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  • in reply to: I need help from parents! #719466

    As long as she is gaining weight and growing and generally a happy little munchkin, I think she is probably eating enough…..I don’t know anything about gripe water, it wasnt readily available when I had my kids. We used mylicon, or Little tummys too. We had to double the dose with each child, and it was the pediatrician who suggested that, so it’s oerfectly safe. The other thing to considers forumla(I’m assumeing this is what she is having). My kids were enfamil kids. We tried similac, good start, soy, but the best for them was the enfimil. I never liked the silimac simply because when we made it there were always these horrible bubbles that didn’t seem to go away. The enfimil was almost a different constistency.

    Try giving her a bottle when she first wakes up, wehther or not she tells you she is hungry. She may be so famished that she scarfes down the first one and then gives herself more gas that way.

    Babies can be so finicky too. She may just be going threw some phase. Could be the heat, could be a bit of teething(even tho we can;t see them, they are on the move), could be she is just irritated with being stationary. If I remember kids start rolling over around 4 months….Who knows? I do think a phone call to the ped would ease your mind.

    in reply to: I need help from parents! #719463

    You probably should talk to your ped. I would think she should be up to around 6 ounce bottles. how much formula does she have in a 24 hour period? Maybe try the mylicon and see if that helps her. Sometimes when they kick and fuss it’s because of ouchy gas bubbles.

    Give your pediatricians office a call. Thats why they are there. I know I have called mine tons of times. You may have to leave a message, but they will call you back…..

    in reply to: I need help from parents! #719461

    A something = Avent….. 😆

    in reply to: I need help from parents! #719460

    You could try the Mylicon, you can even double the dose on the box if you think it nessacary. BUT, it’s for gas. We used to add it to the kids formula and it would take care of all those terrible frothy bubbles.

    My guess would be she may be going thru a growth spurt and be so hungry that she wolfs down 2 ounces and feels full until it has had time to settle. Is she kicking her feet alot while she is fussy? Does she pass gas ok? How often does she or is she spitting up? How long is she going in between bottles? Do you notice this every time you feed her or more in the morning or night time? Also, what size nipples do you have on your bottles? They make different ‘flow’ sizes for different stages. Atleast the bottles we used did…..what the heck were they….A something….

    in reply to: Pet peeve #719493

    My pet peevs….

    “Hi, I’d like a caeser salad please.”

    “Great! What kind of dressing do you want on that? We have french, italian, blue cheese, thousand island and caeser.”

    “Duhhh, I think I’ll take the caeser….”

    Second pet peev…

    The flagman in a ‘construction zone’ waving me through. Now, this is only when I’m on a back road with no other cars in sight and no other traveling options…..Sometime I may stop and roll down my window and ask exactly where else would I go??

    in reply to: Puppies! #714466

    gosh, just look at those little toes!!!

    in reply to: Puppies! #714453

    Poor girl was HUGE! Adorable puppies too! Keep us updated on how everyone(including you) are doing!

    in reply to: I need help finding strange animal sounds #715031

    *crosses fingers to see big hairy monster tonight*


    in reply to: I need help finding strange animal sounds #715028

    lol! This spring when the snow started melting, I had my 6 year old thinking that a melted daddy boot track was a bigfoot print….Poor kid, prolly told all his friends at school too 😆

    So far the closest sound is a bobcat, but even thats not quite right. Tonight I’m gonna keep my camera(for recording the sound) and hubby’s night vision monocular thingy right by the front window. Then if I hear again tonight, I’ll be prepared!

    in reply to: I need help finding strange animal sounds #715025

    purpleturtle wrote:

    Here is a sight that has some fox sounds. The third one down is what I hear all the time…

    Close, but not quite. This sound is more varied per call and more menacing sounding….Maybe it’s bigfoot 😆

    in reply to: I need help finding strange animal sounds #715019

    dragonmedley wrote:

    Animals in rut make the eeriest sounds. Even a cat call almost doesn’t sound like a cat.

    It’s def not a house cat. It *could* be a bobcat or a lynx I suppose, but it really doesnt sound feline.

    My hunch is a fisher, but i cannot find any audio….

    in reply to: I need help finding strange animal sounds #715016

    Last night for the second time, I heard an animal call/cry/somthing. It sounds aweful and scary and I have NO idea what it is. I thought maybe some of you ‘animaly’ people might know of a website where I can find recordings of animal sounds.

    It’s not cats fighting, it’s not coyotes, it’s not pigs and it’s not a bird. I do have a fair amount of animal type knowledge and have spent many years around farms and household animals….but THIS is nothing like I have ever heard before. Whatever it was came around same time of night maybe a week and a half ago. last night it was around for 10 minutes or so, calling off and on. My cats were in a tizzy and the calls actually WOKE UP MY DOG(which never happens, even with a bear on the porch). Ofcourse my hubby wasn’t home last night and I forgot to find the night vision thingy he has. I’ll have it ready tonight just incase!

    in reply to: how many furries do we have here? 🙂 #714606

    Ok, I’m such a dork! I thought this thread was about our pets!! 😆 😳

    in reply to: PYOs…How long the wait? #713461

    I can’t even imagine how monumental the task must be of moving your entire opertion. We finally moved into our ‘big house’ the day before mothers day. The place is still a mess, boxes everywhere. How do we accumulate SO much stuff??!! I shudder to think of having to move a whole business too…*telepathically sends patience to Melody*

    in reply to: Purplecat sculpts.. new moonshells pg 51 #610570

    Jasmine wrote:

    You need to put up your price list again. I can’t find it… 😉

    I think a web site w/ shopping is in order 😆

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