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  • in reply to: OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?! #645717

    its a Caucasian Ovcharka ,here is info on it very hard to train one it says

    in reply to: OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?! #645713

    in reply to: OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?! #645712

    Here are a few i made , i spend too much time on that site , i have 165 of them that i have done 😛

    in reply to: OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?! #645693

    ruffian wrote:

    Necron99 wrote:


    WOW I can not believe that someone made a joke out of that pic disturbing. That is a picture of two dogs that some jackass was using to attack that bull and the dogs getting thrown, often shown to prove the tenacity of pits because the dogs get back up and continue their attack. Oh ya the final pic shows one of the dogs lieing dead, nice.

    I found it on the cheeseburger page and didnt know it was dogs attacking a bull , just thought it was an odd picture and added a funny saying to it. But thanks for calling me disturbed i havent been called that in a long time .. nice

    in reply to: Customizing – airbrush done, photos pg. 3 #679889

    well at least go with the lion megaphone on the front 😛

    in reply to: OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?! #645688


    in reply to: I hate waiting #679467

    dragonmedley wrote:

    Necron99 wrote:

    Thanks all,

    I feel fine i didnt even feel like i have a pneumo. The worst part was waiting there for 6 hours to be told if i was going home or not, if was gonna stay that was fine but at leat tell me .. dont leave me hanging when i have things i need to get together so some one can wacth Alyssa. the nurses were really good though they kept paging the doctor every 10 minutes casue they knew my sercumstance.

    In short i still have no regection the new x-ray machine they brought in for the third x-ray showed nothing so it may have been the machine . I was just really tired yesterday when i got home and slept till 7pm then went back to bed at 9pm and slept till 7am thankfully the baby let me sleep , those bronchs wear you out

    Do you have other people who have gone through the same surgery as you to talk and “compare”? One of my friend did (and had a kidney transplant too), and now she’s kickboxing with me! PM me if you want to talk with her; she’s also got inhaler therapist training (don’t know if that’s the right English term…).

    i talk to folks almost on a daily basis on Myspace and see one of them at our doctors every so often. I dont think kick boxing is in the near future for me they broke my sturnum durring surgery and i hear that takes at least a year to heal and even then it never fully mends back together .. The theropy thing i believe is called Respritory Theropy here 🙂

    in reply to: Ren Fair! #676616

    Shandi wrote:

    a wagon for your little one? it will serve well to hold the baby and the diaper bag. As well as any goodies you may buy.
    I have always wanted to work the Rennisance Festival here in Houston. I just haven’t had any luck finding a job. I’d love to Face Paint at a Faire I’ve been Facepainting professionally since I was 19. We moved here from Austin Texas and in Austin there is something going on every weekend and selling my art and facepainting was always easy. Here in Huffman Texas there is never anything going on! I haven’t been able to get a gig since I moved here 4 years ago.
    The drive to the Texas Ren. Faire is about 2 hours, so working isn’t that far to drive. I think I could even borrow a inlaws travel trailer to stay in.
    I’m rambling. I can’t post pictures yet when I can I’ll post pictures of my Elf costume.

    oh yeah the real partys stars when the public goes away . I was told the government ends where the castle doors stand , it is a wicked time there on a saturday and sunday night at the ol MD renn fest.

    Oh yeah my new renn faire costume came today 😀

    in reply to: Customizing – airbrush done, photos pg. 3 #679878

    i say do somthing like this

    in reply to: OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?! #645686

    in reply to: OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?! #645685

    in reply to: Happy St. Paddy's Day! #679977

    We’re having corned beef and cabbage for supper (it’s cooking now. It’s one of those all day things to cook) and then we’ll have green birthday cake because it’s my brother Edwards’ birthday (he the youngest of the six of us and all us kids wanted to name him ‘Patrick O’ Seanacy Marshall’ and our parents said NO!!!!!!!)

    twindragonsmum 😀

    im not Irish but i sure do like some cabbage and corned beef and potatoes , but Purpledoggy hates it even though she is supposed to have some irish in her , so we dont have it .. instead we had pizza 😛

    in reply to: Welcome Necron99!! #679353

    oh yes i forgot to put in the “not” hehe

    in reply to: Welcome Necron99!! #679347

    Thanks all , i’ll try to start too much trouble 😉

    in reply to: I believe in KARMA!! #679403

    Dragon Master wrote:

    I have ALWAYS believed in Karma. When things come back and bite people in the butt I just sit back and laugh!! Sort of like serves you right!! hehehe
    I still need to find the right Karma to win the Lotto/Lottery though!!

    If i have learned anything from TV you must be a jerk first , then you will win the lottery , but the condition is you must use a good amount of the winnings to right your wrongs … oh and you need to own an El Camino too

Viewing 15 posts - 886 through 900 (of 918 total)