Forum Replies Created
Yay! Just got home from an event & opened up my Spooky! So beautiful! I’m currently waiting for it to get dark enough to take pictures with the candle lit. Will post them asap!
Please be sure to post hre when you send your gifts out as well as when you get them so I can keep track! Plus, you know we all love pics so if you can be sure to share em!
Only one left! 😮 I got the shipping notice for mine today; can’t wait to get it!!
EDIT: And they’re gone!
Glad everyone likes them! 🙂 I’m excited to get back to sewing; I’ve really been to busy this year with Queen stuff (it was ALOT of work!) to do much of it. I have lots of fabric, now I just have to figure out what to make with it! :p
SCA costuming can be very expensive; I unfortunately have developed a taste for the fancy outfits (not really a surprise) so yeah. Expensive. 😉
Absolutely LOVEY coloring! I’m going to pass though; good luck to all those who enter!!
*keeps hitting refresh on the blog*
Wow, thank you for the heads up! Had to grab one! My Grimalkin was my first Windstone ever & introduced me to the company. He is a bit worse for wear as he sits next to my fireplace & my dogs have knocked him over a few times (I know! 🙁 ). This Grim is going somewhere safe, just need to figure out where!!
Here is a (dark) pic of the one I made for myself along with my necklace which is a replica of the one in the movie:
The one for Jasmine is going to be a little different as we decided to go with silk dupioni rather than velvet. 🙂 I’m very excited to make this!
lamortefille wrote:I had to go back and look at the gloves. Wonderful!
I actually gave that pair of gloves away; in the SCA it is a highly coveted award to get a Queen’s Glove so they were made especially for that. If you look the design is sorta backwards; thats because it is meant to be folded in half & hung from a belt. Here is a picture of one of the ladies that I gave one of my gloves to & you can see it on her belt with the design showing correctly:
I was gifted with another pair for my personal use; this time you can see the design is upright when I would be wearing them. My name in the SCA is ‘Elizabeta’ so that is where the ‘E’ comes from.
laphon1 wrote:Stunning crowns. And your costumes are fabulous. Did you make them?
Yes I did make our outfits. 🙂 Two friends made the gloves for me though; one did the embroidery and the other sewed the gloves together.
Progress is being made! Waiting on some base undergarments before we can confirm measurements but a decision has been made on what is being created! 🙂 I will let Jasmine share if she wants to. 😉
Holding out for a Dragon or a Griffin at this point. Anyone? :shout:
So I am thinking I want to try my hand at a PYO but I’m not interested in the ones in the store right now (Wingd wolf & Muse).
Anyone have any they are willing to part with? Please PM me if you do!
Melody wrote:Yes yes-I am working on her! I don’t think I’ll have time to post the pic tonight , but I’ll try to get it on the blog tomorrow –if the blog is working, it had been refusing to post images.
Tease. 😛