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  • in reply to: Holy cow! Thats one expensive dragon #855062

      A year and two ago, mint-with-tag Sun Dragons would go about $250-300, Oriental Dragons about $200, and Youngs $75-150.

      This Sun went for $900, Oriental Dragons are averaging $250-300, and the _babies_ have been going for upwards of $250 in the more sought-after colors.

      What the HECK made these things so hot?!?

      in reply to: Please respect our "per customer" limit #855036

        …not unless she put off doing everything else, like sculpting, painting ebay items, eating, etc.

        Oh, hahaha! Poor Melody.

        Dragon, I kind of feel the same way you do. A handful of people will always be clever and try to get around whatever rules are imposed. It can be frustrating for the rest of us who respect, not push, the playground rules.

        The limit is a great idea and allows more people a chance, but it’s a new system and as it gets used quirks are bound to be noticed, loopholes discovered. I think based off of the existing imbalance between ‘haves and have-nots’, and the discussion here, the limit needs to be slightly tighter, or an army of finished Unis needs to appear by magic on the factory shelves overnight. 😀

        in reply to: Dude, I'm freaking out 0.o #855020

          I remember that earthquake putty leaving oily looking marks on the wall when I used some. Might want to test it out. It WAS 10 years ago so maybe the formula has been improved since then. 😉

          in reply to: Dear Windstone Staff #855019

            I LOL’d so hard at this post, Kiya. 😀 I know exactly how you feel!

            in reply to: Velociraptor Suit Complete Video! #855018

              I read on the suit creator’s page that it’s her own invention, and she’s quite secretive about it. (Rightfully so; it’s an incredible trick and she’s applying for a patent for the mechanism.)

              Sure wish I knew too though!

              in reply to: Please respect our "per customer" limit #855015

                I find it funny lots of these “situations” never happen with pieces that aren’t “grab bag/ooak style store products” I’m sure the same thing happened with the Young Unicorns which is why some particular people have like 6…10…20 (and those were just random numbers I picked so don’t get all riled up) Nothing was ever mentioned before “Oh well, oops, didn’t I mention, my significant other is a collector too” until Windstone made an announcement to play fair.

                Yeah. :/ Of course, maybe they had no need to mention it till the announcement was made. But, it doesn’t change the fact that one is still upping one’s chances of getting the piece they want, by having multiples sent to the same household.

                Let’s say my sister liked the Unis too, and ordered a set for herself. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that I’ve now doubled my and her chances of getting the special baby we each had our eye on. Especially if we have different tastes. We would have still played by the rules, but I have to admit that living in the same house would give us an advantage.

                As it stands though, she only likes the dinosaurs. 😉

                After considering the points everyone has made, I agree with the two per household rule, OR one per order. Both of those limits seem to work a little more fairly for the most people, than the “two per order” IF the goal is giving the most customers a chance at one. As it currently stands, it favors the customer getting the Uni they REALLY want, and having another left over to trade for another one they REALLY want. Not very many people sell their extra Unis to people who didn’t get a chance at one. They trade with other people who already have other GB Unis.

                That’s exactly the purpose of these Unis, I know! It’s so awesome. But, even after all these batches, there’s still an imbalance. Some people have multiple Unis, some people (who still really want one) don’t have any. Tightening the rule a little bit from “two per order”, to “two per household” or “one per order”, would give more people a chance at actually purchasing one. That just seems fair to me.

                There are some special cases here on the forum where roommies/SOs also want a piece, but the solution that was cited, of calling the store ahead of time, seems like a very fair way to let exceptions be made.

                in reply to: Please respect our "per customer" limit #855016

                  I love you, everyone at Windstone <3

                  Just wanted to say 🙂

                  And they must love us back, because lookie lookie at what popped up in the store this evening /happy dance

                  Haha! Even when we squabble a little over our toys, they still love us. 😉 I do love this company.

                  in reply to: Please respect our "per customer" limit #854897

                    Wait, no one is changing the limit, although this IS a chance to discuss why the limits are there and explore the pros and cons.

                    If concessions are made for roommates/SOs/grandmothers, etc, well, then it opens a loophole in the system that could possibly be taken advantage of by someone claiming to be in that kind of situation.

                    If the loophole is closed, well, that leaves a lot of roommates/SOs/grandmothers out and that’s not fair either.

                    The people who managed to get a Uni from this batch shouldn’t need to feel guilty. Try lucky instead! 🙂 But yes, not all of us have smart phones, or can check mail at work, or otherwise watch the store as carefully as we want to. (Not everyone who got one had these advantages, I’m sure, but it helps!) Both sides of this “Household VS Customer” challenge make some good points. But no one is trying to be made to feel guilty, we are all exploring the strengths and weaknesses inherent in this approach. I think this is turning into a very useful discussion.

                    Oh…BTW, when I mentioned earlier about selling pieces for profit, I was talking about WAY WAY back before any GB Unis came out. The member who was mentioned that purchased multiples from the very first batch of Youngs did NOT sell them for profit and I have nothing bad to say about the way that situation was handled. A lot of people ended up getting exactly the Uni they wanted because of that person.

                    in reply to: Please respect our "per customer" limit #854885

                      I am wont to agree with you, Arlla, but after seeing the other side of the whole scenario, I can see that it’s a complex situation to approach. Definitely not as black and white as it seemed at first.

                      It just makes me appreciate the staff more at times like this, for trying to do the impossible and make everyone happy. Thanks you guys. 🙂

                      in reply to: Please respect our "per customer" limit #854870

                        Wampus, my S.O.s in the past have all thought I was freakin’ nuts in the head for loving Windstones. I really love the idea of your husband liking them and getting into them through you.

                        Thanks for the alternative perspective. 🙂 I’d rather think of a bunch of hubbies excited about Unicorns as a reason for multi-purchases, as it seems to be in at least two cases here.

                        in reply to: Please respect our "per customer" limit #854868

                          Well, I am sorry that you and your wife feel this way over the situation. And I’m sorry for being hasty in what I wrote, truly.

                          No one had a way to know it was you or your wife specifically (I actually still don’t know which forum member she is); no one named names. The original post was a general message; perhaps there was more than one party making multiple purchases? I have no way of knowing. The concept was upsetting to me and some other forum members, who wait patiently for these limited batches of sculptures, and try to play fair when the staff imposes quantity limits.

                          Melody’s sculptures _are_ very special to a community of very devoted collectors, and the staff goes out of their way to see that as many customers as possible are able to purchase these beautiful sculptures.

                          In the past, there have been instances of people purchasing multiple pieces, and selling them for profit, which caused a stir in the community. This is what stirred the response to this post, not because someone ‘called you out’ here on the forums. It’s a bit of a tender spot here in the community, since we consider these pieces artwork, and don’t like to see other people taking advantage of Melody’s artwork for personal profit, at the expense of other collectors who really love the pieces. Sort of like scalping tickets, I suppose.

                          I am not implying you were doing this. It’s pretty clear this was a misunderstanding.

                          In a “gift of the Magi”-type situation that you find yourself in, I can certainly agree that you and your wife didn’t do anything wrong. 🙂 It’s a contentious topic among the collectors, but I really do feel bad that you feel personally attacked. I wouldn’t want to see a collector, or even a collector by proxy, be put off from Windstones because of a misunderstanding. I’m sorry.

                          in reply to: Please respect our "per customer" limit #854858

                            In my opinion, this is a worse offense to other collectors than running auto-refresh scripts on the store, and should get the same disciplinary action.

                            I realize those are strong words but it peeves me to think about this. I think most of us were respecting the limit and were hoping/trusting others were doing so too. When hot items sell out extra fast, it’s at least consolation to think that the batch was distributed fairly amongst those who were lucky enough to get that ‘purple hippo’.

                            Edit: Hannah, you bring up a good point. I was hoping to try for one of these, but I did purchase from one of the older batches before these new interference colors. Susie, could you clarify this? I am dying for one from this batch, but if the limit extends to those older batches I’ll restrain myself….


                              Aww, I didn’t think that at all Eleu. I think a lot of us throw that word around, like ‘lurk’ or ‘watch’.


                                Thank you for letting us know, Susie! I’m so excited about this batch, it’s hard not to pester Windstone’s staff with questions about when they’ll be ready!




                                in reply to: 8/30/11 Grab Bag Baby Unicorn batch thread! #854854

                                  But you’ll get to see that sick Velociraptor costume! I’m thinking of the right Con, right?

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