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Squeaks for them in Black gold!!! Squeak from someone who never squeaks! 😛
Just adding two cents from someone who knows a fair amount of Japanese.
“Ki-Rin” actually just means “giraffe” in Japanese.
The word Ki-Rin is also not pronounced “ker-rin” as it’s always incorrectly said. The correct way to pronounce it is “key-din” without a terribly huge emphases on the “d”.
emerald212 wrote:I kind of wish there was another option. Like a White Ruby Gold, or something like that.
o__O White ruby gold? As much as I dislike all those colors on Windstones, for whatever reason the combination sounds like it would look pretty cool.
It’s cool to find an old Windstone randomly on display! 😀
I am LOVING that gryphon!
I see the “differences” and everything after examining it, but at first glace it’s just black gold. Like Arlla said, it looks way too much like regular black gold for me to be interested in it. I’d rather just spend $80 on the normal BG mother than $200+ on something that barely looks different…
To be honest, I thought it was just a regular black gold. I don’t see much of a difference 😕
DROGO wrote:Is it for sale there or just a display? Either way, that’s pretty cool! 8)
No, it’s just there for display. Like I said, the IMAX here is “dinosaur themed”… more or less X3
Rusti wrote:Kujacker wrote:Luuuuuucky! The orientals are my favorite of all WS ; ; Lucky lucky!
Buy me a top of the line iMac and Adobe CS3 Master Collection and we’ll talk trade. 😉
In a couple of decades.
I have the CS3 software, but the Mac I will never own ;p Guess I’m outta the trade! 😆
Okay. So tonight I saw Transformers in IMAX for the 4th time.
I noticed this the first time I went to see the movie, but I didn’t take note of it till last time I was there. My head is always screaming “Megatron!” when I’m there… so the last three times I didn’t much care about it XDOur IMAX is “dinosaur themed”, in a way (other than all the Transformers posters). In this glass case sits some bones and rocks and stuff and… a Windstone statue. I’m not familiar with the dino hatchers, but I think he’s the hatching Velociraptor.
This time while standing in line, Jon said “get a photo of it this time” and so I did. I only had my camera phone, and the lighting was very poor in the theatre, but you can see him. He’s a bit beat up… he’s got a good amount of chips of him head.I’ll more than likely go see the movie for a 5th time before it leaves IMAX (last shows are on Sunday! 🙁 ), and if I do I’ll bring my actual camera and take his picture.
Thought you guys might get a kick out of that 🙂
Luuuuuucky! The orientals are my favorite of all WS ; ; Lucky lucky!
Greater Basilisk wrote:None, thank you. 😕
Haha. I agree. Not that I’m against pink, it’s nice is small doses… But I highly doubt I would spend my money on a pink dragon.
Maebnus3 wrote:Even the Lap, as I always thought it looked like a student for the OW (I just can’t look at my Lap as the girlfriend).
Agreed! It totally looks male to me… so that’s what mine is X3 And agree on that student comment too!
Serenity wrote:Well unless it says male or mother or female, I’ll make up my own gender! 😛
Almost all of the items have genders and are said in the store, just read the descriptions 🙂
Maebnus3 wrote:Kujacker wrote:Serenity wrote:besides for that…. why can’t they be both? All depends on how you paint them??? Besides for the ones that are indeed labled as male and mother…
I think… you’re looking too far into it. Really, since they’re not alive, it doesn’t matter if they’re all male or all female.
Well that’s no fun! I assigned genders to all the (production) dragons even before some of them were specified on here. Except the Scratcher… that one I could never decide. (was that ever mentioned on the forum?)
Yes, he [the scratcher] was male 😀
And for me… unless it has “mother/female” in the title, it’s male. But… that’s almost everything anyway 😛