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  • in reply to: Black Violet Kirins #856670

      I remember a purple and black kirin from a while back and loved it then. The black violet is gorgeous, even the dark violet eyes. Another squeak for a store batch. 🙂

      in reply to: WHINE is served #855481

        Just a few thoughts about the grab bags, not directed at anyone in particular…

        In a way it seems that grab bag demand is pretty much endless.. each batch is different and people who love these and can afford to buy the given limit per batch will ultimately end up doing so.. I don’t actually see anything wrong with that even if they end up with 50+ over the course of time. I personally don’t buy them as the only ones I like seem to be in limited numbers and I’m not going to gamble on the high chance I get one I don’t like. But if I loved one that was pictured I might be inclined to offer a price a lot greater than store price to the owner. I ended up doing that with the White Flap Cat.. got tired of missing them for sale when people listed them on the Flea Market for what I considered to be cheap prices and just offered what I was prepared to pay. Got the job done and everyone was happy. Perhaps one condensed topic where people can post what unicorns they want and what they’ll offer (be it a trade or cash) would clear up the forum a bit though.

        On a different note, why is it whenever I want to buy notebooks for my courses that I can find none with a design I like but I remember loads I liked when I wasn’t studying and had no need for them so didn’t buy them? :p

        in reply to: Curlie Restock #854766

          I’d like to see the glacier being restocked.. actually I’d like to see other dragons in that colour but I’ll start with the curlie. 🙂

          in reply to: All Black Flapcats #854738

            Held back from buying two baby unicorns in hopes of saving money for this kitty.. red or orange eyes are fine with me, too. ^^

            in reply to: All Black Flapcats #854244

              PleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASE!! 🙂

              Seconded! I had a mini heart-attack when I saw the announcement email for the red panda cats, thinking it would be these guys instead. I missed the pandas as I only got the announcement around midnight my time and I was in bed but I want the black cat more. 🙂

              in reply to: All Black Flapcats #854205

                Yup. I’ve got one ( open eyed) painted jet black with fire colored wings.
                I may do a store batch of them. I can post a pic on Monday.

                Are you still considering a store batch, Melody? 🙂

                in reply to: ANTS!!! #853180

                  I remember going to a hotel in Florida a few years ago and the room became infested with ants… at first I saw a few in the bathroom and thought nothing of it… that evening, they were crawling in my bed, over a can of coke I had on the table, almost inside the chest of drawers where I had all my clothes… horrible experience for a top grade hotel. >.<

                  This year at home I've noticed an increase in wasps in my garden.. the weather seems to get gradually hotter every year so I can only think they're thriving on it.

                  in reply to: All Black Flapcats #851970

                    Found Black Ice’s stock photo.


                    He was a present for my birthday, I was given permission to spend quite alot on him but it didn’t go too high thankfully. ^^

                    Looking forward to seeing those cats Melody painted, fingers crossed for more store cats. ^^

                    in reply to: All Black Flapcats #851910

                      The black cat with red eyes was sweet. Would love to see some more black cats in the store with different wing/eye colour combinations. I was lucky enough to get Black Ice with the blue/purple pearl wings, he’s one of my favourites. ^^

                      in reply to: Feeling back on track again (positive but long post). #851447

                        Thanks for the replies everyone. 🙂 I’ve been one of the most direction-less people I know so I think there is definitely something out there for everyone.

                        in reply to: Purple Turquoise as Limited Production? #849321

                          I’d also love to see this colour in the store.. I prefer blue-purple as opposed to the red-purple of the Amethyst colouration. 🙂

                          in reply to: Bullying is wrong #847973

                            That’s terrible about your niece, Azurielle.. when I was at school, the internet was still kind of “new” and social networking didn’t really exist. I used the internet moreso to escape the real world actually. I can’t imagine how easy it is these days for kids to torment others..

                            I hope she gets better, I think she needs some time out to be away from the people harassing her. I went through some bad depression from around 13-18. I left school after final exams at 16 and spent the next few years trying to recover from the trauma. Thankfully my parents didn’t hassle me too much about finding a job or anything so I was able to appear pretty lazy around the house whilst I worked on my mental state. I think a break to regain some kind of positive outlook on life is a good thing.

                            in reply to: Bullying is wrong #847949

                              I used to get the snide goth comments too, Kujacker. XD Funny thing is, I didn’t really consider the term or “label” until other people started using it. I remember wanting dark hair and black lipstick when I was really young but it didn’t occur to me that that was something that was out of the ordinary until I was a teenager lol. My skin won’t tan at all in the sun, if anything I get a few more freckles. I like it though, no way was I going to change it. I’ve never used sun beds or been out in the sun for excess amounts of time, so my skin should be in much better condition than those bullies when we’re all old haha!

                              I agree that school days are the worst.. I was super happy when I got my first job as it meant being around mature people for once lol.

                              in reply to: Bullying is wrong #847945

                                I know what you mean Sasha, I still come across adults today who are so insecure and unhappy with themselves that they’ll victimise someone who they perceive to be more attractive than they are.. sad.

                                I always loved the old horror movies so figures like Cassandra Peterson/Elvira and Barbara Steele were the kinds of women who inspired me to be myself.

                                in reply to: Bullying is wrong #847937

                                  People wonder why kids these days grow into adults who are so image conscious that it affects their mental health. I went to a school where I was bullied everyday for having pale skin and dark hair. If I was weaker minded I may have been tempted to change my image to stop the bullying but as it is I’m quite strong minded. If anything it made me absolutely determined to not blend in with the orange-skinned, blonde-haired majority. I think it’s so important for people to learn from as young an age as possible, that human beings come in all shapes, sizes, colours, etc. Individuality and imperfection are some of the beautiful things that make us human. 🙂

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