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  • in reply to: Dusty OW? #766740

    Thank all of you for your help. We were able to identify the OW with the help of the data base. As Nakase said, it was a special brown with amber eyes, and CMA Sam is convinced it was one of the proto-types because of all the battle damage to the front scales. He is going to watch the forum, eBay and Craig’s List for his target OW. In the mean time he has consoled himself with an emerald OW from eBay. (I think I mentioned that we would have to get a larger display cabinet soon.)

    BTW, for any AZ Windstonians, there is also a little shop in Williams that used to carry Windstones. It is called Silverrush. I haven’t gotten to visit there in almost a year, but saw an open sign in the window when I passed by just last month. (It also carries Ren Faire/Fantasy softwear and hardwear.) It is where we got our white/gold OW and I remember that they had rock dragons in stock.

    in reply to: Welcome cma-sam! #766707

    He is really only looking for one OW, a bronze (brown), old original, beat up and battle weary. He first saw it in a shop when we were visiting Capitola, CA. He forgets that it was not for sale, being a favorite of the shopowner. He does regret not pressing harder on the issue, though. Any other OWs which find their way into his collection are just companions to swap war stories with his intended primary. I have a feeling we will have to get a much larger case to house them by the time he is done. I don’t think he has ever met an OW that he hasn’t liked. Happy hunting, my love. 😀

    in reply to: Hello. #766219

    Thank you, all, for your kind welcome. I do feel right at home with this group. Which either says something interesting about me, or about Windstoneians in general. And, yes, Pywackette is from “Bell, Book and Candle.” I recently lost a nasty old lady cat named Martina, the kind of cat with half an ear, a marled eye and “hit” coyotes on retainer to take out the other household animals. I am looking for a replacement that will fit the name Pywackette, and keep the neighborhood dogs cowering in her presence. It may take a while. I will upload Martina’s picture as my avatar though it does not do her attitude justice.
    Again, thank you for your welcome.


    in reply to: Hello. #766206

    My name is Pywackette. I was introduced to this forum by my daughter-in-spirit (in-law), Nakasi. I have collected a few Windstone figures over the last several years, but have admired them for many years before that. I have greatly enjoyed the insider information about the changes, moves, innovations, et. al., that Nakasi has shared with me and am looking forward to being a part of the forum. Please excuse a certain reticence at first, this is my first forum.

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