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I’m sure this has been asked somewhere, but I can’t find it, so sorry for asking again 😳
is there an ETA on more keeper pyos?
I’m not using a paint pen, but liquid in a glass jar, but I think the principle is the same. It is an oil based thing and I guess I must seal it with an oil based sealer. I think I’ll brush on gloss and avoid the areas w/ silver.
Next time I will seal w/ acrylic gloss first, then leaf. Thanks Jennifer, I’m glad to know the reason behind that yellowing. Thanks god I didn’t spray the dragon! I would be crying right now!
The liquid leaf is from Plaid, just incase anyone has used it.
frozen, have you used this in combo w. the duncan sealer?
Yup, I bet Jennifer may know..Should I ask in the ‘Ask Jennifer’ section?
Glad you like her! When you are ready for the keepers, just PM me!
the black dragon is still available if anyone is interested….
I’m freaking out here people. I’m about to gloss my keeper. I have used quite a bit of silver leaf(liquid) on her. I happened, just by sheer luck, to try this out on a kirin I sacrificed: I sprayed krylon crystal clear over the silver leaf, well it yellowed almost immediatly. The silver turned silver with coppery brown highlites. So, I tried brushing over some silver leaf with my liquitex high gloss varnish…same thing. So now I want to gloss my keeper and I’m terrified I’ll ruin her. What do I use to seal the leaf before glossing the rest of her??!!
I have been practicing with my airbrush and having trouble getting the consistency of my paints correct. They are either too thin or too thick and gunk up really quickly. I’ve been looking at airbrush paints, but gosh, the Goldens are so pricey!! Any others that are decent quality? My Michaels carries creatix, but I didn’t know if that was any good or not…
what a sweetie!! Both hubby and I have been peed on…Noah used to get some distance from the changing table 😆 He used to get the wall all the time! Now, Natalie on the other hand used to fart so loud in her swing we could hear her across the room!! I’ll NEVER forget this one time, Noah had just leared to sit up or crawl, I ccan’t remember…anyway, he was sitting up on the tile floor and let one rip. I looked over to see him lifted up on one butt cheek looking down as if to say “what the he** was that??!!” It was too cute….gosh I love my kids!
Copper is sold, thank you!
twin…just go for it! In my opinion, powders are much easier to work with. I feel I have alot more control with powders, be they pastels or metallic pigments. I also feel the blending of colors and shading makse more sense to me with powders then with paint. I dunno, I can’t explain it. I guess I’m more intune to the gradual process of pastelling. Go for it, really! The pastels and the pearl ex pigments are ‘realativly’ inexpesive and a little goes a long way!
twindragonsmum wrote:Beautiful work! How do you get the powders to ‘stick’ (is that the word I want?) stay on the paint….
I use a couple different sprays from krylon. When I’m working with pastel dust, I use a matte spray for good ‘tooth’. So, I dust on a layer of color, spray, let it dry, dust on more or different color, spray, etc…until I get it where I want it. Then I give it a good coat or two of the glossy spray. The pearl ex podwers I use don’t mind one bit what I lay them over, matte or glossy, they stick, then I just spray over them. The only thing it’s not a good idea to do is try to apply paint over a glossy coat, or even pastel dust for that matter. The paint will pool up like oil on water, and the pastel dust will just get pushed around by your brush and make little lines(think street sweeper in the dry dusty summer lines)…
azgirl – I’m headed to the po for you in the morning, if you want the litter mates I’ll send them too…. 😉
I have to say I love the little white and blue girl personally. She was fun to do and totally cooperated. The copper one was tricky, and honestly looks SO much better in real life, I can’t even tell you how much better. I hated him/her until I got out my dark copper paint and antiqued. The taupe base coat for some reason went really green on me once i got the copper and russet started. I was gonna scrap the whole thing until I remember my liquitex antique copper!! And, the black I hate. He was a pain in the a** from day one. I shouldnt say I hate him, i just really don’t like parts of him and they throw off the whole thing for me. I used both russet red and red interference on him. The russet came out lovely, the interference red came out too white-ish and too violet. I ended up going over it with a LIGHT dusting of russet just to make it look presentable. It’s wierd about the interference red too because it’s a powder, so why did it come out so ‘white’ looking? Who knows…just one of those things I guess!
Finally…here are some photos! All are done my usual way with a mix of paint and powders. The copper one is amazing in person, the pictures aren’t anywhere near what she looks like in real life. She is base coated in taupe, then done in copper & red russet pigments. Her belly & sides & tail scales are all faded from copper to russet, but it doesn’t really show up in the photos at all, her wings are done in the same fashion. She is antiqued in a dark copper…She relly is beautiful!
The white and blue is a commission done in metallic white base coat paint, pearl white pearl ex and blue pastels. Her claws, wing points and those little dots on her head are gold leaf.
I am taking offers for the black and the copper. If anyone is interested, send me a PM.
I’m so sorry you are in this situation. I am glad you have a place like this to come and vent your frustrations. It is easy to express your feelings to a computer screen, and it probably helps you just a tiny bit to decompress. I have a history of mental illness in my family, we all have various stages of despression and anxiety disorders. Now that I am older, I see the troubles I had as a teen stem from my parents inability to handle conflict, stress, etc…But, that doesn’t help me feel OK about how they treated me. I had a very hard time growing up, many times I felt like you feel now. Most times I just wished parent b would die or leave. I hated parent b, I’m still, 15-20 years later, not that close with parent b. I spent most of my time at home closeted away in my room, just to stay out of ear shot.
Now, especially after being on meds, I see that the way I grew up wasn’t healthy.
First and foremost, you need to talk about these feelings with a doctor. You need to do it for you, you need the correct ‘tools’ to help you deal with your surroundings. Being so angry that you feel you want to kill your mother or yourself isn’t healthy, and if you tell a health care prof, they WILL take notice. You have to ask for the help tho, you have to tell them you can’t get rides, you can’t drive, the negativity towards your health at home. If you feel you need to check into the hospital for mental health, then you will have access to doctors and help right away.
Do you have any other family close by that could facilatate you getting help? Maybe a freinds house you could stay at for a little bit to take a breather?
How are you feeling health wise? Is your medication helping yet? how long before it is supposed to help? Do the meds need to be regulated, if so, are your docs paying attention to it?
I know, so many questions, sorry! Finally, I dont know how old you are, but things will get better. I know they will, I have been where you are. Just give it time, try to stay out of ‘harms way’ and really do try to speak to your doctors about how you feel(both bodily & mentally). *hugs*
Actually, my OB told me it was fine to paint as long as we were using latex. Oils are a different story. So, paint I did, with both babies. I felt fine, it was towards the end of each trimester…
Yup, latex and acrylic. The walls were done in latex, and the mural I did w/ acrylic cheapo craft paint. Worked like a charm…..
If you are having trouble with your floss strands twirling, tangling or knotting up on you, either reduce the length of the overall strand/s….Or, you can wet it( I usually use good old fashioned saliva, grose I know, but a little birdy told me it’s wht most stitchers do….p.s. DON’T do this if you take a medication that changes the color of fluids) You can also try a product called Thread Heaven. It feels waxy, but isn’t, and will remove the static charge within the fibers. I have tried it, and still prefer to dampem the floss.
I also only use DMC floss. I actually stopped using kits because I was having so much trouble with the floss. Either not enough, crummy quality, or sorting colors was darn near impossible.
I use yellow high liter to mark my charts too! It makes it so much easier and I make far fewer mistakes!
I did this one a while ago. 28ct. evenweave, 1×1 flesh areas. I’m about to start Angel of the Sea by L&L for my SIL who is knewly expecting…
I got a couple too, now I’m kicking myself in the butt for not getting a dark dreen eye color…Oh well, next time. Not really sure what I’ll be doing with the 2 I have coming, but they will most likely be for sale….