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  • in reply to: Introduction and a casualty! #577852

      Her head is now attached back to the body! It’s just all the big chunks I have to fill now!

      I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!

      in reply to: Introduction and a casualty! #577849

        Oh I didn’t know that Melody has paint to help patch Windstone up that would really help.

        Griffiness you have given me the Windstone bug!

        I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!

        in reply to: Introduction and a casualty! #577844

          Thankyou. My heart broke when I saw the damage. Luckily I have just come to the end of my uni course so I have plenty of time to devote to fixing her. It’s just getting the paint right I am worried about.

          I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!

          in reply to: Introduction and a casualty! #577836

            Here is the casualty!

            And a bag of broken bits (apologies for the fuzzy photo)

            I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!

            in reply to: When did ebay introduce #577885

              It’s much better now that you can rate them on things like discription, postage and packaging and a lot of seller have began giving free postage because of it!

              I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!

              in reply to: Introduction and a casualty! #577832

                I have made a few sculptures in my time and I did buy the mother as an experiment as the seller mentioned it had a chip on the wing which I was going to repair… Just didn’t imagine that this was going to happen.
                I asked the seller to double box it twice but he ignored me and just wrapped it in bubble wrap!

                I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!

                in reply to: Introduction and a casualty! #577830

                  Thank you both!

                  The poor mamma looks a bit gruesome! She has been decapitated in two places and chipped severely! I’m hoping some milliput and some paint will help but as this is my first mother dragon I will have to look at photos to get it just right.

                  I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!

                  in reply to: what is up with this auction?! #575235

                    This is a terrible thing! And idiotic of the seller! Surely she would have guessed that the buyer would realise that the wolf recieved is not the wolf pictured? I can’t understand some people!

                    I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!

                    in reply to: Introduction and a casualty! #577827

                      Hi my name is Aldana, new collector but long time admirer of Windstones.

                      Griffiness will know me from the sorcerers library forum. *waves* and I am a fellow Brit!

                      So far my collection comprises of a PYO dragon which I hope to paint very soon, a Black Gold curly which has yet to be shipped and an extremely broken brown mother dragon 😥
                      I’ll post photos when I can.

                      I have sent a message to the ebay seller and am waiting for a reply but I would love to have a go at fixing her up as I can’t bare to part with her now!

                      Anyway I look forward to chatting with you all and I may put some of my art work up on show at some point.


                      I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!

                    Viewing 9 posts - 151 through 159 (of 159 total)