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  • in reply to: Welcome encoba #834937

      WELCOME. hope you enjoy it here as much as the rest of us! 😀

      in reply to: Pebbles #834379

        I would love a run of sea creatures. I’ll second the otter. It would be interesting to have an octopus but I guess those might have too much texture with their tentacles, but they are probably my favorite sea creature

        in reply to: Huge sale!! Lots of photos, UPDATED 1/3 #834054

          Thanks! I do consider myself to be very blessed to be able to pursue my interests as much as I do

          in reply to: Serpentine! #834766

            The male has more orangish coloring which I like more. The fledgling seems like he’s just green and yellow. The male is a bit more exciting I think

            in reply to: Serpentine! #834760

              Does anyone have a picture of that old warrior that was green with an orange chest and tummy? It was called green flame or something like that. That’s what this guy kind of reminds me of but not as bright

              in reply to: Huge sale!! Lots of photos, UPDATED 1/3 #834051

                Thanks everyone 😀 I love mustangs. Especially the Spanish ones, I think they are gorgeous. My aunt has a Spanish mustang that is just super friendly and cute. The documentaries on Cloud’s herd are very interesting to watch as well if you want to learn about mustangs. They are on hulu if you search under nature. I’ll have to check that parade out, thanks for the tip 😀

                in reply to: Windstone Ebay Auctions ~ jan 10, p 40 #822835

                  I really like him with the orange eyes myself. Too bad melody can’t do a run of prototype old warriors of this color 😮 it’s a good thing for me if she can’t but oh man would they be pretty 😀

                  in reply to: Huge sale!! Lots of photos, UPDATED 1/3 #834046

                    hehe thanks. I’m really excited about him. I’ve always loved Andalusians but they’re always so expensive. He was a decent price since he wasn’t registered and since he’s not purebred. He looks purebred to me though. I will post more pictures in the summer when he sheds out and gets shiny again. For now here’s some pictures of ruby. She’s a star in the barn. She makes friends with every person she can (probably just to look for cookies) 😆

                    Consider yourself spammed 😀 She’s very fun to take pictures of when she’s feeling energetic. I have hundreds of good shots of her running around and being fancy.

                    in reply to: Huge sale!! Lots of photos, UPDATED 1/3 #834044

                      K brown AL OW sold! Thank you so much to the new owner!
                      Since you guys have been so supportive of my sale I was able to accomplish my venture. My idea was to trade on hobby(windstones) for my other hobby which is horses. I have one horse (Ruby), who i’ve have since she was 8 month old, that i’ve been waiting to train so i can resume my trail riding, but she has stayed very small and grown very slowly. I started riding her a little bit this winter but now I think I should hold off on fully riding her until she’s about five(she has a lot of egyptian arabian in her and that breed tends to grow very slowly). So in order to be able to resume my hobby a bit more I now have a second horse

                      His name is dasher which I thought was cute since I bought him at christmas. He’s an Andalusian mustang cross. That’s a picture of him last summer I think. He’s very fuzzy and muddy now that it’s winter. He’s a very sweet and pretty guy. I haven’t had a horse to ride since last spring and i’ve ben going a bit stir crazy. But thanks to everyone’s support everything fell in to place so I can start doing what I love to do more 🙂

                      in reply to: Windstone Ebay Auctions ~ jan 10, p 40 #822830

                        That’s too bad. He looks really natural and would make a great production piece I think 🙁

                        in reply to: Help us choose white bat eye colors! #834679

                          I think i would like a brown too, light enough so that i can see it’s brown. All of those are kind of creepy looking. 😆

                          in reply to: Show your Windstone PYO Collection #595192

                            Darn I would love to see the re-paints 🙁 but i do know how windstone frowns on them. I guess I could settle for just a look at your production and ebay pieces 😆 once you get the bugs worked out that is 🙂

                            in reply to: Huge sale!! Lots of photos, UPDATED 1/3 #834043

                              Thanks everyone, he will be a tough piece to part with. I have decided I may be open to doing a trade or partial trade for a red fire old warrior. Let me know if you have one and how much you would want credited for him and i’ll see if I can manage the trade. Thanks! 😀

                              in reply to: Interesting/Favorite Christmas gifts #834583

                                awww poor serenity…. I didn’t really get anything interesting. Got a new computer chair though, so now i can sit and read the forum without hurting my hip

                                in reply to: Show your Windstone PYO Collection #595189

                                  oh my gosh! Can you make a video of your other windstones? I wanted to see what that re-painted scratcher looked like 😛 He looked pretty! Congrats on an awesome collection!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 1,172 total)