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  • in reply to: Still looking for a few pieces #574009

      Oh…. tatami are the rush grass mats used as flooring.

      I LOVE the smell of new mats. Some people describe it as fresh cut hay, but it smells different. (That’s why I’ve been sleeping in with the oriental windstones instead of my bedroom lol)

      in reply to: Show your Windstone collection – Part three! #573143

        siberakh1 wrote:

        Nagasaki Prefecture! Ooooh… what are you doing over in Japan, if you don’t mind me asking? 😉

        Work. Same thing. I told them I’d extend for another two years if I got shore duty Japan, Sasebo. My orders were in my inbox the next day and my parents were all forms of not happy.

        siberakh1 wrote:

        I’m hoping to make the move to Japan in a few years to do JET, but I’m paying off some college debt first and getting a couple more years of computer administration under the belt first. I’m hoping to be placed up in Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, or Miyagi prefectures (preferably), but any will do 😀 .

        Hokkaido is COLD! Although I suppose that would be a good thing. It’s VERY humid here. Not sure where Iwate is but Miyagi is beautiful. I’m just mad I missed the Cherry Blossom season by 5 days >.<

        siberakh1 wrote:

        Wow! Very spacious! How did you pack and move your windstones there unharmed? I’ll need to know this advice for future reference 🙂

        Actually, I had to fight the Italians on this one. They came in with just boxes and some large sheets of paper 😯 I MADE them use the original boxes for the ones I had, using the logic that if the boxes can make it through the brutal mail system and be okay, they should survive this move. Some of them though were just wrapped up in paper and put in a box of stuff and clothing unceremoniously. (they wanted to hurry up and have lunch..)

        I nearly fainted when they packed up the wine in boxes and just taped them. I thought for sure I would end up with a box of nice, smelly vineagar with the carefree way they were packed, but everyone made it! 😀

        And yes, the eindstones have a room all to themselves. One of my tatami rooms is an ironing room.

        Yeah, I think I need a decorator or something. Or maybe a roommate and cash in on more money, but we’ll see.

        in reply to: Still looking for a few pieces #574006

          Thanks! So do I. I suppose this means I need to make a new avatar, huh? It’s my original avatar because I’ve always wanted a tatami room and well…. I now have four of them 😯 so, need new dream 😀

          in reply to: Yeesh! Just a tad smaller than I expected… #574250

            The curled ones are also really small. I thought they would be about as big as the coiled dragon!

            in reply to: Still looking for a few pieces #574004

              Whoops. Fixed for clarification.

              Shipping is NOT a big deal. Military addresses calculate shipping as if you are shipping to CA, so no worries. If some one DID live in Japan though, I could use my house address to save on shipping there.

              Pretty neat, huh? 😉

              I’ve had quite a few inquiries on the spectral, so here, he does have a few chips

              One on his display side

              one on his head (sorry about camera. I guess it has it’s moments…

              and one on his wing that I did not notice until I took pictures.

              in reply to: Show your Windstone collection – Part three! #573133

                Whew…. I made the move all the way from Sciliy Italy to Sasebo Japan.

                Not a single Windstone harmed. Or the 152 bottles of wine for that matter. 😀

                I have inherited an extremely large house (by japan standards) with some rooms I just haven’t figured out how to use yet…

                Sooo new home for the windstones:

                Use your imagination on this one…. it’s my male and baby kirin with emerald andruby orientals.

                in reply to: Still looking for a few pieces #573998

                  My collection has holes I was wondering if anyone could help me fill them

                  JADE oriental dragon
                  Peacock baby oriental
                  Any curled mother (gold egg)
                  Any Empress

                  We can talk price or I have the following for trade:
                  Emerald oriental dragon
                  White male dragon
                  White male unicorn
                  emerald spectral sitting
                  2 unpainted pyo griffins (yellow and red eyes)

                  in reply to: So… what do I get next? #518861

                    Forgot to add I do have a gold lap… I just forgot to put him out. His box is around here somewhere… he’s just… monochromatic? I saw a picture of the Gold emp on a store link in someone’s sig. Trying to catch up on all the postings I’ve missed in my abscence, but it’s nearly 1 am and I should sleep as I have to go to work tommorow.

                    Yes, I was talking about the BE currently up on ebay.

                    I have White OW and Emeral OW prototype. There was no White OW prototype or I woulda had that instead 😀

                    I also figured out what I wanted for the young one. I’m going to get a customed young dragon if another pops up in the mox somewhere.

                    in reply to: So… what do I get next? #518855

                      I need an Emporer and a young Dragon. I think I’ve gotten all the colors down so now it’s a draw.

                      I’m looking at the gold emperor and he’s very handsome. Because he has more toning in him, he may be better than the LE gold lap I have…

                      Here’s the listing of my collection for dragons:
                      Lap: Black Gold and Gold
                      Male: Green and White
                      Warrior: White and Emerald Proto
                      Mother: Peacock and Emerald
                      Scratch: Ruby and Peacock
                      Fledgeling: ruby
                      Spectral: Emerald

                      I also need a baby peacock oriental and to trade this ugly emerald oriental for the jade one.

                      Am I missing any other poses?

                      And as a random note, I’m winning the black warrior prototype ^_^

                      in reply to: Ebay Depression #518535

                        There’s so few on e-bay now… 😥 I’m so used to getting 3-4 pages and at least one of each breed. Eerie.

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