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  • in reply to: Texting while Driving #722075

    travistie wrote:

    Necron99 wrote:

    my mother does that texting and driving crap. she did it once while i was in the car, so i took it from her and tossed it in the glove box

    😆 Good thing you’re old enough to get away with that!

    she’s lucky i didnt toss it out the window 8)

    in reply to: Texting while Driving #722072

    my mother does that texting and driving crap. she did it once while i was in the car, so i took it from her and tossed it in the glove box

    in reply to: burnin off mad #722034

    i still keep my offer open to anyone who needs an overzelous civil war reenactor and his .70 cal Sharps to do a little peace keeping 😈 . When that is done i have an entire sharpened surgeons kit for … well i guess i dont have to spell it out now do I 😈

    in reply to: Do you like peaches? #714125

    i do like me a firm peach 😯 . I like apricots too seeing as how they have no fuzz on them 😯 . Now that your mind is crawling in the sewer with mine have a good day 😛

    seriously i do love peaches no matter how much a pound i get them

    in reply to: Amputation Update #721880

    nursing home rehab is a bad idea IMO . They have rehab centers in the hospitals where its clean and the nurses actually treat you better than in a home , if her insurance pays for that i would reconmend that route. The infection rate from a nursing home is crazy , the facilities are rarley clean, run by under payed under trained people who really dont give two craps about the people there. If you can talk to her doctor about inpaitient rehab its much safer . They wanted me to do Nursing Home rehab till my surgeon caught wind of it and scrapped because if infection risk that idea and went on a rampage .

    in reply to: Pet peeve #719512

    SPark wrote:

    So if any of you don’t know, I make costumes for a living. I specialize in mascots/fursuits. It’s been really rough this year, since luxury stuff like that is the first thing to go when people are feeling the pinch, but I’ve been coping. I love doing this, and I’m not going to give up on it if it’s at all possible.

    Anyhow, that’s not the point. That’s just the intro.

    Today I got an e-mail from a customer. He’s buying a basic costume set, fuzzy gloves, fuzzy slippers, a tail, and a set of ears on a headband. When we started discussing this I told him that ears cost $20.

    The e-mail says that he wanted to ask if the ears he was getting were the super-realistic ones mentioned on my website, the ones where I hair the ear rims individually, one hair at a time. Then he said that he assumed they were, for $20 but had just wanted to make sure!

    This is stupid, firstly, because the one place they’re mentioned on my web site is the place where I say doing a full costume to that level of detail costs several hundred extra. So why on earth would one assume that doing it on some random individual part doesn’t?

    But secondly, and this is the pet peeve, WHY on earth does he think that I’m going to spend most of a day placing hundreds and hundreds of individual fibers by hand for twenty flipping bucks?!

    And this kind of thing happens all the time! People look at my pricing, and they make snide comments about how I must really be rolling in the dough! ARGH! Yes, a full mascot suit is $1,200. Yes, I realize that’s a lot of money, but that suit takes me most of a month, and costs me $300-odd in supplies, so I am getting $900 for my entire month’s income, you dip and I have to LIVE on that! That isn’t money I get to spend on silly fluff, that’s the money I pay my rent with and buy food with and some months I barely have enough to do that! Of course most months I do a few plushes and a bunch of tails and so on, so I have a little more, but seriously I have never made more than around $1,500 a month. You just try living on that and see how well you do!


    That just drives me crazy and I hate it. I’m scraping along, practically dirt poor, and these people who HAVE hundreds of dollars to buy stupid frivolous stuff like costumes with sneer at me for how much I charge, because they don’t even take ten seconds to think about how much work goes into something like that!

    So that’s my pet peeve. What’s yours?

    i hear ya people make the most stupid assumptions about others wealth either to make them feel better of to make you feel crappy . My dim-witt brother inlaw says i must make a lot of coin on disabillity . It may seem like a lot for him seeing as how he is 30 yrs old and cutting lunch meat for a living but my mear 800 a month doesnt even start to cover my expeses , i spend 425 a month for meds and now my insurance is upping my copays to $40 each thats double so now my meds are going to completely take all my disabillity plus and extra 50 bucks i need to scroundge up

    in reply to: Who loves StarWars #706381

    Dragon87 wrote:

    I actually want to read the books sometime. I liked 4, 5, and 6 and want to see how close they got to the book. At least I’m pretty sure the book came first. My dad’s a sci-fi person and says he read the books before the movie came out, which is why they started with 4. :shrug: Could be wrong though.

    if you want to read a good SW book then check out Shadows of the Empire. It was written in the mid 90’s and ties together the events btween Empire and Jedi . Its really well written and puts some loose ends together like how Leia got her Bosch suit and how Luke got a new sword with no other Jedi around

    those are funny , ill have to find my old pics of me and my Doberman. I will also have to get a few shots of Hobo and Alyssa she pretty much man handles him like a drunken wrassler and he just lets her do it , we always give him an out for when he is done .

    in reply to: Tawillow's Turbo C. McTabby #721460

    sorry to hear your cat is so bad off , but you are being very responcible and humane to this for him. It sounds sick but i wish we could do this for humans too when the suffering gets unbearable

    in reply to: It's Caturday….again! 🙂 #700906

    i think animals have a knowledge of what a baby is and to be gentel.

    Hobo ( our cat) allows Alyssa to do things to him that he would tear me a new butt hole for . When i was ablut 2 or 3 i had a huge Dobermanthat would do that sort of thing to me and my sister nd never hurt us . She was really protecting us , i remember she wouldnt let a soul into the yard with us and all the rest of the block thought she was Satans dog , but to us she was our protector , i even have pictures of me riding her like a horse.

    I think the pics were funny , you shouldnt have taken them down IMO

    in reply to: Jokes and email sharing #600331

    i would have to carjack this guy


    Wide Load

    Suitable for drunk driving ???

    in reply to: Jokes and email sharing #600330

    after the fire dept can no longer afford to buy gas for the engines

    in reply to: little monsters #721247

    dragonmedley wrote:

    What the heck are you holding???

    its a .70 cal sharps rifle with a sword bayonet 😈

    in reply to: MySpace #720982

    I had one for Super Grover , i was trying to get him elected into the Presidency of the USA … i figure you should know right up front if a candidate has a hand up thier butts being controlled and he does.

    I then changed it to me when i started to under go my TX testing so i could keep every one i know in the loop.Just type in my last name to get in i keep it private from certain inlaws and people in my own family

    here it is if your interested in seeing me all hacked up or some of the famous people i have met the pics are on there ; there will be more pics this summer after the convention.. im
    going to meet

    Christopher Sarandon – Prince Humperdink from Princess Bride

    William Forsyth- Devil’s Rejects, Halloween (2007)

    Rowdy Roddy Piper – Former WWF Wrassler and 3 time golden glove winner , and occasional horror actor

    Bill Moseley – Texas Chainsaw Massiacre 2 , Devils Rejects and house of 1,000 corpses

    and a bunch of others at the horrorfind convention in August

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