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  • in reply to: In Need of some Encoragment- Pet Related #647548

    skigod377 wrote:

    I hope the vet can just remove it. If its benign they will probably just tell you to leave it be. Its not as big as all that… I cant even see it in the picture. 🙂

    Well I havnt taken a picture of the tumor- those are just general pictures of him. I cant look at it long enough to take a photo, I start to freak out. But thank you. 🙂

    ddvm wrote:

    It may be a benign tumor known as a mammary gland fibroadenoma. Even male rats get them – they are extremely common. In spite of the fact they tend to be benign it should be removed – they will often keep growing until they are half the size of the rat. I’ve seen rats with tumors so large their foot on that side couldn’t reach the ground!

    The other possibility would be an abscess, usually from a bite but they don’t look as if they fight.

    I love rats. Two of my favorite pets were hooded brothers – Hope and Cosby. I had their mom and she had a litter of two. So I handled them from the time they left the nest – they were great rats!

    If your vet isn’t comfortable handling rats or doing surgery on one you might ask for a recommendation for one that is – or ask the rescue lady.

    I hope its one of those big beign tumors. I had both my rats fixed when they were old enough by a doctor that was recommended to me by the rescue lady, so I’m going to go over there. He knows how to handle them, she takes all her rats there. Its a long drive but I dont want a vet touching them who dosnt know what they are doing or is afraid of them.

    Thanks you guys for all the kind words, hes going to be heading off the vet here pretty soon, I’m keeping my fingers crossed and I’ll let you all know.

    in reply to: In Need of some Encoragment- Pet Related #647537

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    I’m no fan of rats, but a pet is a pet and I really hope the tumor is non-lethal, and that Nibs is okay. Hugs.

    Yeah I’ve known a lot of people who didnt like rats at all- either hated them, were scared of them, etc, my mom being one of them. After she met my rats though, she wanted some of her own and almost got herself a pair, she always asks about them whenever I talk to her now. 🙂
    I got mine at a rat rescue center run out of a womans house in San Jose- a woman had bought a female rat from a pet store and then found out it was pregnant, contacted the center and they told her just to go with it and hand raise the babies, then give them over to the center when they were old enough to leave their mom- so she did, and as a result, they are extremely friendly and very used to people.

    Thank you for your sweet thoughts- you too, Kyrin! And I’m glad you like the picture, its one of my favorites too.

    in reply to: In Need of some Encoragment- Pet Related #647534

    I just went to clean out my rats cage- I have two of them, they are brothers, I’ve had them since they were babies (they are almost two now) and they are the sweetest things- and I noticed when I picked them up, that one of them, Nibs, has a very large tumor hanging from his abdomen/tummy. Its huge, bigger than a golf ball, and it must have just popped up because I didnt notice it the last time I held him (and I would have).

    He dosnt appear to be in any pain at all, and hes eating and drinking like normal, but I’m freaking out. Ive never dealt with this kind of thing before. Nibs is the sweetest of the two rats, and has always been my favorite. I’m very worried, and I couldnt even look at him for a while after I noticed it, I was so upset.

    My husband and I are taking him to the vet tomorrow and I’m trying to stay positive. I am just in need some good wishes/prayers thrown his way and knew that the animal lovers here would be able to sympathize.
    Here a few pictures of Nibs;

    ^The last two are of him and his brother Socrates.

    in reply to: OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?! #644921

    Dragon Master wrote:

    This way to the GRUB!!

    How big is that cat??

    Haha, she was 18lbs when the picture was taken- but shes been on a strict diet for a long time now and shes down to 15lbs last time she was at the vet.

    in reply to: OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?! #644916

    lamortefille wrote:

    I haven’t tried it, but apparently you can add captions to your photos here:

    Haha those are great- they remind me of a picture of my Isabel and my rats;

    in reply to: Sicko #646850

    Yeah, I’ve seen Sicko- I follow most of Michael Moore’s work pretty closely.
    I think there really needs to be some serious changes in the way the US deals with healthcare, its really quite disgusting the way its being handled now.
    I just recently had to fight with my insurance company to get them to cover a mammogram that I had recently. They cover a yearly mammogram, but said that because I had had a lump that I went to get checked out that they wouldnt cover it, even though I hadnt had my annual one yet and wouldnt have one for the rest of the year. They said if it had been just a routine checkup then it wouldve been covered- I thought it was ridiculous that they would deny coverage because of the reason I went in- why would it matter as long as I only had one? And it was nothing anyway in the lump so there was no follow-up or anything they had to pay for. They told me they would ‘review’ it. I still havn’t heard back from them.


    Dragon Master wrote:

    VampireBiscuits wrote:

    Oh man those are adorable- I think I might have to dig into my windstone funds for one. 😀

    any of that fund you want to share?? I have a few I need to get also!! hehe 😆

    Did I say ‘dig into’? I meant ‘scrounge for leftovers in windstone fund’ haha.

    in reply to: OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?! #644888

    in reply to: Personal Quirks? #644693

    Lokie wrote:

    *I have to check the faucets, stove/oven nobs, doors, locks, etc, at least 5 times.

    I do the exact same thing, I get really paranoid at night, and even though I know I’ve checked the doors/stove/fridge 3 times, I have to check it again if I start thinking about it.

    I am afraid of the dark, I didnt used to be, but I love horror movies- I cant get enough of them, and I cant stop watching them even though they are messing me up in the head haha. My husband is afraid to scare me/pull pranks on me at night because if I he does I get so frightened that I practically had a mental breakdown.

    I’m scared of mirrors, clowns, the ocean- lakes too actually (I havnt swam in about 6 years- at least).

    I love tarantulas but the sight of any other type of spider sends me into a panic.

    I collect weird pieces of taxidermy (but I only buy from one place that is very reputable and only gets their merchandise from carriers who can guarantee in writing that the animals died naturally).

    I cant go out of the house without makeup or jewelry without feeling like I’m streaking.

    I am a hermit, I dont like being in social situations- even calling someone on the phone to make an appointment makes me nervous. If Im expecting a phone call, I make a list of talking points- otherwise I get nervous and forget everything I was going to say lol.

    in reply to: Pet Peeves #644595

    Dragon Master wrote:

    I agree with Rap but I have started liking NEW counrty not the old hart break stuff. I’m atcually listening to the best of Faith hill right now

    I’m usually very open minded about music, my tastes are very eclectic, but I grew up listening to nothing but country music- its all my mom ever listened to and it always grated on me. I was even dragged to a George Strait concert when I was a kid. And I lived in the boonies for a long time too so I was around cowboys all the time (not fun)- I just cant listen to it, even if it sounds new or not as country because it makes me think of the other stuff.

    But I dont think anything of other people liking it/listening to it (as long as they dont play it around me lol)

    in reply to: Pet Peeves #644592

    Oh Ive got a few lol

    Kids are pretty high on the list- disrespectful kids and the parents who dont discipline them. Ive seen kids tell their parents to shut up and the parent does nothing. And the other day I was in my favorite local mom-and-pop video store and someone came in with a couple little kids and told them ‘ok go play’. No! Its not a playhouse! Its a business and they shouldnt be running around screaming and knocking stuff off shelves. Oy.
    (last one on kids lol) I live in a downstairs apartment and the kids upstairs are terrible- no one says anything to these kids- it sounds like they are jumping off furniture upstairs. It was so bad once that it actually knocked one of our glass light covers off of the ceiling and it fell and shattered into the bed where my husband and I were sleeping.

    Popping knuckles drives me crazy (any bones really- probably comes from working in a chiropractors office as a secretary for a while).

    Sports commentators- they usually just spout the obvious and their noises are so annoying- they are always screaming.

    90% if people on tv really, lol, espically the two guys who have hosted ‘The Planets Funniest Animals’, if I didnt have tivo and couldnt fast-forward their irritating ‘jokes’ and skits, I wouldnt watch the show at all.

    Christmas stuff- its sad, but I really am a bit of a scrouge. When I was growing up with my mom we couldnt watch any movie that wasnt christmas related from thanksgiving till the end of the year. Most christmas music drives me nuts and I get tired of seeing how early the merchandise gets put out. I saw it out before halloween this year.

    People who dont vote.

    And finally, rap and country music. I have a very low tolerance for either.

    /rant haha.

    in reply to: Red fire #643120

    purplecat wrote:

    Yeah, there will be 10 of the signed ones, so nine more. They are also in other web-stores too, but unsigned and without the special paint. 🙂

    Yeah, I want the signed and special paint ones though lol- thats why I almost paid an extra $120 for the one on ebay. I’ll just keep an eye out for more of them then.

    in reply to: Red fire #643118

    Aww I was outbid by a few seconds on the male red fire dragon. Grrr. Well they will be putting more of these up on ebay, right?


    Oh man those are adorable- I think I might have to dig into my windstone funds for one. 😀

    in reply to: Happy Birthday List. #527397

    Mine is May 12th, I’m a bull in both the regular and chinese calenders.

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