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  • in reply to: Who Wants Rainbow Royal Hatchers? #674711

      setsunawolf wrote:

      I personally don’t mind buying for someone else. And while paying the CC bill at the end of the month would be hard I do have a large enough credit limit to “help” out. But I would want confirmation from my “needy” and Paypal in advance of shipping from my house. Other wise if I got stuck with an extra (yeah right 😆 ) you will see it up on ebay and I would certainly hope I made a tidy sum on it…to help defray my expenses.

      Ditto, assuming I ever get the chance to be a buyer, and not a ‘needy’, lol. It was also suggested in the other thread that it would be best for people to live near each other to pair up! To cut down on the cost of shipping from the buyer to the needer. =)

      in reply to: Need help getting a curled color? #675034

        copper83 wrote:

        I’ll be wanting Peacock and Red Fire when they come out.

        One thing we might want to try to do when looking for help getting these, is finding someone that lives fairly near you to help keep shipping down. I’m on the west coast, so I’m hoping to find someone out here too, to help.

        Good idea! *adds your quests* =)

        in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653693

          pegasi1978 wrote:

          It’s a shame Windstone never made the Oriental dragon in Ruby to at least complete that line.

          Yeah, I thought the exact same thing, right after I lined them all up together. =

          in reply to: Happy Birthday Early pipsxlch (3/7) #675256

            Woohoo! Happy Birthday! =D

            in reply to: Happy Birthday List. #527413

              Ah hah, so this is how you know when people’s b-days are! =D Now I can say Happy Birthday on time, too!

              As for me, my birthday is January 24th. It was the year of the Sheep/Ram, by the Chinese calendar, and I’m an Aquarius! 😉

              in reply to: Happy Birthday Setsunawolf #674957

                Gah, how do you people know when it’s someone’s birthday?!

                Happy Birthday, Setsunawolf! =) I hope all your birthday wishes come true.

                in reply to: Tegaki Sketch journals! #673877

                  That is so nifty! =0 *makes one too!* Heehee!

                  in reply to: Gaia Members? #675886

                    Just out of curiosity, do any of you use Gaia too? 🙂 Me –> Miss Inari (or Miss_Inari) on Gaia. But don’t look at my profile if you’re deathly afraid of cockroaches. I made some cockroach icons to traumatize a friend, and they’re all over it. XD They’re not very scary, though. I made most of them sparkly or just plain silly. They make me laugh. c.c

                    in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653691

                      the dragon collector wrote:

                      They look good when they are all together like that. I wish they would make more of them. *sigh*

                      I know, right? =( I want a white/pearl one!

                      in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653689

                        Thanks, guys! They’re my favorites. 🙂 Big Red doesn’t look happy stuck in the background, does he. XD *laff*

                        in reply to: Need help getting a curled color? #675032

                          Okay, I think I got everyone. I changed it so that the colors that are not currently in the store, but will most likely (we hope) end up being made, are under a section titled “Unannounced Colors”, so if you want to put in your quest for those as well, just let me know. Man, it’s getting long. XD

                          Don’t hurt me for not liking those lavender/blue curls ok. >.>; Some of you hate Rainbow, I know it. <.

                          in reply to: Need help getting a curled color? #675030

                            emerald212 wrote:

                            I’m going to need the Peacock, Red Fire, Ruby, Rainbow, Light Blue, and Lavender too. I thought this was only for the ones that have come out already.

                            Everyone kept asking for un-announced colors, so I just gave up and added them to the list, in case they appeared out of nowhere. @.@;

                            in reply to: Who Wants Rainbow Royal Hatchers? #674709

                              boskydragon wrote:

                              How does this work? I really want the silver kinglet, and I’d like the rainbow emperor and/or empress (feel like I should restrain myself, but I do want both). Chances of me being online, slim. But what if I am? Who really buys? Whoever is on first? How do we know if someone has already gotten one or if we should be getting them for other people? Just curious, but I do want in! 🙂 I always console myself that if I miss out, at least I saved money, but this is actually way better! 😆

                              My word, I go to work for a day and everyone goes wild. XD But in the name of dropping the subject of old arguments and preserving the peace, let’s move on to bosky’s question.

                              I think the general idea that we have here is people who are willing buy an extra or two ( let’s be realistic, they’re $75 – $100 apiece as it is, and who can afford to put 10 of each on their credit card? o.O; ) sell their extra to one of the people that can’t be here to get what they want for store price + shipping. I’d say that if the person doing the buying is also purchasing for themselves, then they could charge the needy person for half the shipping from the store to them. If they’re only buying for someone else, then of course the other person should be charged for the whole thing. Otherwise, the needy (can’t think of what else to call us) should pay for all shipping from the buyer to them, in addition to the original half from the store to the buyer. You’d be spending a little more than you would if you bought straight from the store, but that’s life, right? >.>

                              The list I made is to give people willing to help an idea of what’s wanted, and by whom. If someone is wanting to be a buyer for another person specifically, they should probably PM whoever they pick, to get their address and things. When the needy gets confirmation that what they want has been bought, I reckon they should say so in here, so we can cross them off the list! That way, if there are leftovers, or a buyer who just wants to help no one in particular (just any ol needy person will do!), they can be offered to anyone not crossed off. I’m hoping we have enough to not worry about anyone not being crossed off, but if there is someone…that’s a tough one. I guess all we could do if there were none left in the store, is keep an eye out on ebay and elsewhere for them. = That should probably be moved to the Wishlist, though, since this list is for things that have a chance of appearing in the store again.

                              If we actually end up with more than we need, they can just be listed in the flea market or ebay(for regular price + shipping, since we’re basically kind of trying to make these available to more people), and will probably be snatched up immediately. Or, if the person is wanting to make a profit by selling the rest on ebay for more, that’s their business. =) No fussing at them allowed.

                              My head kinda hurts right now, so if any of that was unclear, sorry, and let me know so I can fix whatever it is, or we can puzzle out how to deal with it. t.t Can anyone think of any other points we might want to address?

                              Remember, like Nam said, only do this if you feel safe doing business with your ‘partner’ or ‘partners’, should you have more than one. This isn’t ebay, so we have no power over them. = Except that of ostracizing them…heh.

                              in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653686

                                Got the last one! 😉 –>

                                in reply to: Need help getting a curled color? #675022

                                  I added Light Lavender, Light Blue, Ruby, and Rainbow. We’ll just call those little pastel curlies “Light” until there’s an official name, hey? =)
                                  If they ever DO become ‘official’…e.e

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