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  • in reply to: Blueberry dragon #731755

    Mmmnnn he looks tastey :p

    in reply to: Nuke's PYO's : Imperial Kirin Completed Pg 5 #731401

    drag0nfeathers wrote:

    I LOVE the Everglade griffin! He sits very proudly on the top shelf of my PYO display as we speak. If I ever consider selling him WC I’ll give you first dibs 😉

    So Nuke, are you currently taking commissions?

    Yes, my prices are as high as Arlla’s though. They take a good chunk of time and concentration to paint @.@ I have one commish and 5 originals in line, but commissions usually come before the originals.

    in reply to: Nuke's PYO's : Imperial Kirin Completed Pg 5 #731399

    WindstoneCollector wrote:

    Beautiful Nuke! But, I have to admit I am still in-love with the Everglade Griff…I bet 30 of the views on it in your gallery are me…Probably more. 😳 😆

    Aww I’m flattered. There’ll be an Everglade wolf coming in the future from a commissioner 😀

    Thanks for all the great comments guys! <3

    in reply to: Love, Fuzzy #731486

    oops, and I just ordered 5 PYO’s…Oh well, I think it’s a good thing ’cause I remember my parents telling me a fuzzy came in the mail when I was away and my cat obliterated it XD

    in reply to: Nuke's PYO's : Imperial Kirin Completed Pg 5 #731389

    KoishiiKitty wrote:

    he looks wonderful so far Nuke! I lost my hamatchi so i need to make a new network for chatting.

    I really love him so far though! :3

    I have a network name and pass shown on my latest livejournal post if that helps =3

    in reply to: Nuke's PYO's : Imperial Kirin Completed Pg 5 #731387

    I’m not dead! Katimavik just killed any quality time with my art, so when I got back in June I was doing a zillion things at once, which made progress slow. And travel to boot (I got to walk with WOLVES!) and just having a life has slowed my ambition to work on PYO’s, but my passion wont be snuffed just yet.

    This is a PYO trade with Koishii…only a year in the making ^^; The cat half has yet to be done; I wanted to try the technique of varnishing the top and then paint the bottom to see if I can get away from the rubbing off problem. This guy was such a pain to paint! I tried air brushing a base coat, ended up dropping him on concrete and having to repair a leg. Tried out glow in the dark paints, only to find the grain took away the detail D: No wonder I’m afraid to tackle him! But he should be finnished relatively soon. Sorry for making you wait Koish! Even though I’ve said that too many times already =__=;

    Delta & Golden acrylics with antiquing and powder interference. Not varnished in these photos.

    in reply to: Lokie's PYOs: In-Progress Smutty Buckskin Unicorn, Page 12 #632063

    Lokie wrote:

    No, it is painted with Liquitex and Winsor & Newton brand acrylics. The only Golden brand acrylics I own are the interference colors.

    Wow, I’ll have to go find some. The quality is outstanding compared to the Delta brand I use 😀

    Wow o__o absolutely gorgeous, and your antiquing is exquisite! Is it all done with Golden acrylics?

    in reply to: Photos from the new Windstone factory! (Image heavy) #729129

    KoishiiKitty wrote:

    Nuke! i love your avy!

    Thanks X3 It was just a quick unfinished experiment in Painter X.

    Jennifer wrote:

    The sad thing is that that building is a downsize from the one in CA!

    *gasp* D: Well I guess with moving, things can be organized and space made more efficient, neh?

    in reply to: Photos from the new Windstone factory! (Image heavy) #729123

    OMG that building is HUGE!!! I can’t fathom how you are going to get that all unpacked within the rest of the year!

    in reply to: Deja Vu? #725011

    Yyyyup, I’ve tried $150 already and I still haven’t met the reserve 😕 It must be $200!

    in reply to: Emerald Hatchling #722715

    I need to make a bit of extra cash for affording to buy Nambroth’s art book, so I am letting go of a couple pieces I’m sure will be more apreciated with their new owners. I’ll stop taking offers by July 19th.

    I accept paypal only. I would do money orders, but nobody has learned yet about making them international and I rarely go into the states.

    Silver Curl – Perfectly mint with original box. [Starting offer] – $80 + shipping SOLD!

    Emerald Hatchling – Beautifully mint save for a little fading with the felt stamp and tag. [Starting offer] – $30 + shipping

    in reply to: Drying Paint on PYOs #720630

    Hmm, I’ve never really had an issue with drying; Usually I am trying to make my paint dry slower! As soon as there are no shiny surfaces where you just painted on your PYO it should be good to go. Try experimenting on paper by brushing on different thicknesses you lay on your PYO, then touch them every 5-10 min and you’ll develop a sense of knowing when it’s dry.

    in reply to: Almost 50 PYO's #718293

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Uh, Nuke, since you’re here, when can we see another one of your PYOs? Your first griffin was an absolute stunner.

    I’m really trying to get into it again. I took up this huge project that is making a mess on my painting table and I can’t start anything until it’s done. But I hope to change that this week!

    I have Koishii’s RAVE Griffin to complete painting along with Wintergreen griffin that will go up on ebay. Then I have to wait ’till the PYO’s are back in stock before buying and painting more! I have a wolf, dragon, kirin, and KEEPER concepts ready for ordering, plus a griffin commission.

    If anyone is interested in commissioning me please PM me and I will create a pricing list. But I can’t paint anything until the PYO’s are back in stock, unless you already have one!

    in reply to: Almost 50 PYO's #718289

    *overkill from so much awesomeness all at once*
    Man…This makes me feel so underachieved XD
    Are all of these on your PYO gallery? If not, POST THEM!!!1 or some gallery/photo album where we can see them close up! I’ve missed a lot of these!

    *constantly clicks refresh at Windstones store waiting for the PYO’s to come back into stock so she can up her count*

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