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So sorry about your horse. Last fall, I had to call the vet at 1:30 AM to come put my pony down, and it was so devastating. He was scheduled to come at 8:30 that morning, but I couldn’t stand to see him suffer one more minute. We tried everything; 2 different vets, shots, charcoal, walking, whipping (that about killed me) to try to get him up, but to no avail. The colic was too severe and irreversible. My poor son was traumatized, and had trouble in school for two weeks.
My critters have always been a part of my family, so I can sympathize with your pain. It should help to know that he is no longer suffering, and I like to think that my departed critters will all be waiting for me when it is my turn to go home. I can’t imagine Heaven without them.
I know it hurts so bad right now, but it will get a little better with time, I promise. Always hang on to your sweet memories, they help a lot.
I’ve been told I have a beagle nose, because I can detect stuff that most people can’t. I love the smell of my horses when they aren’t too filthy, puppy breath, and fruits and flowers are heavenly to me.
It is pretty neat sometimes, but can be awful too. The strong perfumes and creams tend to give me a headache; and don’t even get me started on cigarette smoke again! 👿
Quote:Fact is, smoking is peoples choice, so lets try not to be too down on them. Yes, it is a nasty habit but so long as they are only hurting themselves, lets leave them to it. My husband smokes and I do not consider him stupid. As for smoking around kids, that is horrible. Grown ups are supposed to PROTECT children, not help them into an early grave. Jerks. It makes me wonder if they are oblivious to the harm or if they just dont care. I agree with smoking areas and no smoking in buildings where people eat, work , etc… but there are considerate smokers out there who only harm themselves. We all know its dumb. We can only hope the ones we love can quit before its too late.
My hubby smokes too (he picked up the nasty little habit in the army in 1970), but he takes great pains to not smoke around anyone. He knows how I feel about it, and he is very considerate towards the kids and me.
My beef is with the inconsiderate clods who feel it is their right to smoke in places where other people are trying to breathe! I am very sensitive to the stuff (my throat gets sore, my eyes water and I cough incessantly), and no one seems to understand the discomfort I face!
I can’t tell you how many times I have been out in public and the smoke just seems to follow me wherever I go. Standing in line at horse events, at concerts, restaurants, wherever; I can’t escape!! 😯 I wish they had to sit and smell decomposing bodies or raw sewage until they understand what it is like for some of us!!!
My mother still doesn’t understand why I hate it so much. She would crack her window in the car (with me in the back seat) and tell me to shut up because there was no way I could smell it since it was going out the window! Our hubbies may not be stupid, but that sure was; dagnabbit!! 👿
Pant, pant, pant! Okay I am done for now. Thanks for letting me rant; it has been a terrible week for me.
My mother smoked in my face and in the car my entire childhood, and I am still angry and bitter about it!! 👿 👿 She still smokes, but has finally learned not to smoke in the house.
I don’t believe there are any words strong enough to express my loathing of cigarette smoke!! 👿
That mother should be strung up like a piñata and beaten! Poor innocent child never asked for that torture!!! Jumps off soap box and stomps off…
PM’d ya! 😀
March 10, 2008 at 4:24 pm in reply to: If you could choose a Production Secret Keeper color? #662562Quote:I don’t think rainbow should exist on an old warrior, yet we will probably be making those ugly things at some point, along with pink emperors, pink secret keepers, pink old warriors, rainbow lap dragons, and probably a huge swath of colors yet to be.
Coming in late here, but PINK!!!!!!!! 😯 😯
That would be so awesome!!! **swoons**
More hot pink than baby pink though…
Oh please, let it be someday!
Quote:Thank you! I have not really experienced married life since me and the hubby are separated. It does feel good to know that he is mine and we will be together again eventually.
How far away is he? Can you visit, or is he on a mission? Bummer that you can’t be together right now. 🙁
The man is pretty hateful from what I hear, so I doubt I would get very far witout a fight. The dragon is really in nice shape, so I figure he is worth what I paid for him. I know they aren’t going for much now on EBay, but maybe later the prices will be better. Oh well, I guess I can wait…
How’s married life treating ya, Ski? Huge congrats on that BTW!!!!! 😀
Well the rainbow emperor I just bought turned out to be a peacock, so now I have 4 of the beauties! 😯
Is anyone interested in a mint (except for a small chip on his underside that you can’t see unless you turn him over) peacock emperor? I would like to get at least $250.00 for him, or I would be willing to trade him for an emperor in another color. I already have the following colors of emps:
EmeraldAny other color (doesn’t have to be mint) would be great!
If I don’t get any bites here, I guess I will just have to try my luck on EvilBay sometime. Thanks for looking!
I love this thread!!!! Are there any more pics to post?
Where do you guys find this stuff??? 😆
Thanks GB! I am so excited to get another emp; I love that sculpt! 😀
I am also anxiously awaiting a ruby emperor that I bought on Ebay over a month ago. 😯
Hope things are going well for you over there!
Oooh, I’m so glad you started a new thread, because I probably would have missed this otherwise! 😯 PM’d ya about the emperor!
No email for the guy, he doesn’t even take Paypal or CC over the phone! I am sending him a Postal M.O. today for some dragons I wanted. He still has the lap and is expecting your call, so no need to feel like a weirdo! 😛
If I remember correctly, Ken at 570-286-2264, may have a ruby lap. It’s worth a try! Good luck!
Wow. So sad. I hope my speculation didn’t offend anyone, it was just that…speculation. I am glad that we at least have more information about grandma Maggie now. Did the shop keeper want the blanket and baby picture (and any other personal stuff) that was in there? I would imagine they would be treasured by somebody in the family.
I have a son named Tristan myself, so it is especially sad for me to hear that the blanket was discarded. I would be happy to have that blanket if I was a family member (I’m not saying I want it, just that it would mean a lot to me if it was my grandma’s). It would be nice for Tristan to have as a reminder of his loving gram that he could even pass down to his own kids someday.
::Sending love and soothing thoughts to any Forum members with ruffled feathers::
I hope I did not upset or offend anyone; it is never my intent to do so!
Man, I want to go and hug my Tristan now, but he is fast asleep at the moment (as his mother should be)! Night, all!