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  • in reply to: Is this a repaint, or is the camera playing tricks on me? #661967

    Looks like a normal dark peacock one to me. :3

    in reply to: New computer and viruses #661163

    I’m terrified of this computer needing to be replaced eventually, because I absolutely refuse to get Vista, but I don’t know where or how I would be able to get XP? Besides, my photoshop isn’t exactly… *cough* …you know? XD;; And it wouldn’t work with Vista, so… yeah. ^^;;;

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633922

    I haven’t actually done the urine test yet, just the two blood tests. Then last night I was thinking of starting the urine test today and ended up half the morning having panic attacks. x.x

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633920

    Well okay, but the tiredness/nausea isn’t from that though, at least I’m pretty sure it isn’t.. I dunno. x.x my doctors can’t figure it out…

    in reply to: Pet Pics!! just for fun #661190

    Well it’s not so great when my mother threatens to do unspeakable things to them if they don’t shut up. >>; *cough*

    more pics. *shot*

    XD; that’s it for now I guess… they’re both girls by the way. And all but one of the cats (Rocky) are girls. *dies*

    in reply to: Pet Pics!! just for fun #661188

    I know, I hate cats; I’m allergic to them. They’re all my mothers. We used to have ten. x.x

    Here’s some more pics of Whisper & Echo~

    Echo’s tail is broken and she has scars all over her body, but she’s not mean at all. The neighbors think they’re both vicious monsters though cause they bark at everything that moves. x.x;

    in reply to: Pet Pics!! just for fun #661183

    Whisper (black lab) & Echo (pit bull) –

    Evil things –

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633918

    I think I was tested for that… can’t really remember though. I’ve been tested for so many things the list must be a mile long by now. x.x;

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633915

    Yeah I had that too… they gave me this cup of it and told me to drink it as fast as possible… yeah right. I could barely swallow it at all. *flails* Then after they were finished the tech was explaining to me about how the defect could eventually give me cancer. I was like GREAT that’s JUST want I needed to hear. WTF. You don’t just SAY things like that to a teenager. I wanted to smack him. My other doctor told me I “probably” had cancer way before all that too. When they couldn’t figure out what was making me sick all the time and she told me I should be locked up in the nut house. My DOCTOR said that. She seriously needs to be sued and fired, cause she has no business being a doctor if she’s gonna say things like that to her patients. 👿

    in reply to: Curlies #660752

    Rainbow curlie!!!!!!! *explodes in a shower of confetti*

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633913

    XD, I know, it was more like chalk. I had to try SO hard to keep from throwing up, and then when they were doing the xray and they had me laying on that table thing, when they started to tilt it backwards I actually did throw up and they got a picture of it. 😯 The tech was like “O___O that… should not happen.” That was when they found out I had the esophagus defect (the end of it that connects to my stomach doesn’t ever close like it should, so if I eat or drink anything I get horribly nightmarishly nauseous). Every time I burp I puke a little too and I have to swallow it real quick before it gets all the way up. x.x

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633911

    Yep… I was miserable for about two months after that nightmare. Blargh.

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633909

    This isn’t a panic attack though. I know I have an esophagus defect that could be causing the constant nausea, but I’m not sure. I really don’t want to have to drink that barium crap again for another xray. x.x;

    in reply to: New computer and viruses #661157

    For the virus I would suggest getting Avira AntiVir (it’s free), put your computer in safe mode, run Avira… it should find and get rid of the trojan. I had a nasty virus in November that I couldn’t get rid of no matter what, but as soon as I got Avira it fixed everything right away. :3 (be sure to run it in safe mode with NO networking though.)

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633907

    So a few days ago I had to have another blood test to check my thyroid levels again cause since I started taking the pills I don’t feel any better. I still want to sleep all the time, horribly nauseous, etc… but the test came back fine. It’s actually a tiny bit high now (from the pills). O.o So.. wtf? Why do I still feel like crap constantly? Why have I felt like throwing up pretty much every second of every day for the past three years????

    I think I somehow managed to get a stomach virus on top of everything else now. I’ve been stuck in the bathroom since… Tuesday I think? It hurts so bad I’m pretty sure getting SHOT would feel better. Of course my mother tells me to shut up and live with it. x.x;

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