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  • in reply to: Okay, I am hereby banned from eBay for at least a month! #679504

    i wish i could stop PurpleDoggy from ebay shopping , maybe i will put a little shock button on the mouse so every time she clicks bid she will receive punishment

    in reply to: I believe in KARMA!! #679401

    skigod377 wrote:

    Necron99 wrote:

    skigod377 wrote:

    Your wife told us your mother said that. We couldnt believe it. I dont wish her husband ill at all, but I am glad his incident opened her eyes a bit. And glad your boss got his… though its not usually in my nature to wish another harm. Its just a truck, though.

    It was my mother inlaws father so my wifes grandfather , reguardles i dont wish ill on any one either but it sure opens your eyes on bad vibes commin back at yaSorry. I am writing quickly cuz im excited. I knew it was her mother who is so out there, but didnt remember it was her grandpa.

    And how are you? Obviously out of the hospital, hu? Do you often get setbacks like that? I hope you guys dont have to live in fear every day. 🙁

    No im fine i havent been “in” the hospital for 6 months now . I had my 6 month biopsy yesterday and have no regection still so im doing really well thanks . I really havent had any set backs since being home after the surgery, i did get a pneumonia but we caught it so early that i didnt know i had it , tooks some pills and its gone now, thats just somthing i will have to deal with on and off since it lives dormant in my sinus

    I dont live in fear , from what i have been told by one of my docs all of us that have had the double lung accuire the SuperMan complex . I really want to sky dive now but my docs flipped out and so did my wife , i figure whats life worth if you dont live and take a chance once in a while. i would have rather lived ony 5 days with the new lungs than another minute with the old … they sucked 😉

    in reply to: I believe in KARMA!! #679399

    skigod377 wrote:

    Your wife told us your mother said that. We couldnt believe it. I dont wish her husband ill at all, but I am glad his incident opened her eyes a bit. And glad your boss got his… though its not usually in my nature to wish another harm. Its just a truck, though.

    It was my mother inlaws father so my wifes grandfather , reguardles i dont wish ill on any one either but it sure opens your eyes on bad vibes commin back at ya

    in reply to: WTH?! #679185

    Bowhead Whale wrote:

    The maker of this piece should have known hatching flamingos don’t look like that. They are grey, have a relatively short neck and a straightened beek. The sculpture is all wrong.

    This isnt your odrinary Flamingo , its the rare Mexican swollen head Flamingo. It lives near Tiajiuna and feeds off of Tequilia worms and cotton candy it steals from venders and tourists hence the pink coloration . They spend their days in siesta under a large communal tree or in the cantina begging for worms and riding the mechanical bull 😆

    in reply to: Sesame Street News #679618

    I woret these back in 06 as a kind of joke towards a Wrassler at our local wrasslin venue we called Big Bird. It started as a bird flu joke because the jerk spit blood all over the crowd after another wrassler busted him in the nose and we threatened to sew due to contracting the bird flu, they got a hefty fine for the blood spitting too ; in this day and age you dont know what some one can have that is comunicable . So i worte these twisted news stories from Sesame Street and the Muppet Theater they are geared towards adults but the swears were edited out from the begining hope you like them , some are a bit blury thanks to my old pos scanner

    Racist run rampent on the Street

    Oscars Gripe collum , Hip hop idiots

    Crazy Hary Goes Off

    Oscars Gripe Collum O2 and Tobacco

    Cock Fights and Cocaine

    in reply to: I believe in KARMA!! #679397

    i believe there is somthing out there be it karma or fate , i dont know . Wht i do know is every time some one does somthing nasty to me they seem to get theirs. I got fired from a job back in 05 because the new boss didnt like my coughing and having to take one day every three months to see my doc . So they screwed up a lot of my paper work and got his new arse kissing kronies to screw me by aggreeing with what he said . Well they fired me and a week later a truck smashed into the driver side door of his new truck . He didnt get hurt but his truck was totaled. My mother inlaw also told my wife how much she hated me because of my illness and only a week or so later her father had to be rushed to the hospital for heart trouble , he is fine but it sure put illness into a new perspective for her .. not that she will stop hating me though 😉

    in reply to: I hate waiting #679460

    Thanks all,

    I feel fine i didnt even feel like i have a pneumo. The worst part was waiting there for 6 hours to be told if i was going home or not, if was gonna stay that was fine but at leat tell me .. dont leave me hanging when i have things i need to get together so some one can wacth Alyssa. the nurses were really good though they kept paging the doctor every 10 minutes casue they knew my sercumstance.

    In short i still have no regection the new x-ray machine they brought in for the third x-ray showed nothing so it may have been the machine . I was just really tired yesterday when i got home and slept till 7pm then went back to bed at 9pm and slept till 7am thankfully the baby let me sleep , those bronchs wear you out

    in reply to: Behind the Screen- Real Photos of Windstone Collectors! #586138

    in reply to: Ren Fair! #676611

    i worked the MD renn fest as a medic , you would be surprised how many people hurt them selves or sucumb to the heat and or stupidity.The vendors are the worst you would think after many years of doing the fair they would know what to expect from the weather … well one fellow i wont say his name or location has the idea that beer alone will hydrate you in 100 degree weather with wonderful 100% maryland humidity , we had him transported to the hospital 4 times that year . Seniors free day is the absolute worst , nothing better than a 75 year old man sliding down the gravel path by Jury Rig Theater , i swear it has to be a 45 degree angel , you get one old timer falling down there at least every hour. The hammer game where you try to ring the bell is the best , so many ding dongs smash their toes with the mallet its not funny , you get a couple of those a day even my dumb sister hit her foot … its twice as funny if you know the person 🙄 . The crowds even refuse to move for you while taking a person for treatment , i used to yell move it or loose it and run down the uncoupritive people .

    The absolute best held secerate at the MD renn fest is the Turkey legs .. they aint turkey. They are hind pork legs . They say its turkey so that they can sell them to Jewish and Muslum folks with out them knowing . I only found out cause the heat got to me while carrying a rather large person to the front for an ambo ride , one of the owners Kim saw me and the girl i was with that day struggling to get back to the first aid hut and took us to the freezer to cool off and grab some ice. They were getting the boxes of “turkey legs” ready for the next day and i noticed the boxes said pork hocks. Thats when i learned even the food was an illusion there 😛

    in reply to: Too Bizarre for Words #679281

    There was a woman a few years back that her fleash grew into the weave of the couch she sat on for 5 years 😯

    in reply to: Need advice on how to handle this #678969

    dragonmedley wrote:

    purpledoggy wrote:

    Oh and necron99 is my husband. He was banned from his sci-fi board so now he’s started posting here.

    Banned? Hee hee, think he’ll be ok here?

    I got banned because apparently TAPS the ghost hunter show, runs the board for their own show. If you so much as question anything they say is real you get harrassed then you get the boot . You are only allowed to agree with them and tell them how awsome they are , they ought to put the sycle and hammer behind the Sci-Fi logo

    in reply to: Need advice on how to handle this #678964

    dragonmedley wrote:

    Necron99 wrote:

    Outside isnt even a choice more than half of them smoke and none of them have consideration for those who decide not to dirty their lungs with that junk, they will puff right in your face. They believe its their right to smoke where ever they please they have even said its their constituional right … thats funny cause your rights are in the bill of rights and no where does it give you the right to smoke , i have read the whole thing before .The whole thing is that she knows that I myself cannot be near smokers , as a transplant patient i have a 1 in 7 chance to develope cancer as it is because of the imunosupressents and it sky rockets to 45% being around people that want to smoke. They knew this going in and yet are trying to give me and my wife a guilt trip over the places they just recently choose , if it were so important to them to have us in the wedding in such a vital role then they needed to have some consideration , i mean you wouldnt expect a parapalegic to climb a flight of stairs then get pissed if they tell you they cant.It really bugs the heck out of me with people expecting me to throw my health aside for them , acting as if im over stating my health issues and if that is what they think so be it they can all follow a herd of lemming off a cliff

    Hey man, welcome!

    And you know what, personally, I wouldn’t want friends like that. I’m reading this and thinking all the while about the relationship I have with my friends… nope, nothing like that ever came up. I guess I’m the type who just can’t be bothered with people who think they can walk all over me. ’cause this is what they’re doing.

    It’s always unfortunate to find out that people who you thought cared don’t really care about you at all…

    but then again, it’s easy for me to say, as I’m not in the midst of things!
    Thanks for the welcome

    yeah its really sad i have been friends with him for over 16 years. After he met his girlfriend he statred changing , but not untill my surgery and the arvial of Alyssa has it gotten this bad as if the baby and my new lungs are a burden to them… hehe i can walk faster than them on one of my bad days, and heck they cant even run , but we wont go to resturants and eat for 3 hours with a baby and that is one of thier favorite hobbies .They have found new friends to hang with and have made up crazy excuses why they dont come around any more , i think they are jelious of the baby and need to replace us with people who dont have kids since im doubtful they can have any. Like Purple said they even bugged out of the reenacting that i have spent countless hours and thousands of dollars on , now i have no events that will invite me to attend their events , and it doesnt matter to them they say oh well things happen; so i have had to join some one elses group just to do anything this summer. I built this group around thier needs and low and behold they screw me , and i did have other options that i no longer can use thanks to them

    in reply to: Need advice on how to handle this #678962

    the problem with the stopping by outside is that the event is taking place in the grooms yard. There will be around 50 people there puffing away and like i said they have no consideration for anyone and will blow the smoke in your face . The last time i was there before my surgery and not breathing well the grooms mother decided to hide a lit cigg in her hand and the smoke waffed me right in the face setting off an oh so pleasent fit in my lungs which i gagged and threw up from the constant hacking . The only thing thing that was said to me was oops i didnt know that was there 😡

    in reply to: Need advice on how to handle this #678958

    skigod377 wrote:

    If you feel that strongly about not going over to a smokers house, then dont go. If just stopping by is out of the question, even if you dont go inside, then I think maybe you are being a little unbending. You are having the same type of problems with your babys’ grandparents and the garage, right? If your problem with dust and smoke is that well know, and they still insist on having events in places that you cannot go, then just dont go. To me it would mean that the convineince to her and other guests outweigh the wants/needs/presence of the one. Expecting the bride to schedule her event around your issues is not fair to her. Bridezilla or not.

    Outside isnt even a choice more than half of them smoke and none of them have consideration for those who decide not to dirty their lungs with that junk, they will puff right in your face. They believe its their right to smoke where ever they please they have even said its their constituional right … thats funny cause your rights are in the bill of rights and no where does it give you the right to smoke , i have read the whole thing before .The whole thing is that she knows that I myself cannot be near smokers , as a transplant patient i have a 1 in 7 chance to develope cancer as it is because of the imunosupressents and it sky rockets to 45% being around people that want to smoke. They knew this going in and yet are trying to give me and my wife a guilt trip over the places they just recently choose , if it were so important to them to have us in the wedding in such a vital role then they needed to have some consideration , i mean you wouldnt expect a parapalegic to climb a flight of stairs then get pissed if they tell you they cant.It really bugs the heck out of me with people expecting me to throw my health aside for them , acting as if im over stating my health issues and if that is what they think so be it they can all follow a herd of lemming off a cliff

    in reply to: Behind the Screen- Real Photos of Windstone Collectors! #586135

    i worked at the MD renn fest as a medic and got to know most of the venders . There the large store fronts are owned by the merchants, the only way you get in is to convince one to rent out their spot for the season or get put on the waiting list for a temporary tent space.even then you only have 2 weekends to sell you stuff before a new merchant gets that tent space

Viewing 15 posts - 901 through 915 (of 918 total)