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  • in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2 #631003

    Kachina wrote:

    VampireBiscuits wrote:

    And wow- 0 to 10 in a month? Did you hit the lottery or something? lol. Lucky!

    Nope, just a husband who loves to see me smile and has a great career to fund my new obsession. 🙂

    Wow thats awesome. My husband helps out with my Windstones everyonce in a while- he got me a Scratcher for Christmas and got me my black gold male, but all my other 6 Windstones I saved for.

    purplecat wrote:

    She’s very beautiful!!!!! A big Congrats!!!!

    Thank you! 😀

    travistie wrote:

    I’m the same way! I always had male dogs growing up, and I always referred to all of my stuffed animals as a he. I was calling the Poads(tm) he and him on here. Then GB was good enough to educate me on the fact that they are all female. Not sure how they can reproduce if that’s the case… but that’s what they are! Very Happy

    I’m pretty sure the Lap is the sister to the Scratcher.

    Haha I love the poads, I dont have any yet, but I’d like to someday. And so the Silver Scratcher is coming out soon too? God I would love to see one of those.

    travistie wrote:

    Wow, that must be nice! Not many of us on here can say the same about our husbands. Laughing

    Mine just rolls his eyes every time I talk about Windstones, or get a new one in the mail.

    Rolls his eyes? Awww. My husband thinks they are beautiful. We each have curio cabinets right next to each other- mine, of course, is full of Windstones and his is full of diecast cars, and everyonce in a while I’ll catch him looking in my Windstone cabinent instead of at his cars lol.
    And since he has his own obsessive collection, he understands mine, he just dosn’t want to pay for them lol.

    in reply to: Anyone get the NEW eBay rules? #660542

    SPark wrote:

    But why should it make you nervous? Look at it this way. What can a buyer do to hurt a seller? Just two things, leave bad feedback, or not pay. RIGHT NOW a buyer can leave you bad feedback, or not pay, just the same as after this change. The only thing that’s removed is that you can’t leave them bad feedback, and is that REALLY such a huge risk? Why? You’re not any more likely, as a seller, to get a bad customer after this change than before!

    If the threat of getting a negative is the only thing keeping a buyer from leaving you bad feedback… well… you may need to do something about your selling process! But if you’re an honest seller, why should you NEED a threat to wave at your buyers to force them to not leave you negatives?

    It makes me nervous because they can do other things. I’ve known people who’ve sent out something that a buyer paid for, and the buyer tries to say they didnt get it/theres something wrong with it when thats not the case, so they can keep the item and get a refund. Or other times, someone who has a personal problem with the seller, buys something from them and just starts leaving bad feedback as payback for whatever the case may be. I realize these are rare instances, but if theres a buyer out there like that I want to know about it.

    in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2 #630995

    travistie wrote:

    VampireBiscuits wrote:

    Yeah no kidding lol. I’m seriously thinking about getting the silver male and female now. He really pops amoungst my other pieces- kind of outshines them at first even! I knew he was going to pretty, but he is more than I expected (always a great feeling).

    I have a silver male, and I love him. I’m not a huge fan of the male sculpt, but he looks beautiful in silver!

    Just a little Windstone dragon fact for ya… the Lap is a female per Melody! 🙂

    Oh I didnt realize it was a she 🙂 I guess I automaticly call things with no specific gender males- all my life I grew up with dogs and all but one of them were male, so its just kind of automatic.

    And after seeing this Silver piece in person I thought about getting the male and female too, but I dont know if Id like them as much, the gold horns on the lap really set off the gold accents in the scales.

    Kachina wrote:

    Beautiful lap! The silvers are my favorite, can’t wait till next week when my lap gets here. My collection’s gone from 0 to about 10 in less than a month.

    Have you thought of putting your RF OW on layaway? That’s what I’ve done, makes it easier to take than one big payment.

    And I’ve already got the money for my red OW all saved up and ready to go. Layaway drives me nuts, the wait is too much for me lol.
    And wow- 0 to 10 in a month? Did you hit the lottery or something? lol. Lucky!

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    The lap is pretty, VampireBiscuits. She looks great in your curio.

    thank you! 😀

    in reply to: Anyone get the NEW eBay rules? #660539

    I’m not really sure how I feel about this one. So far I’ve only bought off ebay, never sold, and I have received a retaliation bad feedback from a seller- its still the only bad piece of feedback I have as a buyer but since I dont buy a whole lot it drove my percentage down pretty far- its still only at 99.5% and I got the piece of retaliatory bad feedback almost a year ago.
    So I’m glad I wont be getting any more of those, but on the same hand, my husband has some stuff he wants to sell on ebay, and this new rule would make me really nervous about doing so.

    in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2 #630991

    travistie wrote:

    Very nice!!! Congrats on your purchase. Looks like you made a good decision afterall!! 😀

    Yeah no kidding lol. I’m seriously thinking about getting the silver male and female now. He really pops amoungst my other pieces- kind of outshines them at first even! I knew he was going to pretty, but he is more than I expected (always a great feeling).

    in reply to: Silver Lap Dragons are now available (1/28/08) #659946

    I just got my silver lap dragon in the mail today and he is amazing, much more beautiful than in any of the pictures! I took some pics of him and put them up in the ‘I just bought a…’ celebration thread in the general windstone forum.

    in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2 #630989

    I just got my Silver Lap Dragon in the mail not half an hour ago- I havn’t even put the box away and I just had to post these pictures (excuse the bad lighting- I tried using a flash but it didnt come out very well);

    Hes really quite stunning, I bought him sort of impulsively with some money I’d been saving for a different Windstone piece and while I’d been waiting for it to arrive in the mail I kept thinking, what if I shouldnt have bought it, what if I’m disapointed with it (its my first Silver and Id never seen one in person before) But I actually gasped when I took him out of the box. The pictures dont do him any justice at all.
    My husband tried to talk me out of buying a silver one, he thought the other colors were much more flattering, but hes going to be eating his words when he gets home! hahaha.
    And he looks great with my other pieces. Now if I can just get a hold of a black sitting griffin chick (*squeak, squeak*) and a red fire OW, I’ll be happy. (till the next cool piece comes out anyway). 😆

    in reply to: Silver Lap Dragons are now available (1/28/08) #659944

    The offical picture has been put up!

    in reply to: Silver Lap Dragons are now available (1/28/08) #659941

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Congrats to everybody who got one. Hope you all post pics! 😀

    I’ll post some when I get mine, which shouldn’t be that long, since they are in Hollywood and I’m just outside of San Francisco. I think I’m going to drive my husband nuts talking about this thing haha.

    in reply to: Silver Lap Dragons are now available (1/28/08) #659937

    One more gone! I decided I could wait for a red male dragon and spent the money I was saving for him plus some to get the Silver Lap- I’m so excited! I cant wait till he gets here. It will be my FIRST lap dragon (and silver piece) and the 8th Windstone sculpture in my house. 😀

    in reply to: Silver Lap Dragons are now available (1/28/08) #659934

    Oh they are beautiful! I think I will end up with one of these just as soon as I can afford it!

    in reply to: Silver Lap Dragons are now available (1/28/08) #659932

    I cant wait till the picture is up- might have to start saving again! lol

    in reply to: Any Intrest in an Injured Retired Hatching Emperor Dragon? #643831

    Kyrin wrote:

    If it is just paint rub off, get a Krylon 18 kt. Gold leafing pen and touch up. If it’s banged up, but not really chipped, you could sand it with some 440 grit sandpaper to smooth it, then go over it with the pen.

    Should be an easy fix.


    Yeah it was just a rub. I went to Michaels yesterday and got the pen- it worked perfectly- my baby looks beautiful again, thanks a million!

    in reply to: Amethyst Mist Emperor – He's on eBay! (photos pg.14) #642338

    Jasmine wrote:

    Oh, me wants. *grabby hands* I hate being poor. 🙄

    I feel your pain. 🙁 That dragon takes my breath away- I have some money that Ive been saving for a while for a red fire male and old warrior, and when I saw the pictures of this dragon here on the forum and saw he was up on ebay- I thought I might just get the red fire dragons later and blow my stash- but it wouldnt even cover half of what that baby is already going for. Grrrr.

    in reply to: Ice Chocolate & S'mores on ebay! #658428

    Wow I love Ice Chocolate, I may have to try for him. Beautiful work!

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