Forum Replies Created
🙂 Thanks Everyone!
I took these pics today, enjoy!
Without flash
With flash
Jennifer wrote:Hi guys! I ordinarily wouldn’t post this here, but I know a few of you have asked me about this one so I thought I’d let you know.
I’m doing a limited edition run, information about it and ordering is here. Thanks!
🙂 I love this print you did of the griffin. The position is unusual compared to what we usualy see.Yes he’s a male.
😮 Wow! I’m must say I didn’t expect anyone to pic Hazel.
Most of the people I asked said Hazel was totaly wrong for a boy. But I like it and some humans were named Hazel somewhere in history.Hi Guys…my son and I are having some difficulties deciding on a name for the new kitty.
We’ve looked at several names. But Michel has some problems pronouncing some of them.
🙂 The kitty is male and very playful, funny, can be gentle at times but does like to bite ( 🙁 got to teach him to stop that). He’s cuddly, and wants to be on your lap all the time. His eyes at the moment are between gold and green.
Reminds me of Raven’s eyes at the same age. Raven’s eyes turned green as he aged.Chauncey/Chancey = Chancellor/chance or look at this link for more meanings:
Jamal = Beauty
Griffyth = Griffin Lord/ strong chief
Riyaaz = garden of purity
Sagar = king/Wise one
Shayten = Falcon
Aiden = fire/ fiery (I might want to reserve that for a firery pet.
The following are the last 3 that are easier for Michel to pronounce:
was popular for a boy in 1886 and then in 1940
Hazel means strong,happy,crazy and funnyMerlin Michel has a little bit of difficulty here
Please feel free to comment or suggest.
Happy belated Birthday!
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!
Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members: us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous…just kidding around!
dragonmedley wrote:OMG! I can’t believe, I actually won him. This is the first auction I win from Windstone.
Congrats! So what color of eyes are you going to get? 🙂
“AMETHYST” LAP DRAGON FIGURINE 3/10 SPECIAL FIRST TEN EDITION // SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!B1RZqFgEWk~$(KGrHqV,!jcE)pe,0U4SBMd)wR7GYg~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!B1RZtsgBmk~$(KGrHqZ,!jYE)pKuDO19BMd)wgjEgg~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!B1RcB7!BGk~$(KGrHqJ,!gwE)CWlHZ4cBMd)4T4i+w~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!B08vbVg!mk~$(KGrHqMOKi0E)UMo!rgjBMcd-Vd8ug~~_3.JPG[/img]
“GRULLA” YOUNG UNICORN FIGURINE TEST PAINT #1 PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA[img]!B1Vo,l!EGk~$(KGrHqYOKjgE)OofPoj3BMeFnB0Ih!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B1Vobv!!mk~$(KGrHqQOKiYEw)rR8(h0BMeFnIFvLg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B1VofbwCGk~$(KGrHqEOKjsE)LezpV0rBMeFndmp)w~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B1VogqgB2k~$(KGrHqMOKi0E)UMo!rgjBMeFnk(DcQ~~_3.JPG[/img]Happy Birthday! 😀
“CHUKAR” POAD™ FIGURINE #1 PAINTED & SIGNED BY M. PENA // THREE EYE COLOR CHOICES![img]!B1MEtNwBmk~$(KGrHqMOKj8E)Wdbf!YIBMdcBspkF!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B1MEvZ!EGk~$(KGrHqYOKjQE)UfLJHN+BMdcB0l1c!~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B1MFt)wBWk~$(KGrHqYOKiYEw)p!7!BOBMdcFbIbPQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B1L+b4w!mk~$(KGrHqQOKnEEw9FtdZVWBMdbueHpzw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B1L+fHg!Wk~$(KGrHqUOKjsE)OkY19(fBMdburUKp!~~_3.JPG[/img]
FLAP CAT “SLICK” – GULF OIL SPILL FUNDRAISER STRAY CAT EDITION // PAINTED AND SIGNED BY MELODY PENA [img]!B1HHMLg!mk~$(KGrHqQOKjgE)N2mYk-rBMdHl!Kz4Q~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!B1HHTwgBWk~$(KGrHqYOKjwE)pCm(T7!BMdHlVZ5Nw~~_12.JPG[/img][img]!B1HHWvgBWk~$(KGrHqQOKiwE)UPfs5w2BMdHld7fIw~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B1HHZrgBmk~$(KGrHqUOKiME)WEfELhTBMdHlm81LQ~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B1HHfM!!mk~$(KGrHqYOKnMEw85Y0yGTBMdHl25-wg~~_3.JPG[/img][img]!B1HHkGgCWk~$(KGrHqUOKiME)WEfELhTBMdHmFskm!~~_3.JPG[/img]bayoudragon wrote:What does Michel like? 🙂
Chauncey so far