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  • in reply to: Ewww….. #582399

      KoishiiKitty wrote:

      that is AWESOME! what a pretty spider!! if you find any other neet bugs,lizerds..anything dead or alive, would you take photos of it?

      Errr… sure. I’m not too good at IDing things though. Someone else had t find that article for me.

      Google-fu -500 🙁

      I’m also from Colorado, so I’m not used to having bugs, spiders, lizards….. the air is too cold and thin for these things to breathe! Muhahaha!

      ….I still want that clock/huntsman spider back.

      in reply to: ups RANT! #582329

        You want to know the safest way to send stuff?

        Send it Registered through the USPS.

        Anything with very high sentemental value, anything that’s extremely high in value, anything you can’t replace if lost or stolen. (This is how I got my CD collection over here)

        It’s 7.5….no. Now 8-something. Darn rate change, now I have to memorize a bunch of new tables.

        This is basically like a guaranteed service because someone has to sign for it every step of the way. Someone goes to jail if it is lost.

        Wrap the whole package in brown paper and use tiny pieces of scotch tape for scoring. If you can find some to buy, buy water-activated paper tape. If not, the P.O. will have some and you use either a watered sponge or bring a spray bottle with water in it to apply the paper tape to all edges and seams.

        Lotsa work, but this is so the P.O. can put markings on all edges and seams to identify tampering.

        The other downside is that it is slower than priority because there’s alot of paperwork involved.

        in reply to: White mother griffin for sale #581647

          You realize that now I’m going to have to look at all my windstones lookin for these?

          I know the logo stone has a tiny frog that I did not notice until someone pointed it out to me!

          in reply to: If you are interested……….. #582021

            Dang. I’ll try for the other emerald lap and an emp. Hope they’re not taken yet! 😀

            in reply to: Ewww….. #582382

              Sooo… I wake up this afternoon to go to work and I find this happy guy chilling on my laundry room door.

              My first reaction is, “Oh cool. He’s big enough to eat the roaches and anything else that might come by. How nice.”

              Here’s another photo. I tried to get the app. size of him- this guy is as big as the doorknob.

              But then of course, I turn to go get in my car and I start thinking about it.

              “Hmmm I wonder if he’s poisonous. He’s really big. What if he tries to climb into bed with me like the cockaroach did? Regardless, I don’t think I’d be comfortable with him MOVING in general.”

              I turned around, opened both doors an looked for something to shoo him out of my house. I had a pizza pan nearby but I didn’t like the idea of him crawling ON the pan and maybe on me.

              Luckily I spotted a light bulb nearby that I was going to take out to replace.

              The light bulb is 120 cm in length, so a quite effective 10 foot pole so to speak.

              Happy with my new tool, I tap above him to try and get him to the floor. He moves one foot down. I tap to the left. He moves one foot to the right.

              YAY! What a cool spider!

              ….until he gets to the floor. He then jets straight for my stairs with me trying to get him back to either door. I almost squished him a couple times trying to get him out of my stairs, but eventually I got him to my garage.

              Where I spent the next 20 minutes (Good thing I tried to leave early..) trying to get this guy out from under my car.

              After I successfullly shooed him out back I wonder why I didn’t squish him when I got him outside.

              After a bit of research, I find out this guy DOES eat cockaroaches. 🙁 Why oh why did I chase it out….


              in reply to: If you are interested……….. #582013

                Tried calling them this morning (3-4 am) to be exact and the lady said she was by herself as to call back at a later time.

                I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until 9 am so…. 6pm there. Rats. Hope there’s still two dragons left. I’ll have to try again today after work.

                in reply to: Broken Windstones #582334

                  Coolness. I could send you my male green and my sitting spectral that both have to hide because of thier owies. What state are you in?

                  in reply to: If you are interested……….. #582007

                    Oooohhhhh I want a lap emerald! Gimmie!

                    And an Emerald Emp? *melts*

                    Must have these!

                    Thanks for the info!

                    in reply to: Limited Editions #580804

                      Do you have a picture of the gold curlie? I don’t think I’ve seen that one before.

                      Just remembered I have a brown lap also, but I think he was regular production (?)

                      in reply to: 10lb Nachos Version 3 #581251

                        Yeah, when I was in Sciliy, there was like 4 aisles in the store that was JUST cheese 😯 I couldn’t read italian, so I just guessed on some of them but man was it good. Peppercorn cheese….Rocket….fresh mozzarella. Yum! Man I wish I took pictures.

                        in reply to: Dragon #5 #581768

                          Wow! I want a copper dragon!

                          …. stupd PYOs… I thought I was nearly finished with my collection.

                          in reply to: The "I just bought a – " celebration thread #575541

                            Yay! *dances* I just got a baby emerald oriental!

                            Can’t wait for him to get here!

                            Just need that Emp, a young dragon, a SK and a peacock oriental baby…

                            in reply to: Dusting #581803

                              Dusting takes too long. I run mine uder the sink.

                              in reply to: Show your Windstone collection – Part three! #573402

                                Ohhh a white coiled momma! How cool! Who is the other one? a regular coil?

                                Never seen anyone own a gargilingus(sp?) before. I’m jealous of your peacock orientals. 😉

                                in reply to: wolf in progress, PYO#2 #581786

                                  Wow! I like it! IS he going to be for sale or are you keeping him?

                                Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 160 total)