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  • in reply to: MySpace #720990

    Maebnus3 wrote:

    You’ve got it right, Hoofer. If someone’s profile is set to private, you have to be added to their Friends list in order to actually see all of their profile and read their blogs. Otherwise you just see their basic location info and their default pic.

    Sweet, logic did prevail over my ignorance. 😎 Thank you Maebnus3.

    in reply to: Another question, then… #697264

    Old thread, but not really since it is still on the first page …. πŸ˜‰

    I was curious Emerald, what prompted you to close your eBay store? Time consumption, recent various eBay changes, bad experiences, etc.


    in reply to: WTF #719224

    Jennifer wrote:

    This is fun. Let’s do the ‘ask anyone’ thing all month!

    Sooo, what was with your thread (this one) title? Hmmm?

    ~Hoofer, asking πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Who's good at siggies? #720820

    Oh! How do you do that? Do you reduce it down to a specific pixel? And how about the Avatars? Is there a specific pixel requirement for a photo to become one? I have a few shots I’d love to try as an Avatar. I have a wonderful program for doing this with, I just have no clue how to do it, yet. 😎

    ~Hoofer, learning

    P.S. Muchos Gracias!

    in reply to: I'll be gone for a while #717596

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    Permission to copy that to my HD?!


    ~Hoofer, so wanting to send that to someone.

    Necron99 wrote:

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    😯 😯 😯 *yank!* Poor baby… Isn’t that the way most young teenage boys act? Like being in a swimming pool full of bikini clad teenage girls and young women? He just needs a little maturity… πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

    not only teenagers in pools , i have to be careful around Victorias secerate , even then us guys know the tricks to hide it 8)

    I luv/hate Victorias Secret during the big sales. I’ve never seen women act like that in my life, only in the black and white movies.

    Wait, you find women tug-O-waring brassieres and other delicates exciting? πŸ˜•

    Uh, umm, oh …. ferget I just asked that. πŸ˜†

    ~Hoofer, naive sometimes

    Phoenix wrote:

    I want to order some pictures from the show. My ponies are # 449, 450, and 451.
    I really like the picture of Frodo right before he got his ribbon, but I wish he was looking as good getting his ribbon πŸ™„

    I agree, TAS1159 is the shot. Even if you were to photoshop TAS1202, the stance just isn’t right.

    I guess I’m a bit different on the ribbon aspect, he won it, you have it, do you really need a shot with him and the ribbon in it?

    TAS1159 …. must have that neck in the shot …. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Who loves StarWars #706373

    Necron99 wrote:

    Why so pissy about it ,the plot is The Sith have kidnapped Jabba The Hutts son and try to blame it on the Jedi so the Jedi Coucil makes a pact with Jabba to save his son….. Who gives two giant frog turds about Jabbas son , Jabba was cool but 3rd rate by charactor standards ,

    Sounds Lame-O.

    Though now I’m kind of curious what a young Jabba would look like. πŸ˜‰

    I personally have no desire to continue the journey anymore. My vote is for the original trilogy and I’m on the fence about the second trilogy.

    I still don’t know why I torture myself with all the modern Godzilla movies. I adore the voice overs being out of sync! As a child, I just figured something was wrong with the hellavision. 😎

    ~Hoofer, yet again 😎

    in reply to: Who loves StarWars #706372

    khat7 wrote:

    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    I loved the original trilogy. Just picked up the Special Edition version. The new trilogy underwhelmed me, unfortunately. The cartoon series didn’t do anything for me either. Then I discovered “Lord of the Rings” and barely watch “Star Wars” anymore! πŸ˜†

    Yep. That’s pretty much where I’m at too. My sister and I used to sit up and watch the original three Star Wars each New Years eve. Now we watch LOTR’sπŸ˜†


    Trying to watch the entire LOTR’s trilogy is some VERY serious popcorn time! πŸ˜€

    ~Hoofer again

    in reply to: Who loves StarWars #706371

    Romeodanny wrote:

    The original trillogy…. I loved them. I had the original toys too. And the trading cards….

    I didn’t mind the next movie… but, I still love the original the best. I remember seeing it at the drive in. It was great. When we moved in to the “new house” when I was 4, my bedroom had starwars wallpaper. I loved it. Unfortunatly my parents didn’t. They changed it to this little boy and girl old fashioned Holly Hobby type wallpaper. I hated that wallpaper…..

    Ummm, ew!

    Why’d they go and do that?!

    I’m way to tomboyish to have had Holly Hobby anything.

    I <3 dirt. 😎


    in reply to: What is this?! What are you putting in my mouth! #721028

    Dragon87 wrote:

    There’s daggers in that stare! πŸ˜€

    I saw eyeball laser beams!

    ~Hoofer, ducking

    in reply to: MySpace #720974


    Does the private setting on a mySpace account mean that only the people invited/on your friend list would have viewable access to it?

    Errr, ok, I’m not sure even the above is accurate.

    Someone mind explaining to me how that works please?

    ~Hoofer, Internet ignorant

    in reply to: Death of a FORD TAURUS…55mph collision PIC HEAVY #721069

    Phoenix wrote:

    Wouldn’t the 300 have insurance? If so, it sucks for them, but they need to use it. That’s what it’s for.
    I never did understand why insurance companies were allowed to raise your rates for an accident that wasn’t your fault.
    But I have seen people who, though they follow the rules, just drive “different” and would be more prone to getting into accidents because they drive different than 99% of the people driving.
    It’s hard to explain.
    Good luck on everything!

    Or use your credit report to determine the rate. πŸ‘Ώ

    Very sorry to hear about your baby. I think we can all understand how attached we become to a faithful car. I’ve had 3, Ford Pharmont, Toyota Tercel and my current, Honda Accord. All were 4 banger, manual stick shifters and I swear, that stick has saved my derrier MANY times from collisions. Whether it was a deer or similar, an elderly person or just a plain ole idiot behind the wheel. We’ll see how the reflexes hold out as I age. πŸ˜†

    As for the insurance question, this state required uninsured motorist, so yes, it would automatically go to the person who did have the insurance. However, that is for this state and they’ve changed a few things recently, including adding in a mandatory hurricane coverage on a vehicle. WTheck? If a limb fell on my car in a high wind, I darn sure would not be calling my auto insurance company, which would essentially be giving them carte blanch to raise my rates.

    Since they would total it immediately if it was damaged even slightly, I choose not to carry collision on my own vehicle. They’d pay me a pitance for a car I consider irreplaceable. I don’t like anything newer than a 92, to many computerized things in it to go wrong. Plus they crinkle like tin foil.

    Hopefully you’ll find something that you can afford to replace the irreplaceable! And very glad to hear no one was seriously injured; pride never is included in that. 😎 It’ll work out, we’re all sending you lots of good vibes to assist you in this. Chin-up!


    in reply to: Up For Offers… #691988

    Wow, I really like what you did with that fade to black. Did you have to start at the top and work your way down? πŸ˜€ I’m a bit on the paint ignorant side of things. Unless it pertains to painting things like the inside of a house or say a barn. 😎


    in reply to: Star #719643

    Sounds like it was an absolute blast. A tinge of envy zigged through me as I read your condensed version. Visiting Biltmore had to be like icing on the cake. 😎

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