Forum Replies Created
You can see their reflection in the crystal ball, third pic down! XD Heehee!
pegasi1978 wrote:kitsunelady wrote:Wow, you guys are all about the Brown! Gold first! *squees loudly* XD Even though I also like the Browns. *pets her lap dragon* But I haven’t got *anything* in gold!
Part of why everyone is asking for the brown is because the mother currently exsists in brown, but not the male.
No doubt. =) Seems like everyone but me is into making matching families. t.t I wish I had the *room* to do that!
boskydragon wrote:drag0nfeathers wrote:Hmmm, well in that case I am going to want
Light Blue (ice blue)
Red Fire
Peacock (peacock still hasn’t come out right?)Basically ANYTHING new. I have all of them that have come out so far and I don’t want to miss ANY of them 😀
Sigh… this goes for me too! (I think it’s a disorder! I need help! And I still need all the curlies 😉 )
I wonder how many of us are collecting all of them, and how many people are collecting all the new ones, or most of them. It seems that new batches of 30 fly out of the store and leave some people distressed because they missed them. I know there were some curlies that were in the store for longer periods of time.. does anyone know how many were in those original batches? Like 60?
It’s a mystery to me. o.o I think I got one of the third batch of pink curls, and they sat in there for a little while. So did the Emerald, which I also managed to get. =) Not sure which batch that was, but I bought them both at the same time…probably the only reason I managed to get either of those was because everyone else interested had already bought theirs in previous batches. @.@; But yeah, I think they’re just kinda busy moving, and that’s why we aren’t seeing much in the way of curlie ‘refills’ lately. =) Well, patience is its own reward.
*adds you to the list of people wanting the unannounced colors* XD
That much snow is scary. @.@; Ice is scary too.
Yeah, stupid craigslist! I’m mad at them, too! They don’t listen to any of the requests for adding a city, I swear.
Sucks that they ruined all your hard work – did they say why?
Barrdwing wrote:My Burnt Sugar Poad arrived a couple of days ago! 😀 She’s one of the third batch. I’m so happy to have her: the copper and gold accents on these are just beautiful.
Huzzah! I finally caved and bought one too. XD *high-fives* Burnt Sugar is great!
I really want a Lace one though. t.t
twindragonsmum wrote:I don’t even know what Gaia is 😳
But yeah, gotta watch out for most of the forums on there. Well, it’s not so much the forums, as the members…if you want to avoid a bunch of cursing, perverted little rugrats, you have to join a guild that’s invite-only. @.@ Otherwise, they find you…eventually. They’re supposed to keep it PG-13, but they never do. 9_9;
I just stay out of the forums…well, I peep at them sometimes, but they’re usually just running their mouths off. Gaia does have some cute mini-games, like Word Bump, Fishing, Puzzles, and even ‘gambling’, but only for Gaia Gold, heh. You can use the gold you win from the games to buy stuff to dress up your avatar with, either from the stores, or from the marketplace. =) You can also get Gold and items from Daily Chance, which is that thing that looks like one of those claw-grabby games…it shows up once a day on each main page of the site. So you can play like…five or six times a day, for free. It’s nice, if you like to fish, because it’ll give you free fish bait! And tokens, for gambling, too.
If you want to spend actual money on it (you don’t have to, of course), you can buy Gaia Cash, to spend in the Cash Shop, or the Monthly Collectibles, which are only available for one month. A lot of people buy stuff from the Cash Shop (you can buy the MCs there too, for the month they’re available), then sell it in the Marketplace, so really, you needn’t spend any real $ at all…if you can make enough gold to get what you want off the Market. =) My friend Bu does that, but I’m far too lazy…and I like to ‘contribute’ to the websites I use on a daily basis. Even though I’m pretty sure Gaia doesn’t need my pittance of a ‘donation’ every month, anymore. 9.9; All those big businesses backing them, now…but that’s allowed them to add a lot more stuff, like the theater. I don’t think they’d have been able to afford the bandwidth for that, before! We should all get together and have movie night on Gaia sometime! Hilarity would ensue, no doubt. Laff.
I dunno, I never liked dolls in real life, but I sure like changing the clothes on my avatar. XD *dorks out*
Gah!! *dies*
Kujacker wrote:kitsunelady wrote:Kujacker wrote:The holes where the horns go creep me out o__O
*puts toothpicks in the holes.* Look, all better. *snicker*
Pipa toad’s RUINED MY LIFE. Holes like that make me ITCH 😯
What’s a pipa toad? :0
Whoa. o_O He’s looking pretty well stripped, though. =)
drgnlvr wrote:Oh, be still, my heart!! to have a silver or a twilight or a violet or a real green or…!!!A lavender or a spring green or a daffodil yellow or a peach! Or even one like that gorgeous burgundy OW! Maybe I really do have spring (or sun dragon) fever!Aaaagh!! (I’ve been up all night doing paperwork, forgive me! I know not what I say!) Do you think there will ever be a chance that there will be another silver or green or another one of the “ones” or will there just be more of the bronzes and either go on to another color or just leave it at that? I know Melody isn’t fond of the orientals because they are difficult, but they must be worth doing, and there is such a demand for them.
I think the problem with the sun was all the gaps and thinner parts poking out of its main body. Most of the other dragons keep their feet and tails close to their bodies, and what isn’t is usually pretty thick, diameter wise, or short. The legs and tails of the orientals probably broke off too easily (see the broken repaint on ebay for an example). Who knows, maybe she’ll do a new sun dragon sculpt someday!
Okay! =D Good luck with your move! We had to move our household once, and that was hard enough. I can’t even imagine moving a business like Windstone, especially to another state!
It’s fun making a new place your own, though. 🙂
Blackdesertwind wrote:kitsunelady wrote:Lmao. Yeah, sorry. I was just saying ‘for example’…XD Sorry BDW! Hehe.
That’s ok…but you did give me a
for a minute there.
I noticed. XD
Lmao. Yeah, sorry. I was just saying ‘for example’…XD Sorry BDW! Hehe.
Kujacker wrote:The holes where the horns go creep me out o__O
*puts toothpicks in the holes.* Look, all better. *snicker*
Anyhoo, I’ve got a question. I’m going to assume these Rainbow OWs will be as popular as the Brown ones were (I never even saw them in the store)…so, how fast did the Brown ones sell out? B/C it seems like it takes the more expensive dragons a lot longer to sell out than it does the small things like curls and hatchers. What do you think?