em peacock #551834

            Whistful wrote:

            the other mother with the blue purple has them
            as well as the male so i think they are supposed to.
            well the orig had them later they dropped but if a em/pe is a hybrid of emeralds and peacocks it makes sense they have the markings

            guess you are right.

            in reply to: One more question about my em peacock #551832

              Whistful wrote:

              okay i got the purple VIOLET em peacock momma from emerald and i guess it was a bit of a trial on the color and we know it was changed a bit. but i just noticed she dosn’t have her non metallic touches, she has her gold, but her head and just above the rear leg she dosn’t have the purple blue hand painted scales o_O i wonder how many others escaped like that

              Probably all of them, I’m not sure that the male is supposed to have those markings! I’ll need to check the paint samples the painters use, and see what gives…Which way do you like them?

              in reply to: Baby Pegasus #551623

                littleironhorse wrote:

                So the were actually mare produced and sold without the necklace???

                I’d love to see one, I don’t think I ever have, at least on ebay… Yes, they were both produced for a short period. I’ve seen several babies without the necklace on ebay, but I’ve only seen one mare that was without one.

                in reply to: Cafe Express #549467

                  drag0nfeathers wrote:

                  Any new designs for tees/bags/mugs and what not in the works soon? I keep wanting to make an order but I have that feeling like as soon as I do a bunch of new stuff will pop up the next day XD

                  I am planning more stuff.
                  I just got John to photo the Autumn Leaf Secret Keeper I just painted, I was going to put it on something.
                  And I’ve got some poad™ stuff too.
                  What else does any one want? No obligation to buy it, of course.I just need some suggestions.
                  Calendar, yes.

                  in reply to: Wondering #551731

                    dragonessjade wrote:

                    How many people at the factory that work there get paid in Windstones or get something special?

                    Nobody gets paid in Windstones! But at Christmas they get to choose some pieces to take. Painters sometimes custom paint ones for themselves, too.
                    Working around here is kinda like working in a chocolate factory, you do get your fill after about twenty years. (I was amazed when Karen asked if she could have a Tabby flapcat for Christmas! “YOU want one?? You’ve got to be kidding!”)

                    in reply to: Poads!! Will they be auction, direct or stores?? #549833

                      emerald212 wrote:

                      Okay. How about this?

                      My favs are 1, 10, 11, 13, 15I need to print this pic out to keep track. I’ll write your votes on it.

                      in reply to: Baby Griffin on Ebay #549667

                        kirin wrote:

                        Dunno, maybe its someone from windstone selling one perhaps, though i doubt it.


                        in reply to: Baby Pegasus #551621

                          starbreeze wrote:

                          Hi Melody,

                          I was wondering at what point a necklace was added to the baby pegasus? I have one in the old style with no necklace that I received as a gift a long time ago. Was there any particular reason why you decided to add the necklace? If this topic has already been covered in another thread, would someone please direct me to it? 😀
                          I don’t think anyone has talked about that topic on here. I added the necklace to the mare and baby pegasus because we decided they were too boring without them. The unicorns and almost everything else had a necklace, so we felt they should too. The male peg was good enough without, and the hatchling wouldn’t have purchased one for himself yet.

                          in reply to: Poads!! Will they be auction, direct or stores?? #549808

                            Watergazer wrote:

                            Is each poad going to be painted differently then? Each being OOAK? Or are you going to select different color runs and mass produce them?

                            I don’t know what I’m doing…I’m gonna do like I always do; paint tons of them, select a few colors (like five) to do batches of, as “production bin’s” (or direct sale) and then maybe have the others as auctioned ooaks. I’ve got all of you to help choose colors… help!!

                            in reply to: Windstone…switchplates?? #551596

                              rockerbot wrote:

                              Windstone switchplates???

                              Man, I hate it when people try to make money off of images they pull of the web and then print out onto sticker paper with their home printer. SO. CHEAP. Now Melody’s dragon from her print line is on a switchplate. D:

                              eBay is weird. I just thought you’d like to know. x.xThanks! John’s dealing with it.

                              in reply to: Ok, the secrets out. #551096

                                There is a picture for Ski in my gallery.

                                in reply to: Windstone Tattoos? #551516

                                  Watergazer wrote:

                                  I posted this in the General Windstone section but it was a better idea to post it here:

                                  I was at a Jewel or Dominicks store and some kid had a temporary Windstone art tattoo. I asked the mom about it and she said she bought them years ago and that she only just found them in her stuff so gave them to her son. They were someone’s drawings of the Father Dragon…peacock colors…and VERY well done. Perfect replications in 2D form of the 3D sculpture. Did Windstone sanction temporary tattoos at any time during its career? Based on the image it was a very well-executed piece of art.

                                  Oh, and the woman also said it was in a pack of all-dragon tattoos like that, including one standing up she had seen once in a store…so probably the Emperor dragon I’m guessing, since it seems like Windstone’s signature piece. HMMM.. no we never licensed anyone to do that. Arrest the kid.
                                  Just kidding. Not much we can do about it if they are very old and we can’t trace the manufacturer. If anybody sees them for sale anywhere, or finds an intact package, we’d be delighted to find out where they came from!

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