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  • in reply to: Any Heath Ledger Fans out there? #658606

    sunhawk wrote:

    I am a Heath fan and I was really upset to hear this. But to make matters worse, I read a memo from the Fred Phelps website stating they will be picketing his funeral because of Heath’s role in Brokeback Mountain and I cannot express how angry that message made me, especially the language they used, the fact they said Heath was now “in hell” and that nothing else about him was relevant or consequential. WTF man, WTF. Some people are just sick and twisted 😡

    RIP Heath!

    God, I usually am not a violent person and I try not to wish ill will on anyone, but Fred Phelps dosnt deserve to be called human. His activities have always really bothered me. The logic behind it is so sick and twisted.

    And PhoenixTears, thanks for your post, it was really interesting to get to hear from someone who knew him and it really confirms the impressions I had of him. He will be sorely missed.

    in reply to: Any Heath Ledger Fans out there? #658588

    I am a Heath Ledger fan and I was so shocked today to find out about it. When I first heard it I thought it must be a joke, but turned on CNN and there it was.
    Its really quite sad, I really felt that he was just tapping into his acting potiental, his acting skills matured as I aged/my taste in films developed. As a teen I enjoyed his lighter movies like ’10 Things I Hate About You’, and ‘A Knights Tale’, and more recently felt he was cheated out of the Academy Award for Brokeback Mountain.

    In case you cant tell, I am a big movie buff, and I dont usually glorify particular celebrities- I’m more interested in the films as a whole than the individual people who contribute to them- but he was shaping up to be someone special in Hollywood- another Johnny Depp, who could make it alone on his pretty face and bland roles, but chooses instead to develop their craft and take on challenging and interesting roles. Its rather rare these days and its sad to see someone like him leave us, especially at such an early age.

    I will still defiently be seeing The Dark Knight though, I have 6 months to deal with being upset over this whole thing.
    Sorry for rambling.

    in reply to: Picture of red fire OW? #653172

    I was going to get a lap in this color, but that OW is so gorgeous, I must have one.

    in reply to: Any Intrest in an Injured Retired Hatching Emperor Dragon? #643825

    Kyrin wrote:

    VampireBiscuits wrote:

    He looks beautiful Kyrin! And as for the jewel and glue- my sister felt bad for breaking him so she took the jewel off of one of her toys and glued it on with god only knows what- I’m so glad you were able to repair him.
    And I didnt even realize anything was wrong with his leg! I’m sure scorpiolady21 will love him.

    That explains it, the glue was everywhere, and I had to scrape it off very carefully, but his whole head was anointed with it! Also it was very hard to get off, and I dared not use acetone.

    When he fell the leg must have gotten hit, it only left a small dent appearancewise, but when I probed it with one of my tools that section disintergrated, all that had held it together was the paint! Glad I did that though, it would have fell apart later, after it was in its new home.

    It was sweet of your sister to try to fix him though, but that jewel was so obviously not the right one, it bothered me, I tried to accept it, but I just couldn’t, it had to go. So I asked Melody for a new one.

    Anyway, I’m really pleased with him. I wish the emerald’s were cooperating half as well, but their paint is not anything you can find, so I had to appeal to Melody for help, I just can’t match the factory colors, they are really vibrant and bright.

    But I will prevail by Gods!

    After all “stubborn” is my middle name!


    I dont blame you for being bothered by the jewel, I didnt like it either but I didnt have anything to replace it with and I was afraid of hurting it in the process- like you said, there was a lot of glue! lol.

    And since we are talking about repairs, I thought I might ask you- I took a black gold male to a store to show them and hopefully convince them to start selling windstones, and I dont know how, but somehow along the way his claws got dinged up pretty bad on one foot. Any recommendations on what I should do?

    in reply to: Any Intrest in an Injured Retired Hatching Emperor Dragon? #643819

    He looks beautiful Kyrin! And as for the jewel and glue- my sister felt bad for breaking him so she took the jewel off of one of her toys and glued it on with god only knows what- I’m so glad you were able to repair him.
    And I didnt even realize anything was wrong with his leg! I’m sure scorpiolady21 will love him.

    in reply to: In Need of some Encoragment- Pet Related #647580

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    I’m so sorry that the outcome wasn’t better 😥 but great that you found such a sympathetic vet. Hopefully Nibs’ tumor won’t come back quickly and he has a lot more time with you! Give him a kiss from me and warm hugs for you. Hang in there; we’re here for you.


    Yeah the vet was awesome- hes owned several rats himself, but said he had to take a break from owning them since they dont live very long and its too much heartache. He could’ve charged us a ton of money, but he only charged for the time and materials, even though it turned out to be much more difficult than he had thought it would be. We probably would’ve had to put Nibs down if it wasnt for that vet.

    And he seems to be doing pretty good this morning- he was so swollen last night, he looked all fat/puffed up, but he came out of his igloo for a few seconds th is morning to grab a treat and he looks a lot better- still very drowsy though from the sedative they gave him.

    And even though the outcome is not what we were hoping for, I’m still glad that hes alive and that the tumor is gone for now- heres some pictures of what it looked like before his surgery (the tumor got even larger than this though- these were just the last pictures I took of it).

    And thank you all so much for your kind words and twin, I’ll give Nibs a kiss for you as soon as hes well enough to be held! 🙂

    in reply to: In Need of some Encoragment- Pet Related #647576

    Well Nibs just got back from surgery- we took him to a different vet, the same one who neutered him and his brother and he preformed the surgery for about $97.00, the other vets office told us it would’ve been $500. And this vet we took him to, had much more expierence with rats too, so all and all it was a good thing we switched.

    He was only supposed to get an evaluation yesterday, but the vet felt Nibs needed to be operated on immediately so he made room and did it today, even held Nibs overnight that night with his brother Socrates to keep him company at no extra charge so my husband wouldnt have to make the trip again early the next morning before work to drop them off.

    The vet had thought that it would probably be an easy surgery, despite the very large size of the tumor- he said it didnt feel like the tumor was connected to anything major.
    Turns out it was though. The surgery ended up being much more invasive because the tumor was not a benign one like we thought it was and had spread to his abdomen and up into his muscle tissue. The vet said he got 99% of it out, but couldn’t get it all. It will eventually come back, we just dont know when, and when it does there wont be much we can do it about it, but we bought him some time, and hopefully it will be longer rather than shorter.

    Nibs did do very well despite all that though. The vet said he was surprised Nibs had survived the surgery at all, hes a tough little guy and I just need your guys’ thoughts/prayers, I am hoping he will be ok and make it through the night.

    in reply to: What did Santa Bring You? #649924

    I got an Ipod Nano (my first Ipod), a rare signed copy of an old fetish magazine with Dita Von Teese on the cover, a bat necklace, torrid, barnes and noble and best buy gift certificates, a 4th copy of Labyrinth on DVD lol. And the black gold scratching dragon I got about a month ago was an early christmas present from my husband, so I guess he counts too. 🙂

    in reply to: Hubby's "new" tattoo – picture heavy #649360

    It looks a lot better now- my husband has a very similar one to the yin-yang dragon piece on his back.
    I also have 3 tattoos of my own, but no dragon ones.

    in reply to: In Need of some Encoragment- Pet Related #647572

    ddvm wrote:

    I’m sorry the news isn’t better. But is there any chance the rescue lady would be willing to watch them for the week? She must have lots of experience with rats recovering from surgery.

    Im not sure if she would or not- she said they cant hold any pets overnight at the vets office right now though because of how close it is to the holidays.
    I still havnt decided what to do and its driving me nuts, I’ve been moping around the house all day, waiting for the vets office to call me with an estimate for the surgery (the vet was just guessing when she said 3-400 dollars).

    in reply to: Funny Pet Picture of the Day! #648021

    Oh god that pug is adorable. Pugs are my very favorite dogs, and I have wanted one for as long as I can remember- a black one like that one too. As soon as I get an apartment that allows dogs I’m getting one.

    in reply to: In Need of some Encoragment- Pet Related #647568

    Well I just got back from the vet, and its not very good. The vet says the tumor is very large, one of the biggest shes seen and its in a problem area that could make it difficult to surgically remove (she said it should be removed). She took some samples of it and couldn’t determine what kind of lump/tumor it was.

    Anyway the surgery is going to cost about 3-400 dollars and she is the only doctor at the vets office that works on rats- and she only does surgery on wensdays and he will need a 5 day period where he is watched very closely. She has time this wensday, but we are leaving this week to visit my mom for christmas and cant take us with him, so we wouldnt be able to watch him- so we cant do it this week, and next week shes not going to be there. So its going to be a while before she can do surgery- and it might be bigger/worse in the meantime.

    My husband is trying to get me to consider the options no one wants to- especially since he is almost 2, and most rats dont live much longer than that- and its so expensive, and they might not get all of it out, etc. But if we did put Nibs down, Socrates, his brother, has never been apart from his brother and I’m scared what that would do to him. And hes probably too old at this point to introduce him to a new cage-mate without problems between them.

    I just dont know what to do right now.

    in reply to: Christmas Cheer… or lack of it. #647858

    dark_zorse wrote:

    Or am I in the boat of “Smile, and the world smiles with you. Cry, and you cry alone?”

    I have to ask, is that a common quote or do you know it from ‘Oldboy’, like I do? 🙂 And as for the xmas thing, I havnt been nuts about christmas for a while, I like a lot of the sentiment that goes with it but think it gets lost too often and the end result is usually unpleasant.

    in reply to: In Need of some Encoragment- Pet Related #647567

    Dragon Master wrote:

    I wish you the best.
    How long do rats usually live??

    They have pretty short lives actually- depending on how well they are taken care of- they are actually pretty sensitive animals, they need special bedding and such (costs and arm and a leg) because they easily develop incurable respiratory problems from other types of bedding. But the average lifespan is about 2.5-3 years, but Ive known people who’ve had them live 4-5 years.
    Its really too bad they arn’t around longer- so I spoil them rotten haha.

    foxfeather wrote:

    The idea is to keep Rats out of Alberta. We are a Grain producing area and the government wants to keep the ‘pests’ away from that potential food source. To that end we have a ‘Rat SWAT’ that patrols the borders and checks incoming shipments for Rats, and goes to places to exterminate them when called. I think that there is a health concern angle too. This squad was set up eons ago, way before people started to look at rats as pets. I do believe that some labs are allowed to keep rats, with strict security so they dont escape, and I have see rats at pet stores but they must be fixed.

    the funny thing is that there are areas of Calgary that have rabbit problems. People have let domestic bunnies loose and they did, well what rabbits do and with few predators and lots of nice gardens and lawns for food, theyve become real pests. The town of Canmore, about an hour from here, has even taken to trapping and putting down the bunnies. They have a real problem because the bunnies are attracting wild coyotes.

    So the definition of pest depends on your point of view

    Oh ok I can see why they would do that- at least they allow neutered ones though. I think nuetered rats are best anyway- particularly with the males, because otherwise they spray. Eugh lol.

    purplecat wrote:

    I remember them making fun of that on Ratatouii! There’s a short film on the dvd called “your freind the rat” where the canadian is battling rats.

    I havent seen that one (I dont like computer animated films very much) but the Willard remake that came out in 03 with Crispin Glover had a great featurette on people who own rats, something like ‘Rat People: Friends or Foes’ and it talks about how into people with rats get into them and the rat shows and everything. I thought it was well done.

    And thanks again, everyone, for your kind wishes. Nibs is off to the vet in about an hour so I’ll let you guys know whats up.

    in reply to: In Need of some Encoragment- Pet Related #647558

    keschete wrote:

    Ddvm and Barrdwing are right. Many small animals can get benign tumors. Make sute you get a vet that is comfortable with rats. It’s a good idea to have a vet that does exotics.

    I know with Sugar Gliders and Hedgehogs, my regular vet doesn’t really fool with them. So I have a special vet that takes care of my special pets.

    Some small animals will pick at their surgical wounds, it is a good idea to have an Elizabethan collar for your pet ready to go and be comfortable putting it on, before you have surgical proceedures.

    Here is a link on how to make an e collar for a rat. E collars can save your pets life after a surgery…many of these small non domesticated exotics will chew their wounds back open. Not to scare you…but having one is a great resource.

    Good luck, best wishes and I hope your little guy does well.

    Yeah I always make sure to take them someplace that is rat friendly. We’ve been having a hell of a time finding a rat friendly vet that can see him though, everyone is so busy. I finally found one and got an appointment for 5:30pm today so we’ll see how it goes. And thanks for the link! I’ll have to try that!

    PhoenixTears wrote:

    Perhaps it is an abscess and just needs to be drained. However, if it’s a tumor, Im sure the right vet can take care of it with minimal recovery time for Nibs and good post op meds. You seem to have excellent advice and support here.

    Im a spiritual person and have already lit a candle in honor of Nibs. A specific spiritual prayer circle (which encompasses every faith out there, not just my own), has been started for you. This kind of circle weve created reaches thousands of people around the world and isnt just within my own known circle of friends. If you want more of an explanation of exactly what Im talking about, feel free to PM me. Others here that have had ailing or missing pets, already know what Im talking about such as “darjeb” and “eaglefeather.”~ both with happy endings Smile

    Yours will be too. Big hugs to you and respect for mothering a stereotypically “unloved” species.

    Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! So does Nibs! He seems to be doing alright despite the fact that hes carrying this huge thing around. And I would like to hear more about your circle- could you PM me?

    Jennifer wrote:

    ddvm is right on the money!

    Rats make great pets. It’s sad that they are so prone to this type of illness. It’s hard to find rats with good genetics due to the fact that so many are inbred and some breeding ‘stock’ came from people unwittingly breeding lab test rat offspring.

    Also I wanted to really commend you for rescuing/adopting the rats!! I always encourage everyone to try to find the pet they are looking for via adoptions or a responsible breeder before they support pet stores with their money. Most people don’t realize it but there are pets of nearly every species out there that are in need of homes.

    They do make great pets- they are so sweet and social. And I’m glad we adopted him too, I was just scared of buying from pet stores because pet store rats are notoriously unhealthy. I really admire the woman who runs the rescue, its right out of her own home- there was a pet hoarder a while back in the area who had 1300 rats in his studio apartment and this woman took in as many as her place could hold and fixed them and found them homes. The organization is called Rattie Ratz.

    Lupin wrote:

    Well wishes to Nibs, and personal wishes that Alberta would allow us to have pet rats instead of sending in the Rat SWAT to obliterate them!!! All good to keep the problem ones out but even the pet’s that are spayed/neutered?

    Wow I had never heard of that before- any idea why they do it?

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