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  • in reply to: GAH! If I am not here for a day …or two…Rant! #679711

      You’re in the Viper club?! =0 That is so cool. I remember I was in the Dodge dealership once, and they had a brochure or a magazine on it that I looked at while waiting. But I can’t remember the last time I saw a Viper in real life. Dodge still makes them, right?

      Good luck with your plumbing problems. o_o

      in reply to: Dark_Zorse's Sneak Peek of the Week! #657674

        woe is us…c.c…

        in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653796

          Lupin wrote:

          Mark up would definitely be what kills it here, more than duty/taxes. Again $75 for a Fledge, when I could pay $43 for it on-line

          Wha? :0 I thought the Fledglings cost $74 in the online store? @.@!!

          in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653791

            Jasmine wrote:

            Jennifer wrote:

            Yeah… honestly, I can’t blame them if they are trying to keep their business alive. Most people other than collectors just aren’t able to or willing to shell out $70.. $150.. $200 for a nice collectible right now with the economy is as it is. 🙁

            At the same time, I’m the stubborn type. I try to always sell high quality with higher dollar amounts at the risk of losing sales rather than sell low quality at low prices to make more sales. I’d sink with the ship.. but those are just personal standards. Each person is different and I can totally understand doing what is necessary to continue making sales.

            Let’s hope for an economy that gets better, and soon!! And for people to start realizing that cheap stuff from overseas is not worth their dollar.. 😆 With all the nasty stuff China’s been putting in their products, I hope some people are starting to realize…

            Could also be their mark up is too high? The one store in Toronto is selling the fledge for $100. I can buy that online and possibly get cheaper even with shipping. Especially now that the Canadian dollar is comparable.

            Not to mention the tax. I paid $80-something for the fledgling I bought at our local store, with tax. He was marked up two dollars over store price, but…hmm. I think our tax is a little above 7 percent or so, and that’s not bad, compared to, say…California. >___>;

            in reply to: poads =) #679672

              It’s really quiet in here lately. I think everyone is afraid to bug you right now. >.>; I’m afraid too. Heh.

              Will there be any more Poads that have the darker, more defined markings like the Crazy Lace one? I loooved that one. Maybe with a bit more of the green and purple color thrown in? I also loved the Purple Lace Poad with the defined strip of markings down either side of her dorsal stripe. I guess I just like the lace markings more defined? Hmm.

              And another one – will we see any more of the Blue Metallic Poads that are in the store (but out of stock)? 🙂 I also love those~!

              Lastly, I wanted to say how much I love my Burnt Sugar Poad, that I just received. Very cute! She looks almost alive. I wish they were. =(

              in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2 #631630

                That looks bee-yutiful in the sun, Stephanie! Congratulations! =)

                in reply to: Who Wants Rainbow Royal Hatchers? #674741

                  Now that everyone’s said their piece, I consider this matter closed. Ski, I’m sorry you feel the way you do. I’ll talk to you in PM, but as for here in this thread, I’m not saying anything else. Pegasi, I guess I was assuming that no one on here was crazy enough to do that, huge credit limit or not. But like you said, none of us should be *assuming* anything.

                  So. Two tears in the bucket. >.> *leaves*

                  in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653786

                    Leigha wrote:


                    I’m glad he finally made it to you!

                    –finally got a silver 😀

                    I know, right?! *snuggles you and him both* I love him! (and you for offering him to me!) Squee~

                    in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653784

                      Okay, I went over there and took ten. Pretty sure that covers everyone who asked – Stephanie, emerald, Leigha, BDW (x2), DM, Lokie, Jennifer, and sapphire, and mmloda. All gone now! =) Here’s a pic :

                      Oh, and I almost forgot. I bought a white coiled male from Leigha! =) Here’s a pic :

                      and my burnt sugar poad :

                      and my lovely lady griffin :

                      That’s all for now. 😉

                      in reply to: Who Wants Rainbow Royal Hatchers? #674736

                        Clearly, you did not read my suggestion to avoid “screwing”, as you so elegantly put it, everyone else, in the thread for people hoping to get any new curl colors. This is NOT a clique. It is a list of people who want the hatchers, but do not, for whatever reason, feel they will be around watching for them. Whether or not they find someone to buy a set for them is not the thread’s business. That’s the business of the people who have the time to be online to do so.

                        I personally have no problem with the people who buy to resell on ebay. It’s business. I really don’t believe that keschete thought that would ever actually happen, either. Like I said, none of us could AFFORD to make that happen, so what is the problem here? There are only five or six people asking for the Rainbow Hatchers! One person, buying ONE set of hatchers for the person they’ve partnered up with is no different from that same person buying a set (or two, if they like to buy extra to resell – again, a plan I have no problem with) for themselves! It’s not like any of us are guaranteed to get them, thereby screwing the rest of the forum over. There’s no guarantee the people on that list will even find someone willing to help them! The chance of the rest of the forum being affected by the small amount of people wanting the hatchers, that have posted in this thread, is not high, so I really think this subject should be dropped. This is not the place for it, and I don’t really like you trying to make the people who have asked for help feel bad about doing so. That’s kind of mean and petty of you. If you want to continue this ridiculous squabble, do it in PM with whichever of us offends your sensibilities the most. That way, the thread is left to its original purpose.

                        This idea is not condemned by Windstone, and keschete had already been reprimanded for saying what she did – so your 2 cents were not needed. I can only assume that you are worried you won’t get what you want, and therefore felt the need to snipe at the most available reason(s) – us.

                        Want me to add you to the list? 🙂

                        in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653778

                          I’ll have to go see how many he has, but it was quite the little pile. 🙂 I don’t think he’ll mind if I take them. I think I’ll hang one or two up on my store’s bulletin board to see if it’ll get him some business. They stamp their store name in the space on the back.

                          Umm, I’ve had 4 people ask for one, and 2 for BDW, so that’s 6. Do you want one, Kujacker?

                          in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2 #631627

                            A burnt sugar Poad (which I am in love with and dying for some more sunshine to take pics in) and a pearl female griffin (she’s huge!). They came yesterday. The griffin is now wearing my pearls. XD

                            I wish the Poad was real. =( I imagine that her little feet would feel like kitten paws. Without the claws, perhaps. c.c; Ah, so cute. It makes me miss my cockatiel.

                            in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653775

                              Okie dokes. If you guys want to PM me your addy, I’ll partake of their pile. They have a lot, and not many Windstones…I don’t think anything they have is discontinued, though, aside from the mother that I bought. But, I don’t know anything about the wizards and frogs and stuff. >.>;

                              in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653771

                                Man, if I could get those two silly old guys over at Tobacco Lane to buy some more Windstones, I’d definitely shop there over online (no offense, online store! You still have me for curlies and Poads, and whatever I couldn’t get at a brick&mortar). Not just because I think it’s only right to give your local businesses, well, business, but because I would *love* to be able to SEE them first. They’ve got such a mountain of random figurines, I don’t know if they could fit a full line in there, though. XD

                                Which reminds me. They have a bunch of those little booklets. It’s the one with the Peacock Emperor on the front. Anyone want one?

                                in reply to: Dark_Zorse's Sneak Peek of the Week! #657672

                                  I want to see some poads~

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