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starbreeze wrote:
I remember when having internet access was not a requirement for school homework. Now the teachers assume you have it and expect kids to use it almost daily. Remember all those trips to the library for school projects? 😆
And the Dewey decimal system – and the little cards in the long drawers. As far as I know most libraries now have that all loaded onto computers. There might be a few school libraries that still have them.
As for assuming people have internet that is not good. There are many who cannot afford a computer, let alone internet access – unless they have it at the school or a public library.
Leigha wrote:emerald212 wrote:Perforated continuous computer paper. 😯 Remember that?
Ha! I remember that. I used to rip the perforated parts off the paper because I liked making caterpillars with them ^^ folding them over and over so that they were all crimped.
OMG, yes! Those printers were so loud. Where they the dot-matrix? Or am I thinking of another printer?
On that note, the flap cats would look nicely like this too.
Congrats everyone on the new buys!
I’m not diabetic but if I go too long before eating (4-5 hours) I can really feel it (and it can be quite sudden). Make sure he doesn’t go more than 3 hours without eating something. Even if it just a few crackers or cheese, or something.
Congrats on the great price. Hope they come in one piece (each).
Yea, I got 2 of these IRS e-mails to my work e-mail (that I don’t use for filing taxes). They will just not stop.
Also be aware of EBay e-mails that say that you have item that was not won, that provides links to reporting phishing e-mails. I received one this week that said I didn’t win some unicorn poster (which I haven’t bid on anything in months) and the link to reporting it was bogus (right click on the link and choose properties – it will show the URL for the link without opening it).
I had never seen one like that. Keep your eyes peeled.
Hey Melody! When you do end up making the coiled EmPea moms, will you sell another 10 on Ebay with the purple highlights?
😆 😆
Oh boy…. 🙄
When I was kid, we didn’t have a microwave until I was about 6th grade. Yea, everything by the oven – TV dinners took an hour.
Records (vinyl)were starting to go out and tape was coming in. Eventually CDs came on the scene and soon after that DVD. At the time I wasn’t sure if they would stick around because they were completing with laserdisk. And DVDs were something like $100 and the players were like $1200. Does anyone remember beta tapes (video)? They were finally tromped by VHS, and I remember the player was 3-5 times bigger than the current VHS players and it top loaded.
Internet and personal computers were unheard of. Most people didn’t have cable and you could still buy new TVs that were black and white. It was unheard of for a kid to have their own TV. I remember the roe my brother and dad had about my brother having a 8″ black and white TV in his room that my grandmother was getting rid of. And yes, I remember that having a remote to your TV was a luxury. If I recall correctly they had two frequencies, like UHF and something else and you had to get up and change the channel. Let’s just say channel surfing wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Ah yes, the rabbit ears! I remember many an hour using aluminum foil to boost the signal.
My brother somehow convinced by dad to buy one of the first Atari’s. It came with Pong and we played for a long time with the joy-stick controllers on a black and white tv. I remember my older realatives couldn’t believe my parents spent $100 or so (maybe it was more)for a “game”. I would never have guessed it would turn into an entire industry.
Cell phones were bricks that had their own box like carriers. Back in the day I think it took a few dollars to make a call – it was more of a status symbol where I grew up. We didn’t get one until my mom won a contest for free one and my dad nearly had a heart attack about how much the contract was for.
If you had a Sony Walkman you were considered cool and you had to have the acid wash jeans and the leg warmers and hair gel to go with it.
It’s funny but my oldest niece will be 10 this year and I don’t think she has ever known a time without cable, cell phones, microwaves, video games, TV’s, or computers.
That was cool. Thanks for sharing!
travistie wrote:Argh! I hope they last till Christmas… as I am currently broke! 🙁
That is an interesting theory (and most likely true).
I like the crouching chick better than the upright one, I think due mainly to the tail (I like the little hook). On the other hand I do like the male better than the female. I find that overall the female does not look good on most angles like the male does. Also, there seems to be less visuals for the eye. For example, the necklace and jewelry is lower and more hidden on the mother. The side of the mother is the “front” of the piece, where I have found that side/front view seems to be the best for the male. Due to the male’s pose you can see more detail (head, neck, and front claw areas, where these details are more subdued (and hidden) on the female when viewing from the side.
I also concur with most buyers that I like the male dragons over the female. I find them more engaging. On the flip side though, I do like the lap dragon more than others.
pawpad wrote:Wow… I would collect the gold dragons if they were all like her! 😀
Ditto. While the gold coloring is good, I ended up selling my only gold dragon because I wasn’t completely satisfied with the color. Had they been like this I would have definitely gotten more. I don’t like red eyes (like on the production golds), but the yellow eyes on this one don’t quite seem to fit either. Although, I don’t know what other color would have been better. I hope Olimpia does more of them.