Forum Replies Created
April 21, 2009 at 1:29 am in reply to: Does anybody want my Amethyst? Got no bids… reduced the $ #75949949ER wrote:
so what would be your total asking price if somebody was willing for you not to insure it, and send it as a small packet? I got mine for a little under 56.00 including shipping, so 99.00 still seems awfully steep, especially with another batch coming out soon. 😕
Hmm. The little curlie cost me a total of ($50, +$6+$13) (cost, shipping, duty fees)… total of $69. So the minimum I could accept for it would be that, plus $10 for shipping. $80. =/
Just killin’ some time, chillin’ and wonderin’… what are the staff painting now? aka What will restock in the store next?
April 18, 2009 at 10:22 pm in reply to: Does anybody want my Amethyst? Got no bids… reduced the $ #759497Nobody wants a beautiful Amethyst? Make an offer!
You mean they ‘can’t’ sell across borders, easily. I’ve been there, and it isn’t easy. 😛 Unless you can prove that the animal is three generations removed from the wild, then you can get a permit to transport across borders. The key word being ‘prove’, that is the hard part. Though this only deals with endangered or threatened species. Some species are banned completely (like african rodents). The reason that the federal government doesn’t regulate much, is because each township does. It is very difficult to find a place to live anymore, that doesn’t have wild animal bylaws. I’m lucky enough to live in a place that doesn’t.
You can’t lump all breeders and owners in with the bad ones. Yes thre are bad ones. There are also very good ones. Just like there are for domestic species.
I still vote for some form of regulation, rather than outight bans. You want an exotic, I say fine. Just show that you can prove you can take care of it properly. Want a tiger… ok, but prove to me that you know what to feed it and where to get that food – and that you have a vet who will take it! Neither of these things is as easy as you think. Let alone caging/habitat. Anyone who buys an exotic from me has to prove to me they can take care of it. I turn away about ten people for every one who is responsible. And that’s just for hedgehogs and lemmings!
I think the governments really need to back off. They’re hurting the intelligent people in their efforts to stop the idiots. As usual. Banning exotics isn’t going to stop the bad people from owning them any more than gun regulation stopped the bad people from owning guns.
I might have missed it… but what’s the charity?
ruffian wrote:Sorry I have to agree with it wild animals belong just there, the wild, or in accredited zoos, not someones backyard, there are more than enough animals in the pet trade why add more?
As someone else said… aside from dogs and cats, most ‘pets’ are wild species, just commonly kept as pets. Syrian hamsters are domesticated, but Russian Dwarves, Robo’s, Siberian Winter Whites, and Chinese hamsters are all wild species. We just keep them in captivity. All birds, except for chickens and ducks (which typically are not allowed as pets, how weird is that…) are typically wild species. Fish, ditto. Rabbits and guinea pigs are a bit of a grey area… Guinea Pigs are called cavies and live wild in their native habitat. And rabbits have to be tamed as babies, or they tend to go feral and wild. Snakes – wild. Lizards – wild. Turtles – wild. Gerbils – wild. Degus – wild. Chinchillas – wild. I don’t own a dog or a cat, but I do own hundreds of small animals, most of them of these ‘wild’ species. 😆 Though I will also point out, that the ones I have are many generations removed from their wild ancestors. I’d only take from the wild under extreme circumstances, like an orphan raised by a rehabber who wasn’t releaseable.
Most of the “exotic pets” that are being counted are NOT lions tigers or bears. They are little fellows, like my steppe lemmings (which make a far better pet than any dometic syrian hamster!) or my cute little possum. Yup, I own a possum. She’s a brazilian short tail possum. About the size of a hamster, cute, little, reasonably friendly. I see no reason why I would need a permit for these. An exotic over five pounds… maybe.
And your statement about leaving wild animals in the wild is rather naive… you are aware that Wild Spaces are being eradicated? There isn’t any place for alot of these animals to live in sustainable numbers anymore. It has been private owners and breeders who have kept these exotic endangered species alive. You really think zoos are doing it for the good of the planet? They are in it for the profit! And nothing more. Zoos are the ones who keep mass producing baby tigers every year, because they are cute and draw a crowd. Where do these cats go? A lucky few end up in sanctuaries. A few more are kept by the zoo to continue the cycle. Most are euthanized or sold to the highest bidder. The best zoo in Canada is known to inbreed parent to child for up to nine generations without batting an eye! I was shocked when I was told this! Frankly, I’ve seen big cats in private ownership who had a much better and longer life than in any zoo.
April 16, 2009 at 11:39 pm in reply to: Does anybody want my Amethyst? Got no bids… reduced the $ #759496Bump!
skigod377 wrote:Yeah, I remember Thunderwing back in the G1 (generation 1) Transformers series from 1989.
I thought this was gonna be a Windstone paint trademark issue. 😀
It might eventually, their jade silver color is uncannilly similar to one of my character’s coloration. 😛 But not the one in question in this thread.
Ouch! This sort of thing happening here in Canada is of big concern, because I own several different exotic pets. And once we move into the country, I hope to own even more exotic ones (A river otter is top of the list, followed by a serval). I’m all for people having to get a permit or license, and I’d have no qualms about doing that. I don’t mind having to prove that I know what I’m doing. 😛 But outight bans are bad. All that does is force people who are truly determined to go underground and keep their animals illegally. I fully understand the whole exotic/invasive pet problem, but honestly… most of them won’t survive their first winter. *laugh* Hell, all of mine wouldn’t last a day! They are way too accustomed to eating from a dish. 😛
For those curious, I own several types of non venemous snakes, lemmings, possum, hedgehogs, african rats. After this weekend… I will add at least three more species.
pegasi1978 wrote:Thunderwing was a G1 transfomer so the character was originally created in the 1980s meaning Hasbro’s proabably had the TM for a while now.
It is so weird seeing my name used to talk about another character! *lol* I thought that “Thunderwing Transformer” showed up first in 2003, in the comic?
It’s not fair that it’s so expensive and difficult to protect ‘intellectual property’ with a trademark and/or copyright. I can’t get a straight answer out of a lawyer without shelling out money first, and google searches are just too confusing. >.< Not to mention… Hasbro went and trademarked my name! I've been using the name "Thunderwing" online since 1996, but I'd been using it in artwork and to represent myself since I was a child. And someday I'd like to publish all the writing I've done. It's more than just 'a name' it has come to represent who I am even more than my given real life name.
But now I’m screwed. They stuck a trademark on the name “Thunderwing” as one of their transformers characters.
If I could have afforded it, I would have trademarked it when I first thought of it around 2000, but how is a student supposed to come up with funds for something like that? Not to mention the nearest lawyer office who deals with these things was four hours’ drive away.
I’ve lost many nights sleep over this. I’m way bummed out over it. -.- I do hold out some small hope that I may still be able to use the name, since it is for a very different purpose (my writings involve fantasy/sci fi, and no giant robots…)
I’m also really confused about how a trademark works, and how extensive it is. I’ve been seeing that little TM note alot in the world, I think I notice it alot more now. For example, the canada post booklet here in front of me has the word “Priority” with a TM behind it. So what, they own the word Priority? Or just as it applies to mailing packages? I’m so confused, and rather upset by the whole… “mine mine mine” that seems to be out there with these companies. 🙁
mmloda wrote:I forgot to mention before that i really want one too and I think you should paint the whole family… 😀 but please Arlla make sure to paint more than one set becasue it looks like alot of us want one..or the whole set… 😀 😉
I so wish they could be LTD Production, so that we could all afford them… 😳 8)
Ditto, Ditto, Ditto! 😀
April 13, 2009 at 8:49 pm in reply to: Does anybody want my Amethyst? Got no bids… reduced the $ #759495Bump!
Oh my!
You guys keep producing gorgeous pieces like this, I am going to have to pimp the husband and put him on the street! Must… Feed… Windstone… Addiction…
April 10, 2009 at 11:33 pm in reply to: MORE –> Signed Limited Production pieces, restock or no? #759624Oooo… that does get confusing, then. Can we ask about specific pieces and make a list?
Or can I just ask if there will be more browns? Laps, and Spectrals, and Rising Spectrals, and Scratchers would top my “oooo” list in that color.