Forum Replies Created
Maebnus3 wrote:
I haven’t yet, though I’ve tried. My one female didn’t take to my only adult male at the time. It takes a bit to “reset” her so breeding is an option again. Breeding supposedly only takes place every 10-20 years, and I have no idea how long a dragon year is to us. 😐
And, of course, when I chose a new batch of eggs, I chose all males. 🙄
Thanks 🙂 I’m sorry your dragons didn’t hit it off the first time, maybe second time is the charm? 🙂 10 to 20 dragon years? lol-I hope that’s a lot shorter for us 😉
I love Purple Dusk, she’s so pretty 😀
Dragon Master wrote:was this the white egg with no scratches??
Yes, it’s the one with no scratches that keeps injuring himself-lol
Oh DragonMistress I snorted out loud at your pictures! What ADORABLE little furries you have! I just want to rub that tummy in the first pic!
I love looking at pets 🙂 These are mine…
And Finnley
Oh! That’s just awful. I had something similar happen, I finished NQ1 and 2 weeks later they released the avvie for it. I was not happy about that at all. I’ve played NQ2 5 times, but NQ1 isn’t worth it for the prizes you get 😛 I’m sorry your uni got boochied, I like brown ones to. I painted one of my spare unis brown, but now she’s a cybunny due to labbing 😛 I have er….18 pets O_o Wow, since when is a brown PB over 300k?! That’s not right 🙁
pegasi1978 wrote:It’s been a while since Neopets was brought up here. I’m pegasi1978 there as well. I started playing October 22, 2002. Wow you guys’ accounts is impressive. I used to play a lot more than I do now. Now I manly get on for the plots, but when they hit the battledome I’m typically out after the first round of challengers.
Thanks! I was in the BD with the new challengers today-I know what you mean though, training a BD pet takes a lot of time and nps, I didn’t get as many wins as I’d hoped. My Yobles thinks your Lupe is pretty cool 😉
DantheDragon wrote:Oh wow! You have an impressive account! ^_^ I didn’t realise there were any serious Neopets players on this forum. Nice to meet you. I’m Dragona5 there.
Oh! I’ve seen your stamp guide! lol-nice to meet you! *whistles* Your gallery is really impressive-if you find any petpets missing, don’t look at me! 😉 I love your skeith, plushie skeiths are adorable 🙂
Wow, that’s a lot of hits! I know I don’t get that many, I’m Panda2151 there 🙂
I see the white hatchling, looks just like mine 😉 My green one finally started to crack!
I signed, I really hope they get chosen for the makeover. A few years ago I even considered writing to the show about the shelter I volunteered at, but the shelter just rents its space.