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  • in reply to: My Pink Lap is here #708935

    Jasmine wrote:

    I thought you were giving her the pink lap. Or are you giving both?

    Haha well first I bought the pink curly for her. Then the pink lap came out and I thought that it would be a better present/she would like it more, so I bought it and planned to sell the pink curly to pay for the lap dragon.
    BUT when the lap got here I realized I couldnt part with it (lol) and that my sister, who has a reputation for, well…not being the safest person to be around anything breakable, would be more likely to damage the lap (with its protruding horns and wings) than the rounder curly who would be safer around her haha.
    Plus she just got a new kitten who could again, cause problems for the more fragile pieces on the lap.
    So I decided to keep the pink lap, give her the curly and I’ll just end up paying for the lap out of my own pocket. 😀

    in reply to: My Pink Lap is here #708932

    I got mine this afternoon! yay! Heres some pics of her;

    With the pearl pink curly (which is only mine for another week before I give it to my sister for her graduation present);

    in reply to: My Pink Lap is here #708925

    Ooh shes so pretty. I should be getting mine today, I checked the tracking and its in my town so it must be in route right now. *hyperventilates* haha.

    in reply to: Pearly Pink Lap Dragons in the store! #705626

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    Thankies! Will you try your luck at ebay, then? That’s probably the easiest way to do it…

    twindragonsmum 😀

    Probably, I usually like my Windstones to go to forum members but I want to see if I can cash in on the craze they are starting on ebay. I’ve never sold there before though so we’ll see how it goes. Might be a few days before it gets put up.

    in reply to: Pearly Pink Lap Dragons in the store! #705624

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    Do you need to re-home the curly? And is she the darker or lighter pink variation?


    Its the pearly pink version from the first batch.

    in reply to: Pearly Pink Lap Dragons in the store! #705623

    I’m going to sell the Curlie, especially seeing how nuts people are going over them on ebay. And I’m not a big pink fan anyway.

    in reply to: Pearly Pink Lap Dragons in the store! #705620

    Yay!! I managed to talk my husband into letting me get one for my sis! Just in time too. She is going to go nuts. Her first Windstone!

    in reply to: Pearly Pink Lap Dragons in the store! #705617

    Man, I really want to get one of these for my sister but I’m having a hard time convincing my husband that we should since we already got a pink curly for her. Too bad the Windstone store dosnt take trades lol.

    in reply to: Whats up with this pink curlie? #704333

    Wow the pearly pink curl on ebay right now is at $255 dollars! I bought one from a forum member about a week or so ago for my sister/her graduation and part of me is thinking I should try and sell it on ebay, get a buttload of money and buy her one of the pink lap dragons instead.

    in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.3 #683135

    purplecat wrote:

    Beautiful pieces!!! Congrats! 😀 😀 😀

    Thank you! I love them! Its fun to do the trades, but I wish I could get a new piece! (I’m on a 6 month disciplinary ‘no more Windstones’ stretch that my husband imposed on me. Trades are ok though since they dont involve money haha.) 🙂

    in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.3 #683131

    I’ve got two new windstones (but I only get to keep one of them haha)

    I got this little guy from Zelda here on the forum- hes so cute! My first brown! Here he is with my other young dragon, also from a forum member;

    They are so sweet together. These are my only young dragons- and the only Windstone sculpt I have more than one of.

    And this little guy gets to stay with me for a while, but in a few weeks hes being handed off to my sister for her graduation (if I can bare to part with him haha);

    Its the first time I saw a curlie in person- I dont have any in my collection.

    in reply to: Trading BG Scratcher for Different Color! #704031

    I have a mint condition black gold scratching dragon I’d like to trade for another scratcher in a different color. He is in perfect condition, still has his tags and original box.
    Heres some pictures of him;

    Like I said, hes mint condition (been on display in a glass cabinet only- hes not even dusty), theres nothing wrong with him, I just already have a few Black Gold pieces and would like some more color in my collection.

    Let me know if you’d like to set up a trade!

    (I have this ad up in the flea market too but I thought I’d try this forum as well- so if you dont have another scratcher and would like to buy him you can do that too- see the ad over in the other forum for details on that).

    in reply to: Black Gold Scratcher For Sale! (Or Trade) #702659

    mmloda wrote:

    Hope he finds a good loving new home soon.. 😉

    Thanks, me too! I’ll leave him up here for a week or so.

    in reply to: Black Gold Scratcher For Sale! (Or Trade) #702657

    Stephanie wrote:

    Good luck! 😀

    Thanks Stephanie! The little young dragon you traded with me is loving his new home! I just got him a sibling (my 2nd young dragon piece). They look so cute together!

    in reply to: Looking for a Pink Curlie! EDIT: Found One! #700239

    Thanks you guys, I hope she’ll like it too! She usually worships anything pink so I think she’ll be happy haha.

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