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  • in reply to: Werewolf Art Update! NEW VIDEO! #724078

    I got the video up and working: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzBzpVDDx_Y

    in reply to: Werewolf Art Update! NEW VIDEO! #724077

    Thank you. Also, if you wanted to pre-order the book I do take PayPal at Watergazer@Comcast.net, and you can email me at that address too. As for sketches, you can mail me which ones you like. I did sell a couple of them but most are still available. It’s first-come, first-serve, and best offers…no bids or set price tags. Also, I am trying to post a video on YouTube with more artwork shown. We’ll see how that goes. If I get one up I’ll post again tonight with a link.

    in reply to: My Baby…now on YouTube…and TMNT #724384

    asinnamon: He is formula fed since I am still having to take blood thinners (Warfarin). He does take a pacifier. He does spit up if I feed him over 3 oz. at one feeding. He is currently eatting 3 oz. every 3 hours but now I am giving him 3 oz. every two hours just to see if maybe he’s just hungry and cries because of that. He is VERY gassy and using normal bottles…so may need bottle fillers to help get air out…I’m gonna try those next. His formula is ready-made, not concentrate or mixed for now, but we plan to switch him to a powder soon that requires mixing after I do see the pediatrition again. They say (when I call, because my pediatrition is 2 hours away) they say just feed him when he wants to eat and try to burp well etc etc. What do you think? Is there a such thing as overfeeding?

    Necron: There are a couple Casey Jones…the original and the newest movie version…they’re just sorta hidden behind other guys. Sorry not all of them can be seen, they are so crowded!

    Thanks everyone for seeing Nicky and giving your best wishes. Good news is he should be able to get his casts off next week for good I am hoping…then he’ll be put on a brace or plastic braces…he may be too young for a full-out brace. Normally, clubfoot cases don’t get out of casts until 2-3 months and then get the brace so braces may be too big for him right now but they’re thinking of something to use in the mean time.

    in reply to: My Baby…now on YouTube…and TMNT #724376

    My back is better (was thrown out) but I get such headaches listening to him scream constantly. I don’t know what to do half the time. I try just about everything but he still cries and cries. I don’t know if he has an actual case of “colic” because he doesn’t usually scream for 3-5 hours straight like they say colicy babies do…he falls asleep after a couple hours of it. And sometimes he is quiet and yet awake…but most of the time if he’s awake he is screaming.

    in reply to: My Baby…now on YouTube…and TMNT #724374

    I figured out how to get video on YouTube…so I had to show you a live version of the new baby.

    I also posted my TMNT collection video.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32qkDYnnUnQ Was a test to see if I could load to the net and viola! Too bad I don’t have any PYOs to paint and show you how I do it because I could so do tuturials now.

    I might post a video of images from my werewolf book if folks are interested.

    in reply to: Werewolf Art Update! NEW VIDEO! #724074

    VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzBzpVDDx_Y

    Ok, got the YouTube video to work…it was too long last time by a few seconds. Anyway here’s samples of illustrations from the werewolf book. Let me know what you think and enjoy!


    EDIT: For only a couple days I’m allowing the public to preview finished sketches (un-inked) of the “Anatomy of a Werewolf” book. You can view them here: http://www.watergazersden.com/forum/763
    Feel free to comment but you’ll have to do so in this forum topic.
    This is NOT the entirety of sketches for the book, just a wide range of what I’m gonna have included.
    All sketches are for sale-I’m taking best offers. If you’re interested in any, let me know. All sketches will get inked prior to them being shipped (some are already inked).
    Pre-orders of the book cost $35 which does not include shipping (shipping will be requested at a future time). I do ship worldwide.
    Pre-orders come with a hand-carved bone pendant necklace of a werewolf pawprint.
    All profits from the sales go towards medical bills.


    I am so sorry I haven’t been around. But I’ve been away due to health, having a baby, and numerous other issues. I wanted to let everyone know I am still working on the werewolf anatomy book and still taking some pre-orders since a few people have emailed me questions on that. If you’re interested let me know. The book will be $35 (not taking shipping $$ at this time but I will ship worldwide). Not sure how many pages there will be but probably at least 200. It’s gonna be spiral bound for easier browsing and using as artistic referance.

    The book has increased in size. It has over 1,500 illustrations now (might get up to 2,000!) and I have included, at the end, a small how-to-draw section on werewolves. I’m throwing in some wildlife photos of animals and several free color bookmarks.

    Unfortunately the book can’t be in color but the images will all be inked. I’m also going to be selling the originals for whatever price I can get for ’em (best offer kinda thing). I was planning to do this after the book was published already but I may have to do it sooner since the medical bills are pressing hard on us…I’ll keep you posted.

    Here’s my latest work-in-progress pieces:

    Also, here’s pictures of my baby Nicholas (and one of my pug, Mugsy): http://www.watergazersden.com/node/33861 and yes he has casts on both legs. He was born with clubfoot and needs weekly castings to correct the problem, but it should be fixed by the time he begins to learn to walk. He may need a bar brace between his legs for a while though to keep his feet straight and facing down. It sucks right now because we can’t bathe him other than sponge baths at best, since the casts go right up to the groin and he can’t get wet below the hips.

    Please note: ALL (and I mean ALL) profits from the werewolf book will go to paying off the crazy medical bills I got and also to buy necessities for Nicky-so you can actually use your PayPal reciept as a tax write-off as a charity thing if you want. Luckily, I am also no longer having to take shots in my stomach every day now that Nicky is born! Yay!

    So, that’s what’s going on with me as of late. This book will be some of the last artwork I do, at least for the mainstream and with the purpose of selling. I just want a more stress-free mental state, take care of my new family and spend my time with them, and art-for-profit is a huge bring down and cause of problems. I am stepping away from that now.

    Unrelated note: I got pulled into a different kind of on-line game. Since I don’t do on-line games and have too much time invested in baby care and my book, this works out perfect since it takes place in real time and is simplistic in nature…just a diversion really, a few minutes a day, involving vampires versus werewolves. Want to get bitten by myself as a werewolf? Click here: http://s4.bite-fight.us/c.php?uid=22311
    see what happens. And, if you want, you can join the game as my creation!

    FOR A BRIEF TIME ONLY on my forum I am allowing this forum
    So that’s it for now folks. I will update soon!

    in reply to: Congratulations Watergazer! #718332

    Hey all, indeed I am back now and have had my baby. It’s been something of a hard journey since as well since we’ve had a series of unfortunate events. First, I will say that the labor and dilvery was far easier than the entire pregnancy. I had a pretty easy go of it. The pain was bareable for me, though I did later get an epidural, just in case…and THAT needle was even nothing compared to the Lovenox stomach injections. It was a breeze. They had started Pitocin at about 10 am and I had Nicholas by 6.05 PM after about 20 or less pushes. They said I was an excellent pusher.

    Anyway, the hospital kept me for 8 whole days due to my blood levels not being right to release me but I did make a bargin on day 8 to go get tested in my hometown daily to monitor it, which they agreed to so just about every day for 3-4 days I had to travel out and get tested. I am still getting tested but now it’s down to every other day or two days since the Coumadin pills I am replacing the Lovenox shots with are finiky and need strict monitoring but well worthwhile never to take those damn shots again.

    And then the trouble started. Of course Nick was born with Clubfoot which was casted right away in the hospital, and he goes every week to get recasted. He is getting better and is fine although miserable the day of casting…but on top of all that travel, my husband got a flat tire. He had JUST gotten a flat about a week prior to my labor so he was using his spare aready. His tire cost somewhere around $160 which is insane. Then, my brakes started to go out. And then I got a big bulge in my tire which risked a blowout and that tire needed replacing for about $120. And, only a couple days home our plumbing sorta failed and the sewer system backed up a bit into the basement and we couldn’t use our one and only bathroom so we had to call the plumbers and you don’t want to know that price tag. And then something happened to my pug, Mugsy, and I had to take her to the vet because she was not bending down to eat and was crying. And during this trip out to the vet I went to buy gas for my car and when stepping out I threw out my back somehow. I’ve never done that before but I was instantly incapasitated and could not drive my car or make it home and had to get help. I have been on bedrest since and luckily my husband’s mother watched Nick because I couldn’t lift him at all. Mugsy did get to the vet though and they suspected an inflamed neck disk and gave me pills and told me to buy a cage (I didn’t already have one) and keep her locked in it strictly every day and night for a month. That lasted all of 3 days and nights before I quit because she cried throughout and was all worked up and depressed. She appears fine now and bends to eat and everything like normal so I assume it was more a sprain or pinched nerve. Lets hope.

    So here I am now. I am finally able to sit at the computer. All drawing had been haulted up until this point as well so my werewolf book is behind yet again but it is still underway and close to being finished. I just keep adding things which is totally my own problem but I have reached over 1500 illustrations now. I will be sure to keep everyone posted about when it’s finally FINALLY completed and ready for sale! All profits of the book will go towards the medical bills and of course baby diapers and formula…wow this stuff is expensive and drains you fast.

    in reply to: Dramatic Health Update: Anyone Taken Lovenox Before? #643920

    I was told this is the only place I can inject until my belly gets too large from the baby and no skin fat remains I can pinch to stick the full needle into. Then, I am allowed to inject into my thighs but I hear that hurts far worse! You’re lucky you can do it in the arm. I was on a forum for Lovenox users who were pregnant and none of us can do it in the arm, just belly and thighs.

    Also, if anyone is from Canada, can you tell me the list price of 30mg of Lovenox given twice a day (so 60mg total daily?). I just want to be morbidly curious.

    This is all very depressing, but I will do artwork up until I can no longer do it, when the baby is born. I’m having issues also with my OB right now because she wont answer some of my pressing questions…like when I need to be induced. Since being on Lovenox disaalows you from using an epidural (you could get paralysed for life) or having surgery like a C-Section while awake (you could maybe do it if they completely knocked you out but you could still bleed out), I feel it’s important for me to have a planned birth but she tells me not to worry at all and wait until labor hits to make the call but by then it’s too damn late because Lovenox takes 24-48 hours to get out of your system. That and every woman in my family had C-Sections after some painful 20-hour some labors but she says my family history doesn’t mean anything and they plan to proceed like normal…I can’t CHOOSE to have a C-Section or be induced. The doctors around here give me the damn run around and if it were not for the internet I’d be so uninformed!

    Did the doctors take your husband off Lovenox in enough time to give him the surgery? Did they switch him to Heparin?

    in reply to: Dramatic Health Update: Anyone Taken Lovenox Before? #643918

    Many of you may recall a year and a half ago I suffered blood clots in both lungs due to my having used Ortho Evra Birth control patches. Since then I have not been allowed to use hormonal BC and my husband and I were trying hard not to get pregnant via the usual methods…condoms, jellys, withdrawal, etc. Well, we failed, and I ended up pregnant, and my-OUR-world changed forever.

    Regardless of the fact that I never wanted to personally ever bear children (leaned more on adoption like, 5 years from now), now I am faced with it, and also faced with giving up my artistic career for good, since I can’tpossibly have a child and do art. But worst of all I am a high risk pregnancy due to my former blood clots, and because of this, now two months into the pregnancy, they put me on Lovenox.

    I find out most things about my medical conditions now over the internet. I trust no one to tell me anything. I research it all. I found out about Lovenox…and my dearies let me tell you what a shock it was to discover they were INJECTIONS you must give to yourself every single day IN YOUR STOMACH, to thin the blood. It’s the only safe blood thinner to use during pregnancy.

    I have had many many days of phone tag with doctors, doctor visits totaling 3-4 times a week, problems with insurance, and just overall depression about my situation. I don’t believe in abortion personally, so we will have this baby and try to keep it healthy. So now I must take these expensive injections (2 grand per month before insurance, about $500 per month afterwards) every day.

    For one not afraid of needles and able to tolerate a decent amount of pain and of course my tattoo, the first belly injection hurt like hell. It was all I could do not to wince and cry, which made my whole body shake. The injection took only about 30 seconds but as she injected (to teach me how) I felt the burning sensation Lovenox users spoke about…and it just felt like it was getting worse by the second, like a fireball about to blister through the skin and explode…as she did it so slow, which you’re supposed to do. I just wanted the damn needle out of me. When she took it out I bled, and the burning continued. I was told to continue to inject at different sites, in a smiley-face pattern about an inch below my belly button, and to go back and forth even over brusing. This would be my daily from from now until about 2 months after the baby is born.

    I tried to hold my composure as they gave me a bio-hazard disposal box and I slowly made my way to my car. I had to stop walking twice, and the car was only about 20 yards away. The pain was incredible, and by now I was in tears, and panting very hard. I slowly got into the car and started to drive, and neausa hit me. I tried to keep driving, but I quickly pulled into a parking lot and tried to make it to the grass but I collapsed in the snow and just threw up everywhere.

    Eventually I got back up, ate some snow, and got back in the car to drive home. The burning finally stopped…about 20 minutes after the shot. And I’ve dreaded taking them again.

    However Imust, for my life and the baby’s, as a blood clot would hurt or kill us. So now I inject myself…but I do it fast so I don’t feel as much pain. It’s better, and I don’t bleed or vomit now, but again since I don’t really feel the baby inside me, I am ashamed to say I feel indifferent towards it, and I am so unmaternal I know nothing about raising a child. I need to look and see if they have a Babies for Dummies book because I only just found out what a baby wipe is used for.

    But I wanted to keep the forum updated about my condition since I know a lot of you do care. I also am still continuing to do art for the Anatomy of a Werewolf book, which will be my last endeavor before the baby is born. You can see a bunch of images I just posted for it on-line…here: http://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/watergazer/

    Anyway, thanks in advance for your support!

    in reply to: Flame Wolf with Dingo Tribute Memorial #631815

    Just added a new wolf…what I call “Flame Wolf.”

    in reply to: Flame Wolf with Dingo Tribute Memorial #631814

    Thanks guys, the brindle patterning wasn’t super easy to figure out, though was fun to do. I will see about posting an image with the real Dingo.

    Also, yes the ears were lengthened. Iam not sure of the breed of Dingo but he seems cattle-dogish, with very large ears. The wolf has a lot more fur ruff than he, but the ear modification helps. They are about 2-2.5 times the size of the regular winged wolf ears.

    in reply to: Flame Wolf with Dingo Tribute Memorial #631804

    A Windstone Winged Wolf I modified and painted to look like a commissioner’s pet.
    The wings are not actually sinver but a pearlized deep grey…it’s an amazing color in person. I wasn’t expecting that.

    And here’s a new one, which was supposed to be a replica of my Ravenwing but the paints were fresher and turned out far brighter and more flamey than ever.

    in reply to: My Therian Tattoo #623692

    Iam told it should not fade too badly. Of course, after about 5-10 years it may need touching up. Most folks I know who have color tatts usually get a touch-up between 8-10 years.

    in reply to: Anatomy of a Werewolf Book sample art and preorder info. #623665

    Awesome, then send along the PayPal and I’ll mark you down for one, and be sure to provide the proper address so I will definately get it to you once it’s completed.

    in reply to: PYO Wolf Commission, Wolfs Rain, & Franklin Mint Frogs #623726

    Offering a custom PYO Winged Wolf again. Yep, they are my favs. The trouble with this sculpt is that every time I post this auction, somebody wants a wolf with different colored eyes AFTER they pay in and everything, so I keep having to re-order but still have this wolf. This auction is only for the yellow eyes: http://cgi.ebay.com/Custom-Winged-Wolf-Windstone-Editions-Commission-PYO_W0QQitemZ300158532694QQihZ020QQcategoryZ35873QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

    Also, if interested, I have this auction for Franklin Mint Frogs, which comes with the stand. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300158541252

    And, if you like Wolf’s Rain, I have a DVD set of them…missing just 2 DVDs (the one where the episodes repeat which is pointless to have, and one other one) I have:
    Leader of the Pack (Ep. 1-5)
    Blood and Flowers (Ep. 6-10)
    Loss (Ep. 11-14)
    Paradise and Poison (Ep. 23-26)
    and the final one: Final Encounters (Ep. 27-30)
    I’ll take offers on this set or any one individual DVD. All play excellently.

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