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I have one of almost everything…so if you need pictures of anything let me know. 🙂 I counted and I am up to 140 Windstones 🙂
There are two versions of the Garolingus and they go with the Egg with Eyes and the Egg with Claws.
Here are my two…one is a white egg and one is a grey/stone colored egg.
Sorry the picture is a bit fuzzy but you get the idea.
Lupin wrote:Problem Keschete for LIH is she lives in Canada Like I do, and unless she wants to do things Illegally there’s way too many hoops to jump through to obtain, own, and posses a gun. Far less be allowed to fire it. And I’ve been informed that Crossbows also fall under the exact same category as Guns so there goes my fun 🙁
I didn’t think about Canadian law being different. How about Tasers? Can you all own those?
I would hate to not be allowed to own a gun for personal protection…but in the US that is part of our Constitution.
Whole point LIH, don’t let anyone make you scared to live in your home….and I agree with Emerald, it is probably just an isolated incident.
I know some of you might be looking for one of these very rare creatures. Good luck!
You know…I have 11 Min Pins and a Dachshund and we have never been robbed, or had any of our things even messed with.
Even when other houses had trouble. There is something to be said for small yappy dogs 🙂
LIH, Please don’t let this make you scared to stay on your own. Get that security system, maybe a Taser 🙂 I hear they come in designer colors now.
And if you are really still feeling upset, buy a gun and go to a firing range and learn to use it. I can tell you, when my husband is out of town, the .357 is on the dresser and I am comfortable using it.
Hugs and hope things get better for you!
November 23, 2007 at 2:43 am in reply to: What did you do after you ate Thanksgiving dinner today? #638830Well,
I cleaned up after dinner and Chupacabra had a nap! Must be nice!
The Rock Dragon was no match…the paint and cement flaked right off with the chewing she did…she was only near him for 5 minutes at most.
Ohh and her ear is fine…it is hidden by the edge of the table.
eaglefeather831 wrote:Awww! That devious girl! Haha-I also noticed her blue nails. Is that nail polish? They match with hr collar.
They are Soft Paws / Claws Nail caps…they come in any color and glue on like fake fingernails so your cat can’t claw your furniture.
They are exteremely effective, especially when you have a situation where you contain the cats to certain areas of the house.
I have three cats and none are declawed…and I have intact furniture 🙂
Congrats!!! I hope things are great for you!!!
purplecat wrote:21 pets? Wow…that’s a big turkey to share with your pet family….tell me some of those are fish! (they don’t like turkey!) 😆
10 rescued Min Pins, 1 Rescued Dachshund, 3 rescued cats, 5 rescued sugar gliders and 2 (paid for)hedgehogs in a pear tree…
I didn’t count the 5 Monsterous Jack Dempsys…in a 45 Gallon Aquarium.
I want a teacup pig but the hubby says he will leave if I get a pig….
I love my hubby, but next time he pisses me off…I am buying a pig and tell him they are easier to train than men …..
Just me and the hubby and 21 pets….so I ordered dinner. I will go pick up my Cajun Fried turkey and the fixings tomorrow at 10am and heat it all up in the oven 🙂
I love to cook…but this year it was so much easier to have it cooked for me 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
Yes! It was hard to be angry…I colored the few spots with the sharpie, spanked her butt…which she didn’t care…and life went back to normal…
Ultimately the Windstone collector is always at fault if their pets destroy a Windstone, or furniture or rugs or mini blinds..
because we stupid humans shouldn’t have that stuff anyway!!!
It is in the cats way or it is for being used as a chew toy or plaything!What Is Wrong With Humans Anyway?
I stupidly figured that the Rock Dragons were tough because they are made of cement and they are meant to withstand the weather.
Well, I got a Little Rock Dragon to put in front of my fire place. I have two older cats and Chupacabra the 8 mth old Tortishell Hellion.
Well, the Rock Dragon couldn’t compete and now has some nice little teeth marks on his nose and chin.
I thought “Chewy” was just inspecting him and left her alone
…because he is supposed to be tough…
Hehehe…I was able to cover the chew marks with some brown sharpie…and I put him behind the fireplace screen to avoid further damage.
Here is the culprit! And she is smiling 🙂
Let the bidding wars and sniping begin!!!
Here we go!!!