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  • in reply to: My Therian Tattoo #623687

    Well, if that is the case, then I may ask him if he can stripe the feather and turn it into an immiture hawk variation. We’ll see.

    in reply to: My Therian Tattoo #623684

    Wow, that’s a lotta tats! I’ve actually designed a lot of tats for others on commission, but only one person ever got one done, lol. It took me about 5 different drawings before I settled on this one for myself…I can’t imagine the work in choosing 13 tats and 13 locations, and 13 artists! Yikes!

    in reply to: My Therian Tattoo #623677

    I finally formulated the design to the tea of what I wanted, and scrounged up the funds, and brought my tat to life! It means a lot to me, spiritually, and the artist did a very good job rereating my work in his own personal oil-painterly “soft” stylization you don’t commonly see in tats (which usually seem heavily outlined). Some of my detail had to be simplified down anyway since you can’t squeeze that much detail onto the skin and have it look cool in 5 years. I trusted him, and it looks great.

    Here’s the concept art: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/791005/
    And here’s the final Tat (though my camera sucks): http://www.furaffinity.net/view/795645/

    This is placed on my right upper arm.
    I will have him touch it up again in a few weeks after healing because I want the red tail hawk feather adjusted…since it MUST appear true to the species like I drew it and have the white tip. Other than that I think this is a smashing job.

    in reply to: Anatomy of a Werewolf Book sample art and preorder info. #623663

    As some of you have expressed an interest, I’m noting this community also that I am taking a last call for anyone wanting to pre-order the “Anatomy of a Werewolf book.” The book slipped past its initial deadline for MFF this year, which was regretable bummer, and will probably be delayed several months more to maybe even a year from now … but because of this it will get a HUGE overhaul and be larger and far more impressive and true to what I originally wanted to produce. Instead of having maybe only 150-200 pages I think it’s safe to say I’ll be hitting 300+ pages and will also be able to offer Hardbound versions as well as spiral or paperback (quality printed by a publisher now and not myself), as well as a CD version which will be cheaper than book form (no price on this yet).

    The original price of $35 still applies but may change in the future with all the new pages, but anyone ordering now can lock in the price. Pre-orders also get a special antler carved wolfen necklace featuring a human/wolf hybrid pawprint.
    If interested, send your $35 (doesn’t include shipping of any kind yet) to Watergazer@Comcast.net with your shipping information so I can add you to the list. I will reply to your funds,and you may use that as a reciept.
    I am closing this offer Sunday night, so you have the weekend to think it over.

    Here is a sample of art that will be included in the book:

    Also note, the book will have a lot of images of other species too…like hyenas, tigers, lions, cheetahs, wild dogs, coyotes, badgers, and more. It is meant as an artist referance guide to anthros and can be used to help illustrate your own stuff (which means you CAN copy poses and things to help you learn to draw), and will cover tons of poses, hands and feet representations, skeletal and muscle review, transformations up the wazoo, and a variety of other cool stuff and even an animation!

    in reply to: Dia's Dragon PYO #623624

    I have been doing PYO’s, but most have been similars to the ones I’ve already done, save for this one, with it’sblack body and purple color scheme. I have seen bunches of others do these colors so I hope I’m notclose to someone else’s scheme. I think I’m the last to try black and purples. Anyway, this one has violet eyes…they are pretty in person. I am still debating if I should antique the scales in silver on this.

    I really HATE placing copyright symbols and marks onto an image, but I always state it in the description and usually remove my PYOs from other websites within a week (currently this is the only image I have in any on-line gallery since I removed them all save for my Windstone one), so I don’t know if this is accepted or allowed. I always seem to make someone upset whenever I post to the forum because I’m breaking some rule or sugggestion, which is another reason why I’ve kept away so long.

    However, my posting my finished PYOs have made other people want to buy Windstones, and realize Windstone even exsisted in the first place, so I hope that overshadows that I haven’t put the copyright mark directly onto the images.

    in reply to: About Watergazer #612791

    Don’t worry. The werewolf book is taking longer than planned so it will be bigger and better now anyway and I’ll let everyone know when it’s up for grabs. I’mplanning to throw in a corner animation now too.

    in reply to: Pimp my Ride: Pontiac Grand Am #612795

    My hubby is terribly afraid I am going to ruin my car. Lol, I guess I’ll start by going to the old car scrap lot and asking for a pontiac grand am hood to practice on first. That way if it turns out good I can replace it with my current hood.

    in reply to: About Watergazer #612787

    Well…the job I aim to find will probably be the same as any other…cashiering. There’s just no jobs around here. It’s a simple, smallish town where the largest store is WalMart and there’s not much else but fast food. I am going to TRY to land a job at Games Workshop about 45 minites from my home though, because the thought of cashiering all day makes me cringe, especially since I’m a college grad. At least at Games Workshop I can assemble and paint and play games all day I love, so I’m gonna hold out for that for a while.

    in reply to: Pimp my Ride: Pontiac Grand Am #612793

    Seeing as how my whole art life is turning a new corner for the new year and I will be able to return back to doing those projects I’d otherwise be unable to do due to actual art-as-work…I am now planning once again to custom paint my Pontiac Grand Am, which currently is a limited edition color of gulf blue metallic.

    My question is…has anyone ever tried automotive paint with a brush besides pin-striping? I prefer to brush-paint my car for details…then probably see about getting an automotive airbrush sprayer for the rest…want to create a nice fade effect on the sides.

    in reply to: About Watergazer #612781

    Hey guys. I just wanted to stop by and let you guys know of the big decision I’ve made recently, which is to quit the art world as a career. The past two years have been tough…getting children’s illustration jobs and other odd jobs here and there, and then paying off medical bills that seem without end. I’ve had to oversell and undersell myself to make things work out. Recent;y I have gone over my finances and I see that I will not hit my expected profit this year. At the start of the new year I determined that I would only remain career-driven with my art if I could pull in 10k in profit after expenses, irregardless of time put in. Unfortunately this won’t possibly be met, so faced with hard, inked truths on paper I have decided to call it quits.

    This means that I will only be working on my own projects starting next year and will only offer commissions here and there via ebay or on request, but nothing like before where I kept a cache of clients and lists of deadlines. Obviously, being an artist by nature means I will never “QUIT” drawing or doing what I do…I just won’t be publicly selling myself as before, or mass marketing like crazy.

    The one exception to this will be for the Anatomy of a Werewolf book, which was due to be released at this year’s MFF (Midwest FurFest) con. This also unfortunately had to be canceled in light of my workload and other things, but will be released a year late at MFF con 2008. I got a refund for my table space at MFF but I will still be around, doing badge commissions or what-have-you. The anatomy book will become bigger and better for having a full free year to work on it though, and the choice was made to postpone it because if I pushed myself to release it by this deadline it wouldn’t be 100% the way i wanted it to be.

    I also have pre-sale slots open for that book, so if interested in it, it will be $35. It will be over 100 pages (hopefully 200-300 now) long and full of transformations, bones, structure, and general hands, feets, and torso pose referance material for werewolves and other predator were creatures, and hopefully a fun read to boot. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/643943/ shows the cover art.

    So there you have it. I am slowly working on all of my current commissions to finish within this year and have a clean slate for next year so I can find a “real job” and say goodbye to the stress of having to make art for money.

    in reply to: Emerald Dragon PYO #612539


    A commissioned dragon. I have another dragon and then a winged wolf in the works, then I’m gonna stop painting these a while, and remove the images from the FurAffinity webpage to prevent any copyright things. However I will say that every time I post an image there I get about 3-5 people who never heard of Windstones who want to buy these, so I hope I’m bringing Windstone some business.

    in reply to: Ravenwing Version 2 #611407

    Again, see description for details. This is another commission which is based off of one I’ve already done…but dependant on what the client wants, may end up looking different if it keeps the dark grey coat as compared to the one currently in my gallery, which has a light grey coat with interference blue in some areas.

    in reply to: Pet Memorial: Sandy #611290

    Thanks guys. Also, I do state Windstone is the description but did they want that on the photo too? Can I post it?

    in reply to: Pet Memorial: Sandy #611281

    Click to read the full description. Sorry I haven’t posted in a while but most of the commissions I have taken are replicas of stuff I’ve already done, so I don’t post them…just new stuff, which this is. The photos came out dark, sorry, but it looks awesome in person with interference gold on the wings.

    in reply to: OE Lawsuit Pending #605646

    Before I got on the patch I was told to try Depro shots, which I did, for about a year and then quit because I had my period near-constantly. Towards the end right before quitting I would have my period 3 months straight. I was like…this is reidiculous. If I had been using it as birth control and not for pain, I sure wouldn’t be having sex! So then he switched me to the patch…because I too, can’t remember taking pills every day. Well, now I’m sure screwed big time since I can’t take anything anymore. Too bad I wasn’t given other options but nothing was around at the time just a few years ago like today…but who’s to say some of the new stuffwon’t hurt more women down the line that we just don’t know about…or more lying drug companies wanting only to make a buck.

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