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not to mention you’d have to carry a snow shovle with you every place to pick up those monster turds
Kyrin wrote:Bowhead Whale wrote:Bravery, maybe, but appeal, no. Actually, this is one of the ugliest pictures I’ve personnally never seen… 😡
After seing this, I need a little prettiness…
I never said this particular outfit was appealing…I agree that it isn’t. My initial comment on this photo was tongue in cheek to a certain extent, though Tim can be appealing in other attire, he looks really good in a three piece suit for instance.
Though overall I really like Tim, and putting him up as poster boy for severely unattractive was kinda mean…there is no way he can even come close to being as unattractive as Paul Ruebens, there is no topper for that guy, unless you post up the Golem from LoR.
Anyway, pretty is as pretty does, I personally prefer horses/unicorns if we’re going for pretty. 🙂
Paul Reubins is the man 😀 . he is getting PeeWees play house back on the air next year. He got the shaft getting his show tossed off the air , i mean what else do you do in a theater like that , im sure it was no business meeting. Besides what was a journalist doing in there any how checking out Paul… id sue under harassment 😛
We keep having this reoccuring problem in our community with teenagers going door to door begging for money to go to college on a daily basis. They knock on your door being obnoxtious telling you that they arent selling anything they are looking for donations and for such and such a donation you get free magazines .. hence they are selling crap magazines.
The first time i told the kid that i had to work 2 jobs to afford school . He told me that work was too much and he wanted other people to pay his way ..i slammed the door in his face .
Then today i see them walking around my block again ( purple just told one off two days ago) so i hatched an idea. I took off my shirt and waited for them to knock . Eventually they made it to my door . I opened the door topless so they could see my ginormus scar. He said wow buddy what happened to you , i repiled ” I tried selling magazines door to door” .. he promptly ran off my porch ..i hate other peoples kids especially when they want my money 😛
Dragon Master wrote:Yes GREAT picture
So what doe sthe Kinglet turn into?? I’m sure it’s bee asked before but I can’t remember is it the OW??
Kingn ad OW are both maleThey turn into this
for any one who likes the old street fighter game check this out
Shame Tom “crazy” Cruise runined her 😥