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  • in reply to: Emerald Fledgling, who won it #661565

    I got the last brown lap 😳 just because I like the laps, not because I am collecting the browns and I didn’t get an empress, I didn’t know they were up. I just got my display case finished and it looks really good! As soon as I get the battery in my camera charged again and the case loaded up and the pictures taken, and I learn how to post them, I’ll share them. I’m feeling a little shy about them which is interesting to me because I am also very proud of my collection. They are in my office and my clients see them so it’s not like they aren’t already public. I think I’m just shy about them with you all. I’m so new to this group and I admire your “family” feeling,(even when you fuss and fight!) and the way you tease and talk and support and learn and watch out for each other. It’s impressive. Maybe this is just the middle of the night talking, but I’m not sure where I “fit in”. I don’t have young kids, (both my granddaughters are in their 20’s)or pets(both my beloved cats died at age 19 and I never replaced them)my original family is dysfunctional and most of them don’t speak to each other, so I am developing a “family” of friends, and I have my private practice/business as a psychotherapist. My passions are Windstones (duh!), music, particularly reggae, being spiritual rather than religious, and my work. I stay up too late, watch too many movies on Comcast, love my grandkids,brother,son, and assorted friends, don’t exercise enough or eat “right” enough and I am divorced once and widowed once,single now and OK with it but not closed off. So there I am in a short paragraph, (not all of me of course!)I don’t know how all of that “fits in” with you yet but I like you so I thought I would share some of me along with the pictures, maybe I won’t feel so shy. drgnlvr
    P.S. Is this the post for this?
    P.P.S. It took me 20 minutes to click submit,almost didn’t, but it’s 3AM so…

    in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2 #631015

    where are “hidden auctions” if they are hidden how do you find them? drgnlvr

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633919

    papercut, I wasn’t talking about the panic attack, I posted some stuff about coping with other people on that thread that I thought might be helpful. It has worked for others and it might help. If it doesn’t fit for you just ignore it. 🙂 I know you are going through a lot of physical stuff right now that makes coping with your mother even more difficult. This is just about that. Good luck and hang in there! Drgnlvr

    in reply to: Curlies #660763

    Oh YES!! Please! A rainbow curlie along with a scratcher then a coiled would send my rainbow family into heaven!!! 😆 😆 (Then the ruby, the blue, the rest…!!!)

    in reply to: Collection for Sale Lots of Retired Items #661434

    I understand how upsetting discovering chips on your Windstones can be! I just discovered a chip on the hoof of my peacock OW and went into shock!! Anyway, tell me about your baby unicorns, are they black or white and chipped or mint? Is the Em-Pea spectral rising or sitting and chipped or mint? What are you wanting for these in a general price range? Can you describe the damage if any? drgnlvr

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633908

    papercut, check the panic attack thread and see if anything there is helpful to you. OK? drgnlvr

    in reply to: Funny Cat Moment #660839

    my son’s disabled cat feeds and waters her toys. She first puts them one at a time in her food bowl, then takes them out and puts them in her water dish, then takes them out and plays with them until they are dry. So there is always a toy in the food and water dishes at any given time. Like a little mama! She has never had kittens, has had major surgeries and her tail doesn’t work. She is one well-loved cat!(my daughter-in-law has a picture of her tattooed on her shoulder!) drgnlvr

    in reply to: Any wine conniseurs out there? #660056

    There are a few wineries in northern California that have fruit wines, in fact one is in Chico where I live. It’s called Honeyrun Winery and it has cherry, blackberry, elderberry, cranberry, and honeymead wines and they are all organic. They run about $11-$13 per bottle plus shipping. BUT they only ship to about 11 states and Texas isn’t one of them. SO, I don’t know how close you are to NM or what the laws are about sending liquor across state lines. If you google Honeyrun Winery and get the info and see if you want any of their items (I like their wines and I’m partial to sweet dessert wines),maybe I can send you some if the laws allow me to. Another excellent winery with fruit wines is Rapazzini Winery in Gilroy, Calif. They have the best apricot and raspberry wines, and they might ship to Texas. They are more spendy, though. Also there is a very light Italian sweet spumante that is a fruit flavored kind of champagne. When I found it, I fell in love with it and have been drinking it with dinner off and on ever since. It is very light and refreshing and could be mixed with any kind of juice or other fruit wine. I’ll get the name if you are interested. Anyway, those are the best ones I know of off the top of my head. Hope this helps! I’ll keep my ears open for more if you want me to. drgnlvr

    in reply to: Accident- UPDATE– MY CAR IS TOTALLED #660960

    I’m so glad you’re OK too. I also know that driving in the rain on a cycle is very hazardous to your health. I worked at Sacrameto Med Center and St. Joseph’s in Stockton (I know you know where they are) on the orthopedic wards and a large percentage of the patients were motorcycle accident victims in traction or with serious head injuries. Dark and rain and wind increase the risks considerably which are already substantial anyway just from lack of protection. Add the nuts and the DUIs of all sorts like the one you just ran into and your chances of serious harm multply yet some more. For heaven’s sake, and your own, get a car so your family (and we) won’t be grieving another loss!! You may be strong, but your’re not invincible! OK? 🙄 🙂 drgnlvr (aka mother dragon in this case, except not lying down!)

    in reply to: Jokes and email sharing #600020

    I got this from Leahy, an incredible Canadian music family.
    A little old man with only 3 hairs on his head goes into a barber shop and says to the barber “I can’t stand this mess on my head any more, just fix it!” So the barber carefully wets the 3 hairs down and starts to comb them and unfortunately one falls out. He says to the man “I’m so sorry, one of your hairs has fallen out.” The man says “Oh I don’t care, I just can’t stand the mess up there any more, just fix it, just fix it!” So the barber continues to try to comb and rearrange the remaining 2 hairs but then one of the 2 hairs left falls out. He says to the man ” I hate to say this sir, but one of the 2 remaining hairs has also fallen out” At this point the man gets up and storms out, saying “Oh never mind then, just leave it messy!” drgnmnd

    in reply to: Wheeee, but I am alive!! WARNINGREALLY LONG!!! And Rantish. #633429

    congradulations! He certainly has chosen the right parents for his job in life! Good for you! drgnlvr

    in reply to: Dark_Zorse's Sneak Peek of the Week! #657305

    Well. that signature is very impressive! 🙂 I’m so sorry I missed the silver OW’s! When did they come out? I’ve never seen them on EBay or anywhere. And who owns the silver SK? One of us I hope! drgnlvr

    in reply to: Jokes and email sharing #600008

    A man is given a prrot as a gift. This parrot is really an obnoxous, loud, foul-mouthed parrot. The man tries for several weeks to work with the parrot, speaking softly to it, trying to retrain it, being very patient with it, but the parrot just gets worse, louder, and more foul-mouthed. Finally the man loses his temper and starts shaking the parrot and not even that changes the parrot’s behavior. So as a last resort the man throws the parrot into the freezer. He hears the parrot get even louder, then total silence. He thinks “OMG, maybe I really hurt him!” so he opens the freezer door, but before he can say a word, the parrot says,”I am so sorry for the way I have treated you. I was totally wrong and you were right and I will do anything to make it up to you. Please forgive me! Oh, and if I may ask, exactly what did the turkey do?” drgnlvr

    in reply to: Ready for Spring….. #658485

    We are having our FILL of rain! Two weeks ago, we had a storm that had 60mph winds ripping through the town, knocked out the power to most of us for days which spoiled all the food in the frigs and freezers as well as no heat or lights, even the stores lost food. One farmer lost 80% of his almond trees of 5000 trees and can’t replace them until spring, and that isn’t uncommon! One small town about 30 miles away was completely isolated: no phones, no way to contact the outside world and the only road out was blocked by downed power lines. PG&E is still working to clean up the damage and we have been declared a disaster area by the governor. Now we are in the middle of another storm-rain,rain,rain!-until at least next week. I hate cold and rain- ten minutes and I’m done! But I love the fresh fruit and vegetables in the summers and the fruit stands and farmer’s markets, so I guess I’ll be grateful for insideout umbrellas and wet clothes and shoes and cold. It gets very hot here in the summer-110F sometimes-but it’s dry heat and I don’t mind it as much as the cold and wet. I think it won’t be spring here until May or June. The weather patterns have been changing over the past few years, I think it’s global warming. It’s going to be interesting to see if we can still grow the same food as we always have when the seasons shift. drgnlvr

    in reply to: having a panic attack T______T #659392

    It’s really important to know that nothing your mother tells you is about you. NOTHING!!! It is about her. There is a very wise book called “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz and the 2nd “agreement” is “Don”t take anything personally” Nothing!! Somtimes I give my clients Q-tips and I say “Do you know what that is?” They say “yes, it’s a Q-tip.” I say “It’s a reminder: Q-T-I-P Quit Taking It Personally” Nothing your mother or your father say about you or to you is about you,it is about them. They are living in their own world and looking at things through their eyes which is completely different from the world you live in. It is difficult not to take things personally when someone is yelling “You! You! You!” But it is still not about you. They are the ones who are yelling. It takes practice not to take it personally, but when you really get that it isn’t about you and detach from taking it personally, your life will ease up a lot. I have a crazy sister who was my master teacher for this and when I finally got it that what she was doing and saying wasn’t about me, I could stop trying to have a “normal” relationship with her, love what I could and ignore the rest, set appropriate limits with her and not get my stomack in a knot about her behavior. Tis did not happen overnight! But it has made a lot of difference in my life with everyone else too (including people who cut me off on the freeway!) The other important thing to know is that none of this is your fault. You didn’t do anything to make your mom crazy and you can’t fix her or love her out of it. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT!!! Even if you were sick as a baby, even if whatever, that is not to feel guilty about, it is not your responsibility to fix your mother or make her happy, that’s her job. Your job is to make YOU happy. OK? OK! One more thing: They were right about the breathing, it’s the best thing to do for panic attacks. It also helps if you can imagine breathing in light colors like pinks and light greens and yellows and breathing out the dark colors like browns and grays and muddy colors. OK? I know how hard it is to have to live with someone who is unbalanced and mostly panic attacks come when one feels helpless and trapped and powerless. Often it helps to know that nothing is forever, so take a “mini-vacation” in your head and go to a beach or the mountains or some place that is sacred to you, relax, and just “be there” for awhile. Keep in touch. Drgnlvr

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